Status: On Hiatus and in the process of rewriting it all

Expect Me... Not

Jinxx's P.O.V

All that ever happen's around here. Fight,yelling,screaming…One of these times the whole band is gonna go their seperate ways if were not carefull. I could hear the fighting and were right across the hall from them, god damn it! I threw on a outfit and walked out the door, I banged on Andy's door.

"Andy open up!" He opened it. Ashley,Jake and Him were in there. "what the hell is going on?!?!?! We can hear you across the hall, what are you doing planning to wake up the whole god damn hotel?!" "You havent told him?" Jake asked Ashely I looked at them confused on whats going on. "No…….didnt CC tell you?" "about the chick, ya thats why hes with me right?" "yup, but Andy here got pissed off at Jake because he went to Emma's room last night, she said they talked and fell asleep, but Jake had his arm around her and everything Andy took it the wrong way, Emma called him and asshole and walked out. and im just here to hear what was going on.."

I looked at Andy. "why do you ALWAYS take things the wrong way, for all you know she could like Jake. Get the hell over it man! She wont like you if you keep this up I know god damn right she wont, now stop screaming were not on stage and let everyone sleep, CC was still asleep but Sammi was pretty pissy that she wasnt."

"haha CC can sleep through a fuckin' wind storm, doesnt suprise me" Jake blurted. "Where do you think she is?" "if chevy's not in the room then the park I betca" "Ill go find her" "NO i think you 3 have scared her enough. Ill go" I shut the door making sure they didnt follow me.

I walked to the part. Honestly I had no idea it was here. It was pracktly empty. It was quite nice not hearing fighting it was quite, kinda like in horror flicks but not the creepy silence.
I saw a girl through a stick with a dog. Thats gotta be her. I havent seen her yet so I wouldnt know."Are you Emma?" She nodded. "and this is Chevy" She nodded again. Cool I found her. I sat beside Emma.
"I herd what happened, like literally herd the guys" "I told them not to let me into there lives 'cause Ill just fuck it up. but nope didnt listen and look where its gotten them." "its not your fault, you should see them, they were doing the same with Sammi and me before I proposed to her." "Oh right congrats to you guys on that" "thanks"