One Day at Vickers Park

Only one chapter needed.

Flashbacks of buried memories surface again.
Old time I remember of me and my far away friend.
Memories scattered all over, here and there.
There's no ground we haven't covered we've been everywhere.

I remember the time under the tree. She and I escaped the hot rays from the sun in the blue sky. We noticed the couple accross the street. We seen them before, but today was different. Their voices didn't reach our curious ears, but their gestures made it clear what was going on. This certain day, there was no hugging, no small pecks, only distance. Finally, the girl started down the street. She did not look back, but he watched her walk away. He sat on the steps outside his front door. His hands in his hair, his face looking down. By then, she was gone.

Everything seemed quiet the whole time it happened. The sity noises came rushing back when it was through. The wind rustled the green leaves above us, as the sun peeked through the tree.

I looked to the familiar face sitting beside me. A smile grew on our faces. "Big loser," she teased, and laughter soared through the air. We were continuing our day of smiles while they started their day of frowns.

There are footprints pressed in the snow, they are lightly covered with freshly fallen snowflakes.
Sleeping trees surround me, waiting until spring to awake.