Status: An idea I've had for a while now. Please give me feedback :)

If You Dare


As we walked through the dark tunnel, I could practically smell a sewer system not far beneath us.

Ella has been clinging to Mason desperately. It's... interesting, how close they are. But I won't say anything. I can't say anything. I'd probably start to break down if I so much as open my mouth.

The entire walk is so awkward, so silent.

After twenty minutes of walking through the tunnels, there's a dim light above a small staircase.

I glance over at Mason and nod slightly, signaling that we're going up.

The moment I open the door, someone grabs me into a tight hug. I have no idea who it is but the grip and the smell are so familiar.

"Thank God, you made it! I was so worried!" says the voice from my dream.

Steven. Steven is right here. Right here hugging me.

I try to make words, but it seems impossible. Literally. I'm moving my mouth, but nothing is coming out of it. I feel like I'm about to blow up!

"Alex, are you okay?" Mason asks.

Things become way too much as soon as I hear my mother's voice ask, "Lexa?"

Steven pulls away from me and gives me this look that says we'll talk later. As soon as he does, I'm bombarded with greetings and hugs from loved ones that I've supposedly lost or have moved away.

I can't repress anything anymore.

"I have to use the bathroom," I say, avoiding eye contact.

"There's one right over there," says one of the many voices.

Not bothering to hide anything, I shove through and run over to the door, closing it and dropping against the wall.

I cover my mouth and sob quietly, making sure it's muffled. I can't let myself get loud, even if that's the only thing that could help me right now. After about five minutes, things outside of the door quiet down and I close my eyes, shaking. I hear the bathroom door crack open.

"Alexandreina," I hear someone whisper, not paying attention to who it is.

The door is closed and I'm wrapped in someone's arms. I don't care who this is, I bury my face in their shoulder and let out a quiet sob.

"Let it all out."

And I'm suddenly a hundred times louder, shaking with tears rolling down my cheeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, it's short, but it exists XDDDD And someone has fucked shit up!