The Hunt.

My day

Today was not a good day. Hell it wasn’t even an okay good. Today was the worst possible day a mere 15 year old can have! With people spreading rumors about me made it rough but the fact that my best-friend. My Best friend, the girl I took on a $200 shopping spree! The one I took to meet Beyonce! The girl who forced me on awkward double dates with people I didn’t even LIKE! Stole my boyfriend. The guy who I have been dating for 3 years, well I guess I should say dated She stole him from me the day of are anniversary and the day of my 15th birthday how could she. How could she do this to me I thought we where friends I thought I meant something but I guess I didn’t. But what’s the point of living because I am pretty sure no one care’s if I live or die so I might as well just end my life.
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xD I Hope you like it