Status: On Hiatus and in the process of rewriting it all

Expect Me... Not

Sleepless Nights

Ya I felt the guilt after I did that but he deserved it. No I wasnt regretting being with Ashley. It was fun, BUT I do still wish I had Andy….Now I sound like some freaky type of girl who cant get over a guy…..Well I hope I can.

I moved my head alittle. “Can you let go of me?” “no” “WHY?!” I whined. “becauseeeeeeeee” “Your a idiot” “I know hey wait WHAT?!” I bursted out laughing “oh my god………you……just…..called…..youself……a……idiot!!” I said gasping for breath. See what I mean WAY more fun..Not saying Andy wasnt fun.


I squirmed in Ash’s grasp. “pwease?” I gave him puppy dog eyes. “stop it..” He looked away. I giggled. “God fine.” He let go and I started walking again… It was weird being in a dress instead of jeans…“SO YO FORGIVE ME?!” He yelled while he was beside me. “DUDE YOUR RIGHT BESIDE ME!!” “I KNOW!” I rolled my eyes.

Hotel Room

So ive basically switched from room to room. I was sitting on my bed with my notebook just drawing random stuff I was drawing a random scene that was in my head. Ash walked in. I looked up…“hey” “were here for what 20 minutes and you change psht” “Im sorry I hate dresses do you want to wear one?” He shut up. I laughed.

He set his stuff down. I watched him. God knows what he’ll do. “acoustic?” I said motioning to the case “yup” I giggled and went back to drawing.

Few hours later

I had the blanket up to my shoulders. I closed my eyes trying to sleep. “pick a song” I sighed. “Im trying to sleep” “Just pick a song” I turned over to face him. “i dont know….do you want one of your guy’s songs or a random one?” I said tiredly. “Random” “…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Sleepless Nights-Faber Drive” It was the first song that came to mind. He played the tune. “Sing” “UGHURHUIBGIHABGIUEBHG” was the nosie I made. “I wanna sleep” “You can sleep after”

I rolled my eyes and sat up. “Your a as-hole” “PLEASE” “WHY CANT I GO TO BED?!” “because…..” “im not going to sing.” He pouted. “oh stop it…..” I turned over and felt arms go around me.“Fine then” I turned over and snuggled into his chest,falling asleep…I had a restless night but some how Ashley got me to settle down


I woke um embraced by Ashley’s arm. I slide from his grip and off the bed to the bathroom. I wiped my face since it felt greesy and brushed my hair out. I walked out of the bathroom and he was sitting on the bed with the guitar again. “ARGH NO!!” I ran and flopped on the bed.

“Please Em….” “Ash noooooo” “YES” “if I do sing will yoU SHUT UP!” “yes…”

“Another sleepless night

I’m still starin’ at the ceiling

I can hear him fighting

With her for no good reason

Will this ever end?

Will this house be a home again?

If I had my way I’d corner him and say

Put yourself in her position

All she needs is recognition

Love’s not enough when you say it

Don’t you know you’ve gotta mean it

Screwing up the best thing ever

Is something you’ll regret forever

Another day goes by and nothing changed

He’s still the same

I can hear her cryin

Thinking she’s the one to blame

Will this ever end?

Will this house be a home again?"

I patted the rhythm on my thighs as I sang and while he played.

If I had my way

I’d corner him

and say Put yourself in her position

All she needs is recognition

Loves not enough when you say it

Don’t you know you gotta mean it?

Screwing up the best thing ever

Is something you’ll regret forever

Take her and make sure she feels it

Let her know you’ll never let her go

Screwing up the best thing ever

Is something you’ll regret forever

Another sleepless night and nothing changed

He’s still the same

Another stupid fight and someone’s gotta say

Put yourself in her position

All she needs is recognition

Loves not enough when you say it

Don’t you know you gotta mean it?

Screwing up the best thing ever

Is something you’ll regret forever

Take her and make sure she feels it

Let her know you’ll never let her go

Never let her go No, no, no

Put yourself in her position

All she needs is recognition

Take her and make sure she feels it

Let her know you’ll never let her go

The song reminded me of Rain so much……….