Status: On Hiatus and in the process of rewriting it all

Expect Me... Not

Studio Recordings and Airheads

I loved playing with his fluffy hair. It was fun. He still wouldnt tell me how he does it. We were all(including Zan) sitting backstage while Falling In Reverse was on, and the guys were waiting.

Your probably wondering WHY Falling In Reverse if with us. WELL they planned late so their now touring with us..It should be…..Interesting but I love the band.

Zan and CC had gotten close-r. I smacked Andy’s hand away. “stop playing with my necklace” “well Im sorry….dont play with my hair then” I rolled my eyes. Me and Zan had also become close friends. Shes pretty cool. She felt like a sister.

After The Concert

We were all basically hanging out. A girl around mine and Zan’s age came in. Im guessing she won that contest. I went back to playfully hitting Andy. “What did I do?” “For having those eyes everyone melts into” I giggled and continued. I saw him blush a bit. Jake had started to talk to the girl.

I could see her blush to whatever he was saying. Andy kissed me snapping me out of my trace of though, I giggled and kissed him back. “cutie” He said. I smiled.

In The Bedroom x)

I whined annoyly. “ANDYYYYYY” I dont know how but it went from kissing to me hitting him playfully and now to me whining. I must be annoying. I flopped on the bed. He climbed on top of me with a smiled and kissedmy neck. I giggled. “having fun?” I missed his hair up. “leave the hair alone” he said against my skin, making me shiver slightly from his cold breath. I whined as he kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. “I love you Emma” Andy said when he pulled away. “I love you to Andy” I smiled. There was a knock at the door. I sighed and growled. Andy chuckled and climbed off me, moving over to the door and opened it. Jake stood there with the girl, “Hey this is Maia”

I laid there hanging halfly off the bed.. "Emma…sit up or your going to get a headache from the blood rushing to your head’’ Jake exclaimed. “and your point is?” Andy walked over to me and picked me up. “And I thought I was the stubborn one” He said as he set me right side up…I huffed.

“As I was saying” Jake looked at me. I smiled. “Maia won that contest” “SWEET!” Andy jumped. I gave him a o.0 look. I laid down. “cool…and I hate how your always right” I mumbled the last part and rubbed my head.

Over the next few days we all got to know Zantana and Maia pretty well….Their really cool to.

All the guys were going to the studio to record Smoke And Mirrors. Us girls(including sammi) Decided we’d go out and just looked around and all that fun stuff. I had pulled on a hoodie with my headphones around my neck. I had Blood On The Dance Floor Xx3 on. I was addicted to it.. Ya I know weird right.

As we were walking there was a group of about 3-7 people as fas as I saw..Guys. But I did notice 1 girl through out the group. They were all talking and some had their hair in their face.

Some preppy chick walked over to the girl. They girl also had some hair over her eyes.

Ok so back to what I was saying, the preppy chick walked over to the girl and handed her a small peice of paper. The guys hovered over her shoulders(considering they were tallled then her) and either laughed or chuckled.

They noticed me. I snapped out of it and caught up to the other 3. I had no idea where we were going….I stayed quite.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alyssa’s POV

- Me and the guys were laughing at some prep blonde air head that randomly came up to me and handed me a peice of paper with her number on it. It was pretty weird and creppy on how she would think im a guy.

I shrugged it off and handed the paper to Matt. He chuckled “Im going to have fun confusing the ****out of her over the phone”

I rolled my eyes, he already had a plan?! wow. I bet it wont take long for that she seemed pretty stupid….to me anyways..

I played with my Black Veil Brides and brass knuckles bracelets on my wrists. I saw the guys look over at a girl that looked fimilar to me. She walked back with her group. She was also dressed similar to what I dressed like.

“sooo” Matt said snapping me out of la la land and into reality.

“Hm?” “Your going to the Black Veil Brides/Falling In Reverse concert in 2 days right?” “FUCK YEAH! I’ve waited how long?!” “7 weeks” All the guys but Josh said unison.I giggled. “Im not the only one that has waited, Josh was also waiting!” Josh looked up from behind his hair. “uhh…hell YA!” I guess he JUST herd what we were talking about…

I saw the confusion on his face…just a bit. He pulled the ear buds out and put them in his hoodie pocket…I looked around. It was pretty funny how everyone avoided eye contact with us and avoided walking near us.