Status: work in progresss..............

It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing...

two months later

“Jaylex! Tristian!” I screamed as I stood shocked in the doorway to their apartment. I heard their hysterical laughter in the kitchen and I stormed in to see them and Freddie sitting at the table. Laughing as hard as possible.

“What the heck man!? That wasn’t cool!” I whined. I crossed my arms and pouted a bit. They broke into another fit of laughter, making me stomp my foot. It squished, and I felt my stomach roll as I ran for the bathroom. They had set up the door so that when I opened it this sick concoction of… something fall all over me. I was covered in a foul smelling goo and after throwing up, I showered and changed into a pair of Tristians shorts and Jaylex’s shirt. I came out and Jaylex shoved a glass of apple juice in my hand while I noticed Tristian cooking. I sat at the table and Freddie chuckled. “You look like you just woke up, Hun.”

“Maybe because I did? Well woke up wouldn’t be a correct term. Finally got up out of bed and headed over here.”

”Why didn’t you come over last night?” Tristian asked mildly. I shrugged. Honestly I wanted to, but James had yelled at me for coming and going at all hours of the night. I flinched at the reminder.

”Oh, Jeez, he had another fit again. what did he say?” Jaylex said, seeing my face. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Tristian sat a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me and sat next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder while I closed my eyes.

“Basically he was mad that I was constantly coming and going anymore. With me going to the community college in town now, though, I kind of have to. And then having nightmares and coming to this place doesn’t help. He said if I did it again he was just going to kick me out.” Jaylex studied my face, and I shook my head just slightly. He ignored it, asking “What else?” I sighed, looking down at my folded hands in my lap.

“he said it was no wonder I got kidnapped, with me running around at all hours of the night like some dim witted whore. Or something like that. I didn’t exactly pay attention to him.” I sprang up before their shocked looks could become angry and went to Jaylex’s bedroom. They had decided they liked living together so much they bought a bigger apartment and jaylex now actually had a room. Shakina was in there, sleeping in the middle of his big queen sized bed. I laid down next to her and watched her sleep, smiling slightly. Her hair had gone drastically dark and was now a brown more then a red. I bet by the time she was 15 she had her dad’s black hair. But her eyes, they where greener then mine. Almost as green as Dame’s. Jaylex’s twin brother. He was the more serious one, the one that I had a crush on until he disappeared around the time that Jaylex did. The one that saved me for one year.

“Gracie.” I stirred out of my thoughts and rolled to look over my shoulder. Tristian was In the door way nonchalantly. I wanted to grimace. He stood there in nothing but basketball shorts like it was nothing, like it didn’t effect me at freaking all.

“What do you want, Tristian?” he motioned me out of the door. I kissed Shakina’s forehead, and she stirred but was still asleep. I fallowed him to his room and he closed the door. I sank back on the bed and stretched hugely. He laid next to me and sighed.

“You need to sleep.” I shook my head, glancing at his alarm clock. “Classes in a few hours. I have to be up at the college by then, not leaving here the time I’m supposed to be there. I have an essay due in one class and then a test in another.” He smiled slightly and closed his eyes.

“I never did have the patience to go back to school.”

”I know. That’s why you work at home depot.” We laid in silence for awhile before he whispered softly “are you ready for the contest?” I sighed. We had passed through many levels until it was the second to last. I didn’t know whether to be excited or nervous, so a knot was sitting in my stomach that was a little bit of both.

“Sort of. I mean, our method has worked so far, right? We’re singing Remembering Sunday this time aren’t we?” he nodded, shifting so his arm brushed against mine. I hated this. This nonchalant touching and talking. That gut feeling I had gotten the first time I had sung with him had just gotten stronger each time, and I know he felt it too, but he never voiced it. Never.

“Yes we are. And the contest is tomorrow.”

“NO it’s not, it’s Thursday!” I exclaimed, bolting up to look down at him. He grinned slightly, reaching up and moving my hair from my face. “Today is Wenesday, Holy.” I grimaced down at him for the nickname. It was just grace, and then he decided I was too angelic for that. so now I was Holy when he was talking to me with no one around. It annoyed me. But he let me call him Trissy now, so I guess it was fair.

“Crap. Who’s dressing us this time?”

”Jaylex.” A frown touched his eyes as he said that. I gave him a curious look, and he shook his head. “He told me some stuff again. he needs to talk to you though. Not me. He told me to ask you who his dad was though.” I gave him a confused look.

“Don’t you already know that?” I asked, surprised. He shook his head no.

“His and Dame’s dad was tiff. I thought he told you that already.” He stared up at me for a long moment. Then he finally whispered “No, he didn’t.” I frowned down at him and moved his hair away from his eyes. “What!? He should have told you a long time ago.” I sprang up and before he could grab at me I was out the door and storming towards the living room.

“You didn’t tell him who your dad was !? my God you’re such an idiot aren’t you?” Jaylex shot me a shocked look. “What? I didn’t tell him on purpose. I didn’t want him hating me anymore then he already did.”

