Silence of Our Voices

Chapter 2.

The disposal was set to happen a week from Friday. We had that long to figure out what we were going to do, and honestly, it was more like trying to figure out how to live. We had to get rid of everything rock related, so it was absolutely everything I own. Stuff that my father had given me, stuff I made, stuff I paid for, the stuff I spent my entire life collecting. It was heartbreaking. All that would be left would be my apartment, with holes in the walls and spots without paint thanks to my numerous posters. I wouldn’t even have the clothes on my back.

The music store about a block from my apartment was beginning to box up their cds. That was as heartbreaking as getting rid of all my stuff. Especially since that music store was where I worked, and met my best friends. That place is where we finally decided to start the band. That’s where I began to listen to old rock bands like My Chemical Romance, Green Day, and Hawthorne Heights. That store was just as important to me as my 1976 cherry red Gibson Les Paul that my dad gave me.

My phone began to buzz in my pocket. I dug it out and flipped it open. Anthony was calling me, so I picked up.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Tegan, I think I found a way around the ban!” Anthony exclaimed quietly. My jaw dropped.

“Anthony, what are you talking about?” I asked.

“No, not here. Take everything you want in your storage cube, you’re never going back to your apartment,” he said, and then hung up.

What the hell is Anthony talking about?

I started to gather up my Cds, placing them in boxes, and taping them shut. I went into my closet and did the same thing. I began to pile the boxes. I took down all my posters, and put those in a box. I took my guitars from their stands and placed them safely into their cases. I took the storage cube out of my dresser. I hit the shrink and store button and tossed it at the pile. The stuff shrank and flew into the cube. I picked it up, and stuffed it in my pocket. I took the one sweatshirt I didn’t pack and put it on. I took one last look at my apartment and left.
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I know it's short, but I thought it needed a little background information.
