Status: An idea I've had for a while now. Please give me feedback :)

If You Dare


When we walk into what I guess is my parents' room, Ella is already in there, sitting on the bed.

She looks at me. "Where did Mason go?" she asks, her face looking hurt, and then even more so when she sees Steven's arm around my waist.

Then I see the face that I'd been to upset to talk to earlier. My mama.

"Lexa," she says, a wide smile on her face.

"Mama!" I run over and throw my arms around her.

"We can talk later. Right now, it's about the boy you came her with, Mason," she says, running her fingers through my hair and kissing my forehead.

Steven looks over at Ella, his face looking sad.

"What about him?" I ask.

My dad walks into the room and says, "He was spotted with a girl who we've had our eye on for some time now. Scarlet, or as she calls herself, 'Scar'."

I furrow my eyebrows.

Steven, to my surprise, starts speaking in Romanian, probably in hopes of hiding the conversation from Ella. "Scarlet? The one who killed Justin?"

My father nods and replies in the same language, "Yes. We need to get people out there to get him away from her and bring him back here."

My mother nods.

I look at Steven and ask, "When did you learn to speak Romanian?" in the language.

"Some time over the year. I wanted to be able to speak it for you," he says with a smile. Ella looks confused and I see her glance behind her at the open window.

"Why did Mason leave?" she asks, staring at it.

I open my mouth, but no words come out. What should I say?

She hops up and runs towards the open window, jumping out.

"No!" I scream, running too the window. The fall wasn't enough to kill her, thank God, but she's not moving and she's bleeding... A lot.

Steven is already out of the room, trying to get to the ground in time.

"Go get her and bring her in for the doctors! We'll have them ready!" my father yells, and I nod, bolting out of the room.

By the time I reach outside, Steven is screaming and telling Ella to wake up. The blood is pooling around her. "Steven, we have to get her inside!"

He nods and lifts her, trying to be gentle but still frantic.

I was supposed to protect her.
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