Status: Updates will be SLOW but she's ACTIVE

Amor Vicissitudine

Quadraginta Unius.

When we got home Tony passed out on the couch and I stormed my way through the house, looking for Jaime. Austin was still driving home, on the request by me that he stop and get some food for us at some fast food chain. Knowing him it was probably In and Out,

"JAIME!" I shouted as I swung his door open, it slamming against the wall.

He was in bed with some girl but I really didn't care. I needed to take care of this right now,

"Come back later." He threw something at me in an attempt to get me to go away,

"No, you tell your little girlfriend to go home. I need to talk to you right. Fucking. Now." He groaned as I slammed the door behind myself, storming down to the studio where I sat at his piano and crossed my ankles under the chair, wiggling my foot angrily.

I looked around at the familiarly padded walls and the carpeted floors and doorway. There was a couch against the back wall and next to it was a variety of CD's he'd collected over the years that included everything from demos to what little they had on the album him Tony Mike and Vic were writing.

They were going to be touring soon. That'd be hard on me. And the baby. Having the stress of not having Tony around.

And if the baby comes and he isn't there for that; I'll be crushed. They better delay the tour for a little while.

As I waited the door to the studio opened and Jaime came in, looking a little less then pleased that I interrupted him and his little slut.

"What do you want." Jaime snapped at me as I crossed my arms over my large stomach, chewing on my lip, annoyed at him,

"Why didn't you keep track of Tony?" Not a beat was missed when speaking to him about this. He should have made sure he didn't do anything stupid! Like getting drunk! "Jaime you had ONE job while Austin and I were shopping for the wedding dress!" I hoped to god Tony really was passed out.

"I'm sorry! Okay?!" He started to get defensive, crossing his arms as a type of guard. "Did you want me breathing down his neck the entire night? Geez! He's a whole half a decade older than you! He's not a little kid I can't be making sure he doesn't stick his fingers into every cookie jar at the bar!"

"No, pero puede asegurarse que no volver a hablarle a su ex-novia!" I started to shout at him, knowing Tony wouldn't be able to understand me, even if he was sober, "Olvidé si te dijera pero recuerde que él va a ser a casar! Él no va a tener tiempo para estar saliendo y emborrachándose con usted! Si lo hace, yo lo voy dejar!" At this Jaime's eyes had grown wide. He had forgotten that I was going to propose to Tony, "Don't you want Alexa to live in a better family than we did? Please don't let him leave or do anything stupid." I started to break, my eyes began to water and my voice became caught in my throat. "I-I'm sorry." I shook my head and continued, "I just. I want her to be a better person than I am. I-I want her t-to make better decisions. I want her to be better..." My voice trailed off as Jaime grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Sicily. you're okay. You just have to let him ease into this, okay? Alexa is going to be great. No one could ever be better than you, okay?" He was whispering in my cheek, rubbing my back softly. God I hate having these fucking hormones dominating my body.

"I got In 'n' Out!" Austin came into the house shouting and slamming the door behind him.

"You'll be fine, Alexa will be fine. Everything will be fine. Okay?" I answered Jaime's question with a nod and went out to the living room to get our dinner from Austin.

"Thank you Austin, for the food. You can stay in the studio tonight, if you like." He nodded and we all went back to eating our food. Something started to brew in the pit of my stomach that just didn't feel right.
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but here it is c: i hope you enjoyed! comments would be fantaaabuloooouuuusss~
much love guys! <3