Status: On Hiatus and in the process of rewriting it all

Expect Me... Not

Zantana's Story

God I felt like ****. “Emma” Andy had his warning voice. I sunk lower in the bed where I was now sitting. “Hm?” “Whats going on?” I bit my lip. I didnt want to tell him. I didnt even want to tell anyone “please”

I looked down. “I-I havent been eating so I guess my stomach gave up with trying to tell me I was hungry” I mumbled and crawled under the covers. “Emma” He did that whole sighing while saying my name.

“you would to Andy if people went after you all the time saying you werent perfect,you we ugly and fat and they do but you just block it out…..I still cant do that” I didnt have my loudest voice with me today.

He rubbed my back as I laid there,hugging my stomach. “Im sorry Em. I want to be able to do something it’s just. I dont know if I can” “No one can….Sammi is even getting hate now because shes marrying Jinxx and people are starting to not like it” I herd him sigh.

I curled up and fell asleep for a couple hours.I woke up at 12. I groaned. My stomach was somewhat feeling better. “Your up” I looked at Zantana who had come in. “mhm” “Andy told us and said to come check up on you… you want to talk?” I shrugged. “ok do you want to hear my story, just to get your mind off this all” I shrugged again. “you dont have to”

She sat beside me on the bed.She’s so pretty. “I was never the ‘good’ child nor was I the perfect one. My parents had a divorce and well I had a step-dad that hated my guts. My mom ended up turning her back on me. I was the ‘freaky emo’ girl of my school from the age of 10 to 16. I had switched many schools but it hadnt stopped my step dad even made fun of me”

I looked at her. “I got a boyfriend and it turned out he was abusive towards me. Thats the one you and Andy found me with in the alley. I had run from him and thats when he threw me down an alley. If it hadnt been for you to I would have been dead tonight, He um. He hit me,smacked me and a few times ra/ped me. I would never do what he said so”

She paused, I sat up and rubbed her back. “You dont have to go on” “I want to………..I was with him for 4 years. I was never able to get out of the that relashionship…but since you two had helped me and CC took me under his broken wings and found a place in his heart for me. My life has been, so much better then I could EVER picture it”

She smiled at me then hugged me. “thank you so much” I smiled and hugged her back. “it’s no problem. Im glad your with CC, he was feeling pretty lonley and he seems alot happier now.” “So” she pulled away. “Now to get you food. You think you can walk?”

I nodded and got up. I was wearing nothing special just a pair of sweats and a batman shirt(from andy since he found it and knew I liked batman). She offered a arm to help stable me but I declined. I was doing pretty well. We walked down to the lobby were the food was. “food!” Zan threw her arms up, I giggled. “Oh ya theres bacon” I smiled.

Someone came up behind her and snaked their arms around her waist. “Hello my fallen angel” I regonized the voice. CC. I smiled. “HIIII!” I smiled they were so right for each other. “Whatca doing?” “getting Em some food” He looked over at me.

“Andy told u-” “ya ya ya I herd” I joked. “he was pretty worried” I nodded slightly. “so was Ash, and i dont mean worried like all of us, like literally freaking out” “oh” I said quitely. Zan hit him lightly “dont make her feel any worse then she already is” “ok”

Christian let go of Zan but stay with us. She was smiling like a freak for bacon. I looked at her with a look(a good look) and i guess she read my face because we both called out “THEY KILLED BACON HAWKS!!!!!!!!!” Then we laughed.

CC looked at us like o.0. I smiled and so did Zan. I got a muffin and yes ofcourse bacon and Zan got bacon As we turned around CC stole a peice of bacon off Zantana’s plate.

I laughed at her face “mine…just kidding” He wrapped an arm over her shoulder as we walked back. I nibbled on a peice of bacon

As we got to our floor. “I’ll see you guys later” “Your not joining us?” I shook my head. “I dont feel like being in a room with alotof people right now” “okay, ill see you later”

I walked back to the room and sat crossed legged on the bed. Picking at my muffin, mostly eating the bacon, I pulled the blanket over my shoulders. Ya I was cold.

Not long after I put my plate on the side table and laid down. I didnt hear him come in but he laid down beside me and wrapped an arm around me. I looked over my shoulder and smiled. I turned to Andy. “hi” “how you feeling?” “Alot better, I guess it was a stupid mistake to starve myself” I said quitely and burried my face in his chest.

“its alright Em. We all make mistakes” I nuzzled his chest and fell asleep.

few hours

I was awaken by the rummaging through bags. I looked at Andy. “whats up?” "COncert in a few hours’’ Oh **** I forgot. “Im coming right?” “if you feel up to it” I smiled and nodded. I got up and got read(comments check them for the link)

The concert hall the bigger then normal. Us girls decided we would be in the crowd tonight.Andy wouldnt let me leave until he did my face make-up.

I laughed and gave up, fighting with him and let him. Dont ask me but he LOVED to deck me out in warpaint and eyeliner. I kissed him being careful not to smudge his lipstick. “Ill see you after”

I ran off with Sammi,Maia and Zantana. My necklaces jingled together as I ran and my bandana’s hung from my belt loops.

We stood in the group. Sammi blended in with the physco fan girls. Andy smirked at me and I smiled back. They played a bunch of songs. I herd the acoustic guitar start ‘The Mortician’s Daughter’ I sang along quitely.

I loved this song so damn much.

Jinxx had his violin on stage,Ash had his bass(the black one with BVB in the corner…),Jake had his acoustic and CC was still behind his drums.

Jinxx started on the violin at his point and Ash started on the bass. I swear I was listening to the CD. It was just like that, but andy’s voice was a bit lower.

Sammi was smiling watching them and watching Jinxx most of the time. CC made a few faces at Zantana and Jake kept his eyes on Maia from time to time he would look down at the guitar. Andy glanced at me most of the time but had no chocie but to look everywhere. Unless I wanted to die he had to anyways.Ash looked odwn like Jake to switch cords. I did catch him looking at me a few times.

“One million years,I will say your name I love you more then I could ever scream”

I saw Ash looking at me and mouthed ‘I love you more then I could ever scream’ Literatlly at me. I looked at him with a straight/wide eyes.


After a while in the crowd I started to feel closdicfobic ALOT. I told them I was leaving and went backstage. After showing my pass to the security.

I sat down and rubbed my forehead The guys and the 3 girls came back. I was in the corner of the sofa. Andy sat beside me. I moved the hair from his face and giggled.

There was a knock on the door. “ITS OPEN!!” Jake yelled. Maia nudged him. “You can talk you know” “Oh I know” The door opened and the girl I saw from that group of guys. You know the one that, that airhead prep gave her, her number.

Ya her and a dude walked in. We all looked up. No not in the creepy way