Al and Mel

Chapter Five: Mel

Oh, this is going to be too sweet. Cameron and his friends had come up with a truly ingenious prank to get Trevor. It involved caramel, feathers, rope, duct tape, and apples (not the kind you eat, if you know what I mean). Plus a lot of other stuff that they won’t tell me.

I was hiding in the boys’ locker room, where the whole scene would unfold. Trevor was a football player, too—a cornerback with the worst hands. The coach was actually planning on replacing him very soon. So says Cameron.

I was hiding in Cameron’s locker—hey, at least when he screams like a girl in front of all his friends it’ll be funny as heck. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees me, Melanie Faulkner, hiding in his locker.

They carried Trevor in. He was tied with the ropes, and his mouth covered with duct tape. He was screaming and thrashing and probably cursing. Ha, what a potty mouth. They circled around him, with Cameron standing at the head as their “leader”—just goes to show what being the quarterback can give you as far as status. Sadly, Cameron was blocking my view.

“You shouldn’t have ruined Mel’s hair,” Cameron said deadly. “That was a big mistake, Trevor.”

Someone must’ve ripped the duct tape off his mouth. After screaming like a baby girl, he growled, “So, what are you going to do to me?”

“Not much,” Cameron said calmly. “Just this.”

Grr… I thought, getting frustrated because I couldn’t see from behind Cameron’s oversized back. I kicked the locker door in anger.

“What was that?” one of Cameron’s friends asked. It was the guy who had been flirting with me earlier. I think his name was Marc. I don’t know.

“I don’t know…” Cameron approached his locker, trying to get a view inside as I slid down outside of his sight. Ha, I outsmarted Cam. Or so I thought. He started turning his combination.

It was stupid and impulsive, but I had to do it. “Do not open this locker!” I said, making my voice as deep as it would go. “It is cursed!”

Cameron rolled his eyes. “Now I know who it is.” He swung the door open, revealing me as I squatted. I waved. “Mel, what are you doing in my locker?”

“Uh… Making sure it’s not haunted?” I said lamely. “What else would I be doing in your locker?”

I twirled a loose curl that had fallen out of my high ponytail.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Cameron said. “Maybe spying on us and our top-secret rituals.

“You’re pranking Trevor,” I said, pointing to the tied up boy. “What’s so secret about that?”

Cameron’s eye started twitching. “Bloody hell.”

I giggled. Cameron always sounded British whenever he was stressed. It was weird and sexy at the same time. So I hear.

“Your inner Brit is showing.”


I didn’t appreciate Cameron yelling at me, and decided to give him a piece of my mind. “DON’T YOU DARE YELL AT ME, CAMERON ELIZABETH ALLISON!!!”

Okay, so Cameron Elizabeth Allison was not his name, but that doesn’t mean I can’t pretend it is. Besides, I talk bullshit when I’m angry.



He sighed. “You…” He stabbed a finger at me. “Stay.”

He turned to his friends. They huddled around each other and started whispering like sissies. “But, c’mon, Cameron! She’s hot!” That comment earned Marc a smack to the back of the head.

“Fine,” Cameron sighed, turning back to me. “You can stay and watch.”

I squealed, and hugged him. “Thank you, Cammy! You won’t regret this!”

I sat at his feet like a puppy dawg, waiting for them to continue. I grinned evilly at Trevor.

“Dump the caramel on him.”

The guys did as Cameron instructed. Trevor was soon in a hardening, glossy coat of the gooey brown stuff. I found myself licking my lips, momentarily wishing I hadn’t skipped lunch.

“Now, for the real fun.”

Cameron had a bag of feathers, but the other guys had various fruits, vegetables, and…poop? Oh, this is truly sweet.

Marc lent me a few of his nasty rotten tomatoes, and I smiled sweetly at Trevor.

Then we attacked, throwing our various goods at him. I started dancing on the outskirts, singing, “Uh-huh! Go Cameron! He’s a genius! Go Cameron! And his friends!”

Ah, I love revenge, and revenge hearts me.
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I hope y'all will give Bandy's Angel a very warm welcome. She has been kind enough to co-write this story after my last co-author, Tay Speaks Love, dumped me.