Silence of Our Voices

Chapter 4.

The next day, I sat in front of the windows, watching the city, deep in thought. I don’t think so hard too often, and honestly, it scared me a little. Not just the fact I was thinking as hard as I was, but the fact that Josh wasn’t trying to beat the crap out of me, or harm me in anyway. I can’t get past the fact that we were going to spend the rest of our lives underground, have kids (possibly) underground, and play our music, underground. I mean, this gives underground rock a whole new meaning.

There was a buzzing noise from somewhere near the elevator. I got up and looked at the wall and saw an intercom with a blinking light. I hit the talk button.

“Hello?” I asked into the speaker.

Tegan. It’s Anthony, let me up,” the voice came out crackly. “I brought food,” he added. I smiled. The boy knew how to get what he wanted (to an extent) out of me.

“Alright, but how?” I asked, hitting the button.

There’s a green button next to the elevator. Hit it,” he said. I nodded, realized I was an idiot for nodding at an intercom, and hit it.

“Did it, see you in a minute,” I said, walking back over to the windows. Then, there were a pair of arms around my stomach, and a chin on my shoulder.

“Like the view?” Anthony asked. I smiled and nodded.

“He actually wanted to give you a room full of large cardboard boxes, but I said ‘Josh, I think she’d like a room with a view better’, and I guess I was correct in my assumption,” he smiled. I laughed.

“God Anthony,” I said, “I’m hungry,” I laughed, wriggling out of his grip. He laughed.

“Way to kill a moment,” he said, walking over to the kitchen counter and handing me a bagel wrapped in tinfoil. It smelled like egg, bacon, sausage, and cheese.

“Yummy...complete breakfast on a bagel,” I said. Anthony handed me a cup of coffee. I took a whiff and smiled.

“And vanilla coffee. A man after my own heart,” I joked. He laughed.

“You better believe I am,” Anthony said. “Who wouldn’t want the heart of Tegan?” he asked, sitting at the kitchen table. I laughed again, and joined him. I quickly unwrapped the sandwich, and began to eat.

“Why are you here Anthony?” I asked, taking a sip of the coffee. He smiled, and swallowed the food in his mouth.

“I can’t come to visit you?” he questioned. I looked at my food, and then back up at him.

“Not with food, now why?” I asked. He sighed.

“Josh wanted me to ask about the thing he asked you yesterday,” he said. I sighed.

“I don’t know Anthony. That’ll be so hard and you know me Anthony,” I said, taking another sip of the coffee. “Do you really think I’m cut out to run this place?” I asked. He smiled at me warmly.

“Tegan, I think you can do it. I believe that without a doubt in my mind,” he said.

“You really think so?” I asked. He nodded.

“I really think so,” he said. I bit my lip and took a deep breath.

“Anthony, tell Josh I say yes,” I said. What am I doing?
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Sorry about not updating more. I still have a load of schoolwork to make up from when I had surgery, and I went to the hospital yesterday, cause my mom was sick. But I have next week off, so I promise I'll update more.
