Status: Updates will be SLOW but she's ACTIVE

Amor Vicissitudine

Quadraginta Tersi.

The sun was setting, painting the sky a brilliant array of pink yellow and gold. It was perfect. In my purse I had the box that had the very special items in it. I didn't know what he would say. But he set this up. I was terribly angry at him the night before and all of this morning, even though he wasn't awake for the good half of the time that I was angry at him. It doesn't matter though. I can't stay mad at him, no matter how stupid he gets, I mean he's my everything and the father of my daughter.

My heart began beating wildly in my chest as I thought about what I was going to do. We were now in line at Boomers to get on the Ferris Wheel, which I was amazed was working in late winter. But it was perfect for this. My breath became caught in my throat as I clutched my bag and tickets in my hand. A chilled wind was sent swirling around us, making my hair spin and tumble in its icy caress. I shivered softly and gasped slightly. Tony put his arm over my shoulders, trying to keep me from getting too cold. I smiled and looked up at him, nearly getting lost in his big brown eyes. God, he was so perfect.

"You're not too cold are you?" His voice was soft as he gazed back at me. I shook my head and chuckled, my heart beating even more wildly against my ribs. "No, I'm fine." There was a twitch inside my stomach and then a sudden feeling of pressure on my hips. Not anything I didn't expect. I was late in my term and Alex had been moving downward the past week or so. She was just itching to get out of there. And we were all itching just as badly to meet her! I laughed and took Tony's hand, placing it on my stomach, hoping he'd feel Alex move and twitch beneath the surface, "She's dying to meet you." He laughed back at me and kissed my cheek, rubbing his thumb softly over the- very, very- large bump that was our daughter, "I can't wait to meet her."

I laughed and my heart skipped a beat. Oh my god, I'm actually doing this. I took a deep breath as one of the carriages came to the bottom and the people got out, stepping gingerly onto the mat and then off to the side so Tony and I could get on. When I approached the carriage the woman operating it helped me up and held it as steadily as she could. "Thank you." I spoke quietly and she welcomed me kindly. She seemed like one of those cheery old women who had retired but did this kind of thing because she couldn't stand not having human interaction.She was sweet and little with grey hair and nearly grey eyes.

Once I was safely inside Tony joined me, sitting across from me and putting a hand on my knee. I smiled sheepishly and looked off to the side, my heart beating even faster. 'Oh God, what if he says no?' 'Don't be stupid! Of course he won't say no!' I sighed and we began our journey to the top of the great spinning wheel.

It was a short while before the Ferris Wheel was moving and was starting on its third or fourth rotation. We were nearing the time at which it began to slow and stop and I waited until we were stuck at the top to do it.

My heart was beating wildly in my chest as I got down on the floor, one knee holding myself up off the ground. Tony kind of looked at me like I was nuts, his already huge brown orbs growing by nearly a size and a half. "Sicily, are you okay?" I reached into my bag and pulled out the box that had the rings and the custom sign on it. On the inside I'd made a sign that had a treble clef and a bass clef. It was the perfect representation of us. He was bass, I was treble, and Alex was our overtones. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to ask him, opening the box and saying those fateful words; "Tony, will you be the harmony to my melody?" I opened the box to reveal the matching silver and gold rings. Mine had a small diamond in it and Tony's had a swirl of diamonds inlaid in the harder than steel ring. My heart beat even more wildly as he just stared at me, his eyes three times as wide as before and his mouth agape with astonishment. I waited a few seconds before speaking up, "Tony?" I looked at him and began to close the box when he grabbed both sides of my face and slamming my lips into his. "Yes." He spoke against the kiss and my heart skipped a beat. My face became cold but was suddenly rushed with heat as my cheeks flushed and my eyes began to water.

Oh my God. I'm getting MARRIED!

I pulled myself away from Tony and slipped his ring onto his finger, I don't care if he can't wear it regularly he can have it around his neck.

The rest of the ride down he and I both had our hands interlaced and we were staring at the rings. They looked so perfect on our hands. They looked like they were meant to be there. Half way through reaching the bottom there was another little kick on my stomach and then something felt like it was bursting. Oh no, that can't be good.

The blood drained from my face as I realized what had happened. "Tony." I paused and squeezed his hand, "My water just broke." And with that the happy go-lucky look on his face was gone.
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