Status: On Hiatus and in the process of rewriting it all

Expect Me... Not

Holding back my emotions

I walked down downstairs into the lobby at 6:30pm. I took the elevator. I was scared Ashley was going to like pop out of no where like he always does but luckly he didnt. Andy was sitting on the stairs when I walked down. “hey” He stood up when he herd me. I walked up to him. “Did you or one of the guys tell Ashley about Juliet?” “I did, I thought one of the guy shad already told him,I guess I was wrong so he knows” “What did he say” “Nothing but his face showed it all. He still cares about you its just when you didnt believe him he got pissy and well” I shrugged.

I looked up at him. It sucked that I was short. I was 5’5 and he was like 6 foot whatever.“I have to tell you something but you cant tell Ashley I told you!” “Ok I promise I wont say anything” He slipped his phone from his back pocket and I guess he was flipping through something. Someone came out of the elevator. “Emma,Andy come on you HAVE to see this” CC burst from the elevator. I had jumped back against Andy “dont DO THAT CC! You scared the **** outta me!” “sorry but come on you 2 have to see this!!” He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the elevator and motioned for Andy to follow he did and went went back up. So much for Andy to tell me whatever he wanted to tell or show me.

He ran ahead of us. Wow he was a 5 year old. We followed behind him into his room. They had the TV on and Ash,Jinxx,Jake and Sammi were in the room. I walked and sat on Ash’s lap. “what do you want to show us?” “watch this” it was on some music channel I had never seen before. I held my breath, it must’ve been something about the band because CC wouldnt rush us back here if it wasnt something important.

I turned my attention to the TV. Some woman came on and started talking about Black Veil Brides and how they were getting disgraced and all for their looks. I looked at the guys. Ya their faces. Were’nt to happy about it. I ran my hands up Ash’s chest and let them there. It calmed him down somehow. I seriously didnt know.

He nuzzled my neck. Jake cleared his throat but Ash ignored it. I giggled alittle under my breath Andy just kept his eyes on the TV. I felt bad. I laided my head on ashleys chest. Not really paying attention to the TV like everyone else was. I closed my eyes. I guess I had fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes, I was back in the hotel room with a blanket over me, Ash had his arm drapped over my hip. I smiled and snuggled into him

Fast Forward abit through the day

The guys were at a bar. I stayed back with Sammi. It was far from the hotel. There was a knock at the door. “coming” Sammi called. When she opened it. Jinxx had stumbled into her. “Hey babe” I chuckled. “Your drunk” She moved his hands off her and held them. They were really cute together. “ill talk to you later Emma” “kay” Sammi and Jinxx left then soon after CC came in next. “SUP! I.AM.CC!” Ok now that made me burst out laughing…Andy walked in. “Hey” Ya he didnt sound drunk at all, thank god. Jake followed behind him, he looked alittle tipsy. Jake leaned on Andy for support. I smiled.

“Wheres Ash?” I asked them. Andy and Jake look at each other. “Uhh hes com-” Right before he could finish that Ash came in with some chick clung to his arm. I bit my lip and felt the tears well up in my eyes. I could see Jake staring at Ashley and Andy looking at me. Ya I knew he was drunk and all but it still hurt. Chevy growled. I held onto his collar. It was really weird how he knew something was wrong.

I stood up and walked passed Ash. I wasnt going to run from my problems anymore.I walked back to the room with Chevy and laid down on the bed. I didnt cry. I had to make myself stop all this crying. Someone knocked ont he door. “its open” Andy walked in. “Hi” “ello” I sighed and rolled over to look at him. “Hes drunk Em” “I know but it still hurts” He sat down beside me. “is he going to do something with her?” I whispered to Andy hoping her herd. Because I didnt feel like repeating myself. “Most of the time he does do atleast 1 thing but I dont know about this time he may remember he’s with you” I sighed again and laid back.

“I dont wanna lose him” I whispered quiter this time. “Will you ever give me a second chance?” I glaced his way and didnt respond for a while. “I-I dont know Andy. Im still with Ash” “After what he did?!” “Did what?!” “I never showed you didnt I” He took his phone out again and handed it to me. I looked at him then the phone. I put a hand over my mouth and held back tears, shaking my head