Status: Finished =)

I Have but Two Faces

Don't Roll Off the Edge

We drive for I don't know how long. I kinda spaced as I looked out the window, but took notice to nothing. My mind was too exhausted to think, yet I vaguely remember hearing the soft music playing and Luke possibly asking me questions or talking. It wasn't until the car stopped and Luke turned off the power that I came out of my haze. Looking around confused I asked, "Where are we?"
"Somewhere. Wait right here." He exited the car before I could say anything. While he was gone I finally took in my surroundings. It was getting dark, the sun was water coloring the sky, we were on a road with very little, but it did have trees and plants growing everywhere. Luke returned with a smile. "Here is yours." He handed me a cup of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with hot fudge on top. "And this one's mine, but please hold it while I drive." He passed me both ice creams and then buckled up and started driving again.
"Where are we going?" He merely smiled as a response. After about five minuted of driving he pulled off the main road and followed a dirt one. "And wha-la!" It was actually a really pretty place. There were no building in sight, just a blanket of growing green grass with wild flowers trying their best to grow. The scene was lit by the firery light of the setting sun. Luke got out and opened my door. "M'lady." He grinned as he helped me out of the car.
"You coulda taken the ice cream and let me get out myself." I smiled at him.
"What's the fun in that?" We sat on the hood of his car and ate our ice cream. It was a comfortable silence where the music was chirping of crickets, some birds still singing to one another, and us licking our desert. However, before long the distraction of eating faded once all that was left was a small puddle of vanilla and a full stomach. I placed the basically empty cup on the hood and brought my knees to my chest. Luke continued on his chocolate and vanilla soft serve; he was always a slow ice cream eater. He didn't say a word, knowing that when I was ready I would strike up the conversation.
It took me a while to be able to talk. By the time I spoke the sun had set and Luke flicked on his head lights. "Zane and dad got into another fight today." Luke plopped the last of his cone in his mouth and turned to listen. I didn't look at him, but kept my gaze at the dark scenery before me. "I don't even know what they were fighting about this time, but this time it got really heated. Zane finally snapped and it was a mess. He blurt out everything he's kept pent up over the last few months and he was so mad he even brought me into it just to hurt dad more. I know part of it was for my benefit since I'd never tell them how much stress this has put me through, but I also know he threw me in because he wanted to really hurt dad. He told dad everything. Exactly what we've been feeling and talked about since January. I know we needed to talk to them, but this was definitely not the way to do it. Zane ran as soon as he said everything... I can't take it anymore Luke. The stress, the tension, the yelling, the uncertainty, the worry... now I'm scared I'll freak and have an attack like I did today. My life is falling apart and I don't know what to do! What do I do?" My hands gripped the hair on the side of my head and I started breathing hard again. My breathing was becoming ragged.
"Sonya." Luke cooed. He stood before me and placed his hands on each side of my face and made me look at him. "Sonya, look at me. Everything is going to be alright. Why don't you talk to the school counselor about how you are feeling? He should be able to help at least point you in the right direction of whom to really talk to. And always remember your friends are here for you."
"Maybe. But I can't go home now, I... just can't." Tears crept over my bottom lids and slipped down my cheeks. I wiped my sleeve across my eyes, frustrated that I was once again crying.
"Don't do that, you'll only make it worse." Luke sat next to me, took my arms, and hugged me to his chest. With one of his thumbs he gently wiped a few tears away.
"What about my parents and Uncle Aidan!" I suddenly thought. It was pretty late and I never informed them I found Zane.
"Don't worry, I already talked to your uncle and told him about Zane and that you were with me."
"Oh." I listened to his heart beat steadily and calmed down. I loved the sound of heart beats, but I guess who doesn't. Apparently it is one of the most soothing sounds for a person since they grow up listening to it; from womb to sleeping. "Part of me was cheering on Zane as he yelled at dad. Zane brought up how dad just up and left us when mom got hurt. It was fine for a little while, but he abandoned us for over a month and forgot about being our dad. He completely forgot about us, Luke. You've seen him, he's so thin and frail looking. It makes me scared and paranoid that he'll just waste away if mom doesn't get better or something."
"You need to tell your parents how you feel, Son. I know it's hard to start that conversation, but it needs to be done. If you don't a repeat of today will happen and more stress will be put on your shoulders."
"I know." I whispered. *Why did all this have to happen with only two more months left of school?* We watched the dark landscape for a while longer and then left to go to Luke's house. We decided it would be best to sleep away from the house tonight. After a good night's sleep I should be able to face my parents... or at least I hoped so.
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I hope you aren't getting tired of heart to hearts since I've been doing them a lot lately, but I feel like in this situation they happen a lot. With only two months left I hope I can clear things up nicely before they graduate -_-' that's my goal anyway. See you next chapter.