Status: An idea I've had for a while now. Please give me feedback :)

If You Dare


Steven and I leave the room after that.

I understand why Mason pushed me away. I won't hold it against him. I just wish he hadn't and that he would give me time to explain things to him and actually listen to me.

As soon as Steven and I reach my room, he slams the door shut and locks it, pressing me against the door.

"What are you doing?" I ask, tired.

He gives me this weird looking glare thing, but it's rather sexy. "I said you were gonna get it later," he growls in my ear. "It's later."

"Steven, I'm really ti-" but he shuts me up with a kiss, his tongue worming into my mouth.

"You're mine, Lex," he says with a devilish smile.

I stick my lip out in a pout and whine, making puppy eyes. "Please, let me rest. Then you can do whatever you want," I beg, my gaze obviously getting to him.

Sighing, he loosens his grip on me. "Fine. But I get to hold you while you sleep," he says, brushing my hair from my face.

With a small laugh, I walk over to the bed and lie down, closing my eyes before Steven lays next to me. His usually strong, warm arms are shaking and something is just... off.

"Steven, what's wrong?" I ask, keeping my eyes closed.

There's silence for a second, the only sound being his pounding heart and shaking breaths. After a little bit, he manages to whisper, "Please, just let me hold onto you forever."

His voice says everything. He's upset, and he's going to cry.

I roll over and press closely to him, tilting his face up towards me. "Tell me, please?"

The beautiful green eyes he has are squeezed shut and he shakes his head. I sigh and cuddle into him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Is it Mason?" I ask, quietly.

His body shudders slightly and I know he's got tears rolling down his cheeks now. "Yes. And Ella and you and everything."

I furrow my eyebrows. "I understand Ella and Mason. But why me?"

He looks at me and his lip is quivering. "Because! I spent so much time wondering whether or not you were alive! I was so worried for so long, and I knew every day that I still loved you and still wanted you to marry me and have kids with me and grow old with me! But then you showed up here with my little brother of all people, and I thought I wouldn't get you like I wanted and I was selfish! I took away the only good thing he had, as if I hadn't done enough to him! And even after all of this, I still feel the same about you and it feels wrong!"

My mouth feels dry, and I really don't have any words for that. He's really felt that way all along?

"You need to say exactly that to Mason," I whisper.

Before he can protest, I clasp my hand over his mouth. "Please. Just explain it to him. He should know how you feel."

He opens his eyes and nods.

Taking my hand off of his mouth, I mutter, "Please. Go do it now."

Nodding, he kisses my cheek lightly. "I'll be back soon and tell you how it goes. Promise."

I manage a smile and nod, shooing him out.

As soon as he's out of the room, I break.

It's not what he said that's making me flip out, it's just the fact that he could say it.

Everything begins to flood back, from the night I found my parents' fake bodies on the floor of our living room to right now, and it's too much.

My vision is blurred by tears as I stumble my way into the bathroom, throwing open cabinet after cabinet. There are three boxes of sleeping pills for some reason, so I take two of the three out and turn on the water of the bath tub, making sure it's hot. I fill it to the top and get in, clothes and all.

The pills are all down my throat after a few minutes, and I lay in the water, my eyes closed as I wait for death to take me.

When things finally begin to blur, I hear the door open and close, and I hear Steven call my name.

Not long after that, he opens the bathroom door and screams, a hazy figure with him.

I close my eyes and hear Steven's muffled yells.

"Please! No! Oh God, please, Lex, please!" he screams as I feel him lift my soaked body out of the water.

The person who was with him begins to talk, and I know the voice but I just can't seem to nail who it is. Maybe it's....

But then everything is silent and black.
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