Status: For the Scottish/British slang, Definitions are in the author's note :)

Polar Opposites


“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! Savannah, have you seen me blasted wand?! I can’t find the wanker anywhere!” I heard her laugh come from the bathroom that connected our two rooms. Her feet patted on the wood as she stood behind me.

“You left it in the washroom.” She said as she put my wand in my face.

“Oh thank you, wonderful twin of mines. You are doss; pure doss.” She laughed again and headed back into the bathroom while I continued to chuck things into my trunk.

“Savannah! Blaire! We’re leaving in five minutes!” I groaned loudly and continued to shove everything I could into my trunk.

“Told you to pack up last night, instead of getting melted with the tats, you tube.”

“Shut it, ya boot!” I exclaimed back to her as I finally closed my trunk and sealed the latch.

“We look the same.” She sang in a sing song voice as she went back into her room. I could hear her dragging her trunk down the steps as I sighed, looking around and flicking my wand so my room would clean itself up. It’s not illegal to use magic while being underage in Scotland.

After tossing my things down the stairs and hopped down each one and looked around the small foyer. I was going to miss this place…slightly.

“Yer ready Blaire?” My pa asked me. I nodded and grabbed my things. He held onto my hand, closed his eyes tightly, and apparated. I stumbled as we landed, my ma and sister popping in a few seconds later. It was a short walk to the train station and once inside, my parents lead us to a pillar between platforms nine and ten.

“Now, girls, yer must run in-between platform nine and ten to get to platform nine and three quarters. Who wants to go first?” I walked ahead of Savannah and sprinted, with my cart, between the walls. My cat, Puma, shirked as we went through the brick pillar. I felt a tingling sensation on my skin, before my ears were bombarded with the sound of people talking, laughing, and the sound of a train engine. I walked a little way down before stopping and waiting on my sister. She appeared next to me, my mother and father in tow.

“Oh my babies. I’m going to miss teaching yer this year.” My ma said, her eyes wet with tears. Savannah hugged her while I stood there awkwardly. I was never the one for physical contact…unless it was from a male. Savannah and my mom pulled away from each other and she pulled me into a soft hug.

“Watch out for your sister, aye.” I nodded and pulled away from her, hugging my dad briefly before taking the things from my cart and heading onto the train. Savannah followed behind me as I made my journey down the aisle to find an empty compartment. Finally, I found one in the middle of the train and sat down.

“Are yer excited?” Savannah asked as she sat across from me. I shrugged my shoulders, and opened my mouth to answer her when the door slid open.

“Uhh…‘Ello. I was wondering if my mates and I could sit with you. All the other compartments are full.” A guy with brown hair and green eyes spoke. Before I could tell him no, Savannah spoke.

“Sure. The more the merrier.” After he walked into the room, another guy walked in followed by a girl. The brown haired guy sat down next to my sister while the other guy, who was a red head with a little pudge, and their other friend, who was a bushy headed, slightly mousey looking girl, sat on my side. An awkward silence consumed the compartment before Savannah spoke up.

“Hello. My name is Savannah…and you all are.” The busy headed mouse girl spoke up first.

“I’m Hermione Granger; the ginger sitting next to me is Ronald Weasly-”

“Call me Ron.” He interrupted her. She elbowed him in the ribs which made him exclaim in pain.

“The bloody hell was that for?!”

“For interrupting me. Anyway, the guy sitting next to you Savannah is Harry Potter.” Her head snapped to him and her eyes were wide. I just sat there, generally not caring.

“Whoa. So you’re the famous Harry Potter.” She said in amazement. I rolled my eyes as he blushed slightly and nodded. Hermione cut her off before she could embarrass herself any more. She turned to me and asked, “And you are?”

“Blaire.” I stated simply. She nodded, confused by my coldness and sat back.

“No need to be rude, Blaire. We’re just making introductions.” Savannah looked at me, shaking her head slightly as to tell me to bite my tongue. She should know, I never bite my tongue.

“I was never being rude, Granger. If anyone is being rude here it’s you.” I snapped, glaring straight into her face. She put on a fake smile saying, “Sorry if I was rude.” Her eyes told me a completely different story so I cackled lightly.

“No need to lie, Granger. If you’re not sorry, don’t say it.” I also put on a fake smile and sat back into my seat. Savannah was staring at me with a disappointed look on her face.

“What?” I questioned her, raising my eyebrow. She shook her head and looked away.

“Seriously Savannah, if you want to say something, just say it.” She sighed and looked back up at me.

“You leave bad first impressions.” She muttered. I smiled at her while standing up.

“Well, my first impressions are how I am. If someone doesn’t like me, fuck them. Now, I’m leaving. I couldn’t be bothered with know it all’s.” I said, looking pointedly at Granger. She glared back at me. I smirked and left the compartment, venturing down the aisle.

“Well, hello there.” I turned around to see a blonde haired guy leaning on the wall. I looked him up and down, taking in his appearance. His blonde hair was slicked back, his silk green shirt had the first few buttons undone, showing off his chiseled chest. His black slacks were loose enough to be comfortable but tight enough to see the shape of his legs and he had on black and green dress shoes. My eyes flicked back to his face, where a sexy smirk laid on his lips, and his stormy grey eyes bore into my green ones.

“Hello.” I said back to him. He got up from the wall and walked over to me. Holding out his hand, he said “I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.” His eyes were still connecting to mines as I introduced myself.

“I’m MacAdie, Blaire MacAdie.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Blaire.”

“The pleasure is all mines, Draco.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Blasted - damn, fucking
Wanker - idiot, stupid
Doss - brilliant, good
Melted - Drunk
Tats - Absent minded women
Tube - idiot, fool
Boot - Ugly woman

The first chapter of Polar Opposites. What do you think? ;D
This is seriously the longest chapter I have ever written in my life lol 1,137 words!
Leave your feedback, loves (: