Al and Mel

Chapter Fifteen: Mel

I tried to fight off Cameron's concerned hands. He was wiping at my tears as I whacked his hands away. He eventually settled for wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my back as he asked me what was wrong every few minutes.

"Nothing. I'm fine," I said, wiping away the last of my tears. "Why don't you ask Al what's bothering her?" I tried to sound casual, but I'm sure I failed.

He glanced at Al, but his attention was quickly back to me.

"What happened, Mel?" Cameron asked.

I shook my head. I wasn't going to talk until he acknowledged Al's tears.

He looked at Al helplessly. "What's wrong with Mel?"

Al looked about ready to burst into a fresh round of tears.

"She won't tell me," she said. A tear slid down her cheek.

I broke away from Cameron and ran to Al. "Are you okay?" I asked. I tried to grab her comfortingly, but she slipped away from my grasp.

"Just—just leave me alone, Mel."

She walked away from me, upstairs and into her room.

Cameron wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"You're okay, Mel," he murmured, smoothing back my hair as I turned to face him.

"She hates me," I cried.

"No, she doesn't," he said soothingly.

I sniffled. I needed to get away from him. Then maybe he would get the hint and leave me alone. Then Al and I would be friends again.

I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Cameron asked.

"Home," I said, my voice cracking on the word.

"Mel," he began.

"Don't," I said. "Don't, Cameron."

"What's going on, Mel? What happened to you guys?"

You, I thought. "Nothing."


I whipped my head in his direction, daring him to push me. "It's none of your business, Cameron. It's between us. So, stay out of it!"

I didn't mean for it to come out that harsh, but it did. And Cameron's face showed the pain he was feeling.

"Cammy, I'm sorry."

"Forget it. Just forget it," he muttered, walking out the door.

I followed him a couple of minutes later, after hearing his car peel out of the driveway. As I walked back home, it started raining. That helped hide my tears.

I finally got to my house, and then realized something: I left my keys in my locker at school. Defeated, I sat down on our welcome mat.

"Do you need some help?"

I looked up at Jake with surprise.

"You look like you just saw someone die."

He sat down beside me.

"No," I said, wiping at my face. "I just lost my best friends."

"Well, then they weren't your friends."

I sniffled and looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Real friends wouldn't leave you for anything."

I nodded. That was true, but I didn't want to believe it.
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It's horrible, I know. DX I'm just awful. I rushed, and I know I shouldn't have, but I did anyway. :( Feel free to start throwing rocks at me.