Used and Abused

Chapter One:

My father James - called "Jimmy" - slammed the front door, leaving me and my sister Leann cowering in the corner of our lavender-walled bedroom.

"Are you okay, Lara?" Leann asked. She always worried about me.

"I'm okay, Leann," I lied. Jimmy had slapped me and punched me in my arm and stomach. I had bruises on my arms and legs from trying to defend myself, from how he reacted when I did. "Are you?"

She shook her head, "Why does he do this to us, Lara?"

"I don't know, Lee," I answered her, "I don't know."

"What are we going to do?"

"Lee," I brushed her brown hair behind her ear, "I don't know."

"Let's go out," she said.


"I don't know..." Her bottom lip trembled. "I want to get out of here!" she shouted. A tear fell from her eye. Then she put her hands up to her face and cried.

I wrapped my arms around her, and rested my chin on top of her head. "Shhh, shhh..." I tried to calm her. "Okay, okay, we can go out," I said softly. "Let's at least try to look decent," I smiled weakly.

"Yeah," she said, "you look pretty bad, Larry."

She always called me Larry to try to lighten the mood.

I chuckled then stood up, letting go of her. I put my hand out, and she grabbed it. I pulled her up.

I threw a turquoise beanie over my very messy, wavy light brown hair. It was a little past the front of my shoulders. I changed into a black t-shirt that had the name of a band on it. Underneath the band's name was what looked like a pretty fucked up unicorn. I changed from my basketball shorts to dark blue skinny jeans that had a hole in the left knee and right shin and thigh, from when I tried to run from my dad.

... I had tripped and he had dragged me back to our home as I screamed and shouted.

Leann had changed into a red t-shirt that had the Tapout logo on it. She had white jeans on with a golden jacket.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready," she confirmed. She grabbed my hand.

I tried to smile, and we left the house.