Long Live

Chapter 2

That son of a bitch. That ass. That that UGH. The elevator ride could not get any slower. I was dressed to impress, but it was only so I can seduce the little bastard into giving my list back. Who does he think he is taking my stuff? 10. I mean are you kidding? What balls.'8'. Ugh this elevator, it fucking flys when you wanna be late but goes slomo when you want to get out.'4' Did he read it? Of course he read it don't be an idiot.'3'. Does he know? That its a bucket list? Probably not. Then again..'2'.'1'.


I ran into the lobby ,my eyes darting everywhere until I heard his voice and I shot in its direction.

" You look stunning." I snorted and held out my hand. He laughed.

" Your not going to give me a chance are you?"

" Nope. Give it back." I shot back. His face faltered.

"would this change your mind?" He said taking my hand and dragging me to the front door. Two beautiful white stallions were hooked up to a black carrige. My eyes widened. And I coverd my mouth with my hands. I heard ben laugh from behind me and I looked to him as he shrugged.

" he paid me 50 bucks." I looked to james.

" What... is this?" I asked slowly. He shrugged and took my hand.

" I believe this is 7." He said leading me to the carrige stairs as the sun beat down on us. I inhaled sharply as he sat down next to me and we were off. " Romantic yes?" He reached and arm over my shoulder as I shrugged it off.

" so list. Can I have it back?" I said my hand thrusted in front of him. He frowned slightly.

" Not romantic? It has to be super romantic like on your list." He held up my list to the sun as I grabbed for it and someone ended up on his lap trying to get the damn thing. If the kemo didnt turn my brain to shit I would remember whats on the stupid thing. Giving up I shrugged down into my seat.

" So, whats this list for? Is it a to do list today?" He said examining next to me as I sank down in my seat further.

" Not exactly." I groaned leaning over the side of the carraige watching my refelction in Central parks pond. " Its stupid, like a bucketlist thing."

" I don't think its stupid. I kind of like that idea." HE said softly from in back of me. I slowly sat up and looked to him.

" So james, who are you? And how could you afford the cindarella carragie for over 20 mintues?" He smirked and pulled his leather jacket forward, whipping his hair to the side.

" James diamond. Big time rush." I mouthed oh. That boy band people rant about at her job. " I think im supposed to shoot you guys this week." James face went pale.

" Your doing what?" he whispered scooting away from me.I laughed and shook my head as my hair fell around my face.

" No I meant a photography shoot. I work for Teen Vouge." He smiled and pushed his hair back again. That was starting to get attractive.

" Oh, really? Are clothes optional?" He said as he moved in closer again.

" No. Come fully dressed."

" what if I don't? Do I get punished?" He smirked as I made a gag sound. " Well, then." he stated in a mocked hurt voice.

" So when do I get my list back." I said crossing my arms

" When you tell me what its for." He glared back and crossed his arms. Challenge accpeted Pretty boy.

" Or until we finish it." MY eyes went wide for a second as he clapped his hands and the carriage stopped. He hopped off and took my hand , helping me down. We somehow ended up in concert stage area of central park where " Big Time Rush" posters, shirts and memoriabilia littered trees and people walked back and forth with large amps and clipboards.

The 3 boys who were with james yesterday ran up to him.

" There you are. Gustavo is pissed as hell you weren't in bed this morning. He thought you were going to miss soundcheck and you remember what happened in london when that happened-and why are you here?" The one I rememembered as logan said in one breath. I pointed to myself and he nodded.

" I was kidnapped by him." I said gesturing to james who waved gleefully.

" Quick soundcheck then we're off !" I nodded as he dragged me to the back where I was decorated with an all acess pass. I turned away from the stage for two seconds before whippnig my head back around to see somewhat of 500 girls crowded around the stage. The boys soundchecked or whatever as I glanced around at there fans who started to scare me just a bit. But what it felt like to be worshiped like that. I would kill for that feeling. Every once in awhile in between songs, james would make eye contact with me. And there was this oddness in his features. Like a confused look that was trying to figure me out or deduce me like sherlock holmes. It was if he was trying to fix me, and yet he didn't really know what was broken.