“Do I hate you for who your father is?” I asked in a surprised voice. He shrugged, looking away from me. I sat next to him as Tristian appeared in the doorway. “Jaylex.” I murmured softly. He glanced at me, and I smiled slightly.

“Who did I pick out of the Gruesome brothers?” yes, that was his last name. Fitting for tiff and in the end Tommy.

“To hang out with or to willingly bang?” he muttered. I just gave him a look until he sighed. “Me, Baby girl, Me.”

“Who was the one who made that beautiful little angel in there?” I asked gently. Jaylex’s gaze sprang to Tristian as he shoved off of the doorway. Jaylex bit his lip and looked away. I frowned.

“Answer me, dude. It was you.”

“No, it wasn’t.” Tristian said. I shot him an annoyed look. “No offense, but I don’t think you where there.”

“But he’s right.” Jaylex said softly. I whirled to face him again. he sighed, running his hands through his hair.

“Dame did it. And he wasn’t drunk.” I just stared at him a moment.

“But… but he… why…?” I finally murmured. Jaylex studied me worriedly. “ I know, I know. That’s why he felt the need to protect you. He thought it was just for fun he didn’t know dad wanted to get you pregnant.” I shook my head at him. “ No. He. No.” I went to stand and he grabbed my hand. “You’ve noticed it! You know that When he was little he was a red head. Her eyes are just like his. She acts just like him. She even smiles like him anymore!” I shook my head. I felt something run down my cheek. “Dame wouldn’t…”

“He loved you, yes, but he would do anything to get you. How do you think he convinced Dad that he was the only one that should touch you for a whole year?” Tristian looked confused. I shook my head. “Jaylex, no. I’m not going to believe you! That’s just not him!”

“Just like hitting you wasn’t him, right? Or maybe that Knife incident wasn’t him? And Heaven forbid when he locked you in your room for three weeks, that wasn’t him. He was too perfect for that.” he was getting angry. “Why do you think I stopped letting him just come to me whenever? I knew he was getting more like Tiff! But he wouldn’t do that before!”

“He did! Open your damn eyes!” a soft sob broke the angry atmosphere and I turned to see Shakina in the doorway, tears streaming down her face. I opened my eyes and she ran foreward and curled into me. I held her close. He was right, she acted just like Dame. But he was so amazing, and I know he did love me, in his way. Before he left anyway. I wiped at Shakina’s eyes.

“Baby girl, why are you crying?”

“Daddy was yelling at you! You always get hit when you get yelled at. I don’t like you getting hit!” I made a noise in the back of my throat and hugged her as Jaylex and Tristian shared a shocked look. Tristian had become a brooding, infuriating, silent stranger these past few months, but we still managed to shock him.

“Angel, he wasn’t going to hit me. He was mad, but he knows not to do that.”

“But Gwetch does! He always says he wont, but he does!”

“Oh, love, he wouldn’t. Daddy would never hit me.” A complete lie, he threw a punch at me the other day when I ticked him off. But that’s besides the point. She didn’t need to know that. she was going to have to believe that we where happy and that would make her happy too. I glanced at my watch.

“Baby girl, we have a few hours until I have to leave, do you want to go get some ice cream?” she nodded, wiping at her wet cheeks. I helped her and she looked at Jaylex. “Daddy, are you coming?” Jaylex looked at his watch. “Baby I can’t. I gotta get to the factory and work.”

“Ok daddy. I love you.” She hugged him. He sent me a look over her shoulder that said that we weren’t done, and I grimaced. She turned to Tristian as Jaylex left. “Are you coming uwncle Twist-Tee-ann?” she couldn’t pronounce his name, and it was adorable.

So Tristian, Shakina and I went to the Ice Cream parlor, pretnending everything was fine while I was having a mental breakdown. I mena, Tommy had loved me and cared for me for a year, before he up and left, and then Jaylex and Shakina was taken soon after, so I had just kind of went down hill. And for him to have done that! towards the end I would have believed that. but at the beginning he was amazing! He loved me! Now way!


~next day~
“Wake your fat butt up so I can get you ready!” Jaylex was shaking my shoulders. I slapped randomly and must have connected, because he yelped and the hands where gone. I sat up and realized Tristian was already gone.

“I’ve already dressed his fine ass. Get up and get to the bathroom missy!” Jaylex cried, running out. I groaned. Who gave him coffee!?

Thirty minutes later Tristian was staring at me, and I was pretty sure I was staring back, drooling. His award winning stomach was on full display under a black neon splatter painted jacket and a pair of low hanging, white neon splatter painted jeans. He had a black and white high top on each foot and his hair was straight and amazingly sexy! I almost swooned.

“My God, you tamed the beast!” I exclaimed. Tristian smirked. “Thanks. I tried to clean up.”

“I meant your hair!” I exclaimed, reaching out to touch a piece. It was so soft.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so filler and kind of confusing. i wanted to add it though because it's impordante and i will explain it better somewhat soon. and good news. i have the last chapter written. now i just have to get the inbetween chapters done. :/ school is in the way so updates periodically......... sorry... good news is i have another for you tonight. AND it's my effing birthday so be happy i did it at all! i love you all goodbye