Status: work in progresss..............

It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing...

Home depot

A week passed, too fast for me. Soon enough Josh was leaving. He was the brother I connected to the most, and it was hard for him to leave me, I could tell. He hugged me fiercely. " you have my number, right? Text me if you need anything. I mean it. " I nodded, going to pull away, but he pulled me closer. 

" I also gave Tristian your number. He should be around to help you out most of the time. Freddy too." I nodded, pulling away and smiling sadly.  " alright then. Make sure u make it home for break, ok?" he laughed. " wouldn't miss it for the world sis. " I waved as he pulled away and then turned to my mom and Timmy. " so to home depot? I still need paint." mom nodded absently, handing Timmy the keys. He had his permit but not his license. She handed me the credit card, smiling slightly. " I need to get you your own for allowances soon. James is coming home today, should be home in time for supper. " Timmy groaned and I gave him a confused look. He motioned to the car and I climbed in. 

" mom hasn't told him they found you yet. We're staying somewhere for the night so they can duke it out, alright?" I groaned.

" an I really that much of a problem?" I asked him. He shook his head vigorously, pulling into traffic. " no! Absolutely not! " I shot him a look, and he rolled his eyes. " I promise you're not! James just doesn't want a daughter. He'll get over it. " I shook my head, looking away from him. He let it drop, and the ride to home depot was silent. 

" Hello?" I answered my phone, kneeling on the ground to look at the paint samples they had closer to the ground. 

"what are you doing in a home depot?" Tristians familiar voice said in my ear. I smiled slightly. " picking out paint for my room. What about you?" 

" how do you know I'm in home depot?" he asked. 

" how else would you know I was? Now I'm sure you can see me. Come help me pick a color. I hung up on him and saved his number in my phone. When I was done I looked up to see him leaning next to me. I stood, motioning to the wall of colors. " I want a dark blue, or a neon blue, but not a normal one. I need help." he studied the wall a moment, then pulled a sleeve out and handed me a sample page. I gasped. It was labeled electric blue, and it was as bright as Freddy's eyes when he was laughing. I grinned. " yes! Thanks. " I turned and gave the sample to the man making paint, then glanced around. 

" now we have to find monkey. "

"who!?" he exclaimed. I smiled. "Timmy. " he nodded, walking down an isle. I went to fallow when someone attacked me from behind. " sis! Guess what! I wanna piggyback ride!" Timmy crowed. I sighed a Tristian laughed at me and shook his head. " that child is a handful. I'm sorry. " I shrugged, readjusting him on my back. 

"Tristian! I have a favor to ask!" Timmy exclaimed as we headed back to the table with paint on it. 

" ask away young one." he said in a droid like tone. I smiled and Timmy laughed. " can we stay over at your place? Mom said James was coming over and she hasn't told him about Gracie yet. " Trisitan was shaking his head yes when the word James left his mouth. " absolutely. I'll hitch a ride with you guys since I walked here and you can get a change of clothes and drop this paint off." he said, taking the paint cans that the guy set on the table. I fallowed him out, Timmy still on my back. I listened to him chatter all the way home, smiling slightly. I missed people talking. All I had heard while with Gretchin was screaming or yelling. Or hissing. He hissed a lot. 
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Short sorry I did this one on my iPod