Status: let's see how this goes for now...

Treasured Tributes


I drew a shaky breath as I sat at the edge of the cliff looking over the city skyline, a good distance from where I was. The city stood beautiful and modern, with skyscrapers in the heart of the region. Each building intricately crafted and designed by the learned architects, it's construction visibly different than those of the ancient buildings which had once stood on this very ground. It was gorgeous, but only just. It had certainly taken some time for me to adjust to these sudden changes.

The starry sky above me was still like a blanket over my head, with no signs of any wind. The sun had long since set yet I still sat here, looking over at the darkening horizon until it was completely dingy like my thoughts. The city was slowly illuminated with artificial lighting, unlike what could come of my sombre feelings.

I had no particular purpose to be here, I just was. I shouldn't be here. I should be at my castle with my beloved Aurelia, but how do you go back in time long enough to save someone from the jaws of death?

Mother had promised. Soon. I didn't know how much longer I had to wait till this time frame known as 'soon' came about. I had been waiting for years! No, decades, centuries even. I closed my eyes with a soft tired sigh as I fell into an overfamiliar trance.

”When will you take me to meet your Queen?" a childishly sly smile crept upon her face as she spoke, an excited giggle escaping her lips in the process. I smiled softly, leaning back against the orchid tree to watch the afternoon sun dip below the horizon. Her village looked so miniature from atop this hill.

She had been nervous at first, which bought me some time to keep up my facade, but now I could not put it off any longer. She had a right to know.

I turned to face her once more, my smile growing visibly, "Oh, Aurelia! Must I?" she only nodded eagerly in anticipation as her face lit up with pure happiness. I pulled her against my chest, sighing quietly as she adjusted herself in my lap, watching the sun set with me.

I was not sure how she would react once I tell her the truth, but I knew it would not be pleasant. I had led her to believe an entirely fabricated identity of myself. It would change everything between us, and I was afraid of that. I inwardly groaned, hoping my inner monologue didn’t change my smile. ”Soon.” I told her softly. Not exactly a lie, nor the truth, merely just another excuse.

Aurelia turned towards me, opening her mouth to protest — she had heard this excuse one too many times. I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her closer, kissing the side of her mouth. “This time, I promise.”

I opened my eyes slowly as I noticed the dawning of a new day. I had been reminiscing again, down the all too familiar path known as the past. I wasn't sure if I could keep living like this. I was certainly alive, but I was far from living. I looked up at the sky again, feeling sick. A few bright stars were still visible, and I envied them. I would rather burn bright for some time and fade away than exist forever.

The worst feeling in this universe was wishing for a death that would pity you, and mock you, but could never touch you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I might edit this later, idk.
I also don't know where I'm going with this. I posted 2 chapters three years ago and then kind of gave up on writing. I'm not sure why I'm rewriting this, or if I will continue, but I changed the plot since I hated the previous one.