Status: On Hiatus and in the process of rewriting it all

Expect Me... Not


It’s a repeat of the same days over and over again.

Go to school, Get shoved and pushed around like rubbish,

Go home and get ignored.

Sit in my room and do nothing.

I climbed out my window and sat down with my skull candy head phones beside me.

They’re volume is loud so i cranked it and just sat there with Black Veil Brides Youth and Whiskey playing.

There was a screech of car tires, I looked through the direction of the sound.There was a pitch black car to the left of me. Now, most people would go inside. Me, I don't care. My life couldn't get more horrible. I watched as someone got out of the car. It was still kinda light out but it was dark and stuff but I could see this dude. He had black hair basically black everywhere besides his skin. He walked towards me, I'm high enough no one can get me.

“Hey do you know where Phoenix Theater is?”

I was chewing on my necklace. “Go straight and turn left then another right, you can't miss it,” I said loud enough. The song changed to Set The World On Fire. I sang along quietly with my hair hiding my face.

"Thanks. I guess we’ll catch you later,” he walked back to the car. I sat there.

They didn't drive off right on the second the dude went in it was more like thirty seconds then they left.

"Proud in all you are, showing every scar as your badge of honor," I sang. I went through one hundred and eighty three songs. The next one I dreaded but I let it play

Made a wrong turn once or twice.

Dug my way out, blood and fire.

Bad decisions, that’s alright.

Welcome to my silly life.

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood! Miss “No way,It’s all good”,

It didn’t slow me down


Always second guessing, underestimated!

Look, I’m still around…

I could feel the tears threaten to fall. I tried blinking them away but it didn't work. It was like when you ate chocolate. You cant just have one piece. I cried and hugged my knees…It wasn't long until the next song came on

I heard a knock upon my door the other day.

I opened it to find death staring in my face.

The feel of mortal stalking still reverberates.

Everywhere I go I drag this coffin just in case.

My bodies tremblin’ sends shivers down my spine.

Adrenaline kicks and shifts into overdrive,

Your secrets keep you sick your lies keep you alive,

Snake eyes every single time you roll with crooked dice.

I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down,

The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house.

I wrestle with my thoughts, I shook the hand of doubt,

Running from my past I’m praying feet don’t fail me now!

I’ve lost my fucking mind,

It happens all the time,

I can’t believe I’m actually meant to be here,

Trying to consume,

The drug in me is you.

And I’m so high on misery,

Can’t you see?

I got these questions always running through my head,

So many things that I would like to understand.

If we are born to die and we all die to live,

Then what’s the point of living life if it just contradicts?

I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down,

The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house.

I wrestle with my thoughts, I shook the hand of doubt,

Running from my past I’m praying feet don’t fail me now!
♠ ♠ ♠
Songs: "Set The World On Fire" - Black Veil Brides, "Fucking Perfect" -P!NK, and "The Drug In Me Is You" -Falling In Reverse