‹ Prequel: Worldwide
Status: I <3 BOTDF!!!!




Alianna ran a hand threw her dark hair. She'd cut it short like it had been when she was Alice and died it all brown except for a single clump of her bangs which she died blue. It wasn't strait like it had been, but a light wave ran threw it. She wore blue skinny jeans and a white blouse. Dahvie was walking towards her now, having reached the tops of the cliff. Around his neck the stone heart hung. 

"Dahvie, I am so sorry" she whispered walking toward him. "I am so, so sorry"

"what for?" he asked with a slight frown.

"I lied to you, tricked you" she said wiping away the tear that had fallen down her cheek. "cheated on you. Words can't describe how sorry I am for this"

He didn't say anything, only looked at her with a steady, stone like gaze.

"but you don't remember any of it" she said with a small hiccup. "you probably don't even know who I am, or was"

"Alianna White" he said. "you disappeared after taking a necklace from the shop I use to work at"

"yeah that's me" she said looking down. He remembered Alianna, not Alice. "Alianna, Alianna white" 

"your hair is different" he said. "it looks a lot like this girl I use to know" she nodded not really paying attention at this point. He didn't remember her, just like Jayy said he would. 

"her name was Alice Blue" he continued, "she tricked me for nine months"

"yeah-wait what?" she gasped looking up. he was right there, standing in front of her. His hand out stretched to wipe away the tear that had fallen down her cheek. 

"its funny, I would call her my little blue star" he said twirling her blue hair around his finger. "blue is the color of trust you know"

"I know" she breathed looking up into his eyes. "and she tricked you, lied to you"

"cheated on me" he nodded tiling her chin up. "but I think I understand why now"

"you do?"

"Jayy is a very persuasive guy" he smirked slightly. "and when he offers you a choice between life and death... Its an easy choice to make"

"Dahvie I-" he stopped her. Pressing his finger to her lips and resting his forehead against hers. 

"I know, Alic- Alianna" he corrected himself. "I know" 

Her hands trembled as she reached up and held the stone heart. She reached around and unlatched it from his neck. "this necklace is hard to resist" she said as he cupped her cheek. 

"bad is always more apealing than good" he mused. "that's probably why I always had a crush on Alianna white"

"but it was Alice blue who captured your heart" she said. "you know, I never really liked Alianna, she was so superficial. I never really enjoyed being her." 

"who did you enjoy being?"

"Alice Blue" she smiled. "but I also enjoyed spending every waking moment of my life... With you, Dahvie. I can't imagin going on without you

"which brings me to my question" she sighed looking down at the heart in her hands. "what did you choose?"


"when Jayy offered you the choice between life and death, what did you choose" 

Dahvie laughed. "he didn't offer me that"

"what do you mean?" she asked with a frown. 

"he offered me the choice between living as a rock star or living as I did before our trip" he explained. "I only asked him one question when the offer was made"

Her chin trembled, "what was that?" 

"if I choose to be a rock star," he started, wiping away another fallen tear. "will I ever see you again" 

"and?" she asked looking down at his chin. 

"Jayy said no" he said. "if I joined the band I would never see you again. But if I choose to live as I had, I would see you everyday of my life" 

"he offered to cut me out or keep me in" she laughed once, a hard, strangled sound. "when do you leave?"

"what do you mean?"

"I know you Dahvie" she said turning away. "you hate me for what I did to you. You want to be as far away From me as possible"

"clearly you don't know me" he said pulling her body back to his. "because i choose to be with you Alice, my beautiful Blue star"

She spun around, "really?" 

"I told you, I love you" he said. "you wernt yourself when you did those things. And you tried to save me, I know that now."

"Dahvie!" she breathed throwing her arms around his neck. "I love you too, I will never hurt you again." he pulled back to smile before she jumped up and kissed him fearsly. 

"hold on one minuet" she said pulling back from him. She walked to the edge of the cliff before throwing the necklace over the edge, far away into the water. She turned around and smiled at Dahvie, just as the ground beneath her feet collapsed.