Status: An idea I've had for a while now. Please give me feedback :)

If You Dare

They're Really Back...

I slept soundly in his arms... Until I was woken up by Tepes growling loudly. Mason and I both shot up. I heard Tepes in my head, It's them! The ones that killed Mina and Dracul! My heart stopped in my chest. It really was them... They were really back for me.

I heard a loud male scream, Uncle Rex. There was the sound of a struggle, and Rex's screams were silenced. I gripped Mason's arm and started hyperventilating. I grabbed at my hair with my other hand and muttered, "We have to get out. We have to get out!" Tepes started to shake slightly and grew in size, becoming a wolverine. He motioned for us to go out of the window, but I couldn't move. They killed Mama and Papa. I walked into my bathroom and ripped the faucet off with one hand. They were going to pay.

My door flies open and Mason screams, attempting to grab me and pull me out. I see the first man and run at him. I jam the faucet into his throat, everything becoming red with my rage.

I see Tepes jump at another man. The next thing I know, my arms are grabbed from behind. But it's not the type of grip I would expect from a killer. It's Mason. I feel him pull me and go. I look at my hands and see the man's blood on them.

I'm horrified, yet excited at the same time. Mason pulls me out through the window, saying something I don't hear. I stop just outside of the window. Something doesn't feel right. I turn and see Tepes, human once again. He's being held by the throat, a knife thrust into his stomach.

"No!!!! Tepes!!!" I shriek, jumping back into the house.

He shakes his head slightly. "No, Lexa. Get away while you can," he chokes out.

I shake my head and run over to them, kicking the man off of him. "Tepes, you're all I have!"

He struggles feebly against me and whispers, "No, you have to worry about the boy. He's a target now, too. So is his family. I promised I'd protect you."

I shake my head again, until I feel a grip on my arm. I turn and see another menacing man. He's holding a gun, pointing it at my head. "No!" I hear Mason scream. I smack his hand just in time, making him shoot the ceiling. I shove Tepes put of the window and look Mason dead in the eye.

"I don't care what happens to me. You both get out of here and save your family," I shout as I hear more men coming.

He pulls Tepes up and shakes his head. "I'm not leaving without you! Tepes said he promised he'd protect you, and now that's my goal too!" he yells.

I glance back and jump out of the window. "Run! Get to the car!" I scream.

I hear a loud laugh as we take off. "The little girl will be dead by the time you reach her!" it yells.
♠ ♠ ♠
*le gasp* :O