Status: hello mate!i'm whoring some closeted writing eh,don't be a silent reader ..Temporary british xOxO

To Marry or Stay Married


Nell Channing McFee looked around the grand mansion that had been her home since she was twenty. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was doing the right thing. She stared at the beautiful gardens… it was spring and the flowers were in full bloom. She had many beautiful memories about that place. She had spent many happy moments with Bradley there.
She had promised herself that she wouldn’t cry. She had thought long and hard about what she had to do. She loved her husband so much… maybe too much. She sighed as she picked up the small duffel bag she had brought with her the first time they had gotten married. She loved Bradley but there was a limit to what a girl could do in the name of love.
She didn’t have a car so she walked along the snaking driveway not looking back. She wondered what Brad would think when he came back home from Chicago and find the house empty. She sighed again. Maybe he wouldn’t mind. Who knows it might not even hurt him. He might even be happy that she had taken the first step. She felt the tears burn in her throat but she had promised herself that she wouldn’t cry. She would be strong.
His mother, Clarisse… she shivered involuntarily. His mother would be back soon and she didn’t want to have a confrontation with her. So she quickened her pace. She had a flight to catch and she wanted to make as much distance as she could from the house as soon as possible. As she approached the gates the guards opened them without questioning her. She could taste freedom but she wasn’t even sure that it was what she wanted.
The cab was waiting for her. She got inside and closed that chapter of her life. “To the airport.” She said and sighed again.
The cab driver looked at the beautiful woman who was occupying the back seat of his car. He had never seen anything quite so perfect. She had a long mass of curling red hair… her eyes were so green it was like looking at a leaf on a rainy day. Her rosy lips were full and unpainted. But there was something more than beauty that made someone look twice. She had a haunted expression. She looked like a person who has known pain for far too long. He also sighed cursing the man who had kept the shadows under her eyes then he started driving.
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There begins it....
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