
The Game is played by millions of people across the world. The rules are fairly simple to the average human. The point of this contest is to not think about the topic of it. If it occurs in your mind, you must say that you lost it. Others around you must then announce that they, too, lost The Game.

For Promethians though, The Game is much more complex. If you dare to speak of this competition, you are immediately taken by the authorities -- or government, if you will -- of the planet known as Promethia. They take you to a dark, cellular room where nothing but bones and skeletons of other creatures lie. Once you are there, you're trapped until the date of your death sentence is set.

When young Aiofe Mcreynolds' death sentence is set for the fifth of November -- which also just happens to be her fifteenth birthday -- she becomes distraught. Although they technically offer her food -- though the selections aren't all that great -- she refuses. And pretty soon, she even becomes sleep-deprived.

After talking it over, the officials agree to simply end the girl's life before she can kill her own self. The give her one last night to glance around the glorious planet -- one last night to bid the moon and stars goodbye. Of course, it is only on one single condition that they allow her to do this: one of the most trusted guards in the prison must accompany her.

Will one twilight have its advantage on the two teens, though? Will romance blossom, much like the red roses that cover the grassy greens? If so, will the two be able to separate from one another, knowing that Aiofe's life must come to an end?