Status: An idea I've had for a while now. Please give me feedback :)

If You Dare

Who Knew My Brother Would Be A Bully

There I sat, with a bloody nose...and lip, throbbing hand,fucked up knee,dislocated shoulder and a harash glare at the two....In my count it was worth it.
Who knew now my brother was the bully that beat the shit outta me.

So alright Ill explain since we probably wont get anywhere without one.

I had woken up from my sleep. I was still like I was when I had passed out. Pushing my self up wobbly and streaching my legs since they had been stiff. I looked down at her and sighed.

She hadnt moved it seemed and it was really tourcering me. I wanted to know she was alright and she would surivive.
Running my hand through my hair pushing it from my view.

I herd the door knob turn, my eyes flickered to the door, waiting to see who else was to pop in and bring up my emotions and rage. The rage more powerful when emotions right now. The door pushed open slightly and Steven walked in.

My dull eyes instantly narrowed at my so called brother. "what do you want?" I growled at him as he raised his hands in a surrending motion or I-mean-no-harm, I rolled my eyes, keeping my gaze upon him now.

"I wanted to talk to you"

"well I surely dont want to talk to you so go run off and fuck poor innocent Alex" I snapped grinding my teeth together as I saw his fists ball up. His temper was still the same thats for sure.

"Mason, knock it off! I dont want to play these stupid games, I just want to talk to you"

"Like I said, I.Dont.Want.To.Talk.To.You" I bit my lip from snapping. Almost to the point of causing blood

"Just hear me out ok? please?" He didnt let me respond. Typical.

"Look I did it to protect you and Ella, Im sorry and the guilt eats at me for leaving you but Ihad to"

"you had to? Or you wanted to?" You could clearly see the rage shoot in my eyes

"and you werent protecting me and Ella...because we just ended up hurt from you,our parents,people at school....oh wait...that wasnt her..that was me! and now your just some heartless bastard! Not to mention your little girl toy or anything but shes one to. I was the fucking idiot to pour myself to her after I woke up being a bloody pulp in the forest. I told her basically everything....and that was the second WORST mistake I've ever made..."

Steven stared at me for a minute, just staredd. Hm...lose of words I assume. "whats the first?" He muttered loud enough, yep thats him. Questions a lot of things that he shouldnt

"Trusting you when you said you would always be there for me and Ella. Listening to you make promises to us that you didnt fulfill. Your lucky she hasnt figured out who you are, she would be just as pissed as soon as her arms went around you for a hug. Her emotions died when she found out you left even if she were young. She bearly did anything for a week straight. I was going to take her to the hospital because of it, so dont be surprised if im the only Faulkner upset with you"

The rage was getting the better of me now, I let it though. My emotions were all jacked up and it was eaither going to kill me or kill someone.
I lugged at him not caring. I punched him straight in the jaw, hoping I busted it some how. I dont know. I couldve taken the chance of killing him by punching him in his nose...What stisfactory would that give me? Watching my words eat him alive like a bunch of maggots on a dead body.

A groan errupted from his throat and he grabbed my wrists. Throwing me into a wall. I hit the back of my head and busted up my shoulder. I could feel it. I slid down the wall. Ive never been a fighter, unless well this happened then I was willing to fight to release my anger

Steven worked his way over to my, throwing a punch into my stomach knocking the window out of me. I coughed violently tasting a small bit of blood. Either from him punching me or from my lip where I had ripped the flesh when he had thrown me into the wall.

The next place was a hit to my nose and jaw. Causing me to spit up some blood. "Its sad to see my own brothers a bully to me now. I told you, you were a heartless guy" I muttered and winced when my jaw moved.

I nailed another punch to his neck just gaining me a fourth punch to my temple making me see spots. I blinked a couple of times. Steven walked to the door when someone had knocked. "they want to see you" He growled at me. I narrowed my dull eyes again, even though it hurt my head.

It took me a minute or two to pull myself up off the ground. I herd a snicker from Steven and he walked out. I limped behind him, couple feet from him. Keeping my gaze upon the floor.

I've already figured out Im not wanted here so I just let it slid. I really dont honestly care anymore.
I didnt look at Alex, knowing I would shoot her a death glare if I did, along with another one to Steven.

My head was throbbing from the massive headache I had gained from the douche. I looked up at Alex's dad and shrugged lightly. Basically saying "i guess". I took the tissues just for the sake of I didnt want to taste anymore of my own blood then I should. I put it to my nose "okay" I muttered and went further into the room.

I could hear them outside the door. I shot a glare at it, I could only clench one fist because my other hand hurt like a son of a bitch!

So once again...Here is where the story now leads to me sitting across from her dad, my eyes glued to the floor and tissues glued to my nose. A lot of wincing from myself going on.

I knew her dad hadnt liked me, just from the gaze I was feeling and first instints. I wouldnt like myself either if we had attacked him for no cause.

"I wont beat around the bush for you Mason. You cant be around Scarlett" He stated.

Oh how I felt the rage coming back, but he was alot stronger and more powerful then I was. I could clearly tell, and I would have no match against him.

"I dont care what side she's on. I wouldnt be stupid enough to lead some stranger-or in this case the 'enimey'- back here. I do have intellegence" I muttered

"I never said you were stupid but yes she in the enimey and you cant be around her. It would cause a big threat to the both of us"

" brother causes a threat to me now, as does your daughter. Physically and Emotionally pained right now from both of them. I dont know you nor do I know what you've been through. Im not trying to cause disrespect but its true. It's been a while since Ive really been happy and I was stupid enough to believe some girl I had just met liked me more then a friend or a target. Im navie when it comes to these things. You and your wife. Oviously you guys are happy together, you seem happy together. You have a daughter who in all means is amazing no matter what shes put me through. I dont have parents who love me or my sister, they could honestly careless about me, but more about my sister. Scarlett seemed to be the only on to bring my mind off everything just for a short period. I just wanted a friend at this point, I didnt have alot of those growing up and I still dont."

I looked at him

"not trying to pity you sir, im only speaking the truth...I only came back because of Ella. If it hadnt been her hurt I wouldve stayed at the park with Scar. Ella's all I have left in my life, she's kept me grounded from doing something stupid" I stod up

"So if you please excuse me. I would rather go back to her bed side incase she wakes up. I need to apologize to her" I opened the door and walked out into the hall. Ignoring the whole intangled teens on the floor. I went back to the room I had just been beaten to a pulp in.

I didnt want to cause disrespect. As much as I was angry he had done nothing wrong. So there wasnt anything in my side to snap at him. It was the truth,

I couldnt sit on my knees right now, the throbbing in my knees hurt as did my shoulder-which I had pushed back in the socket- and I didnt want to move much.

I pulled a chair from the corner over and slumped in it. Going back to watching her.
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ehe im proud of this chapter ^-^