Status: New Story

The Diaries of a Psychopath


No. They're coming again. I can't let them in. He's going to hurt me again. The needles hurt. The needles hurt so much. Please. Please. Please don't let him come in again. I can't take it.

I can hear him calling my name. The pain. Don't hurt Angie. She doesn't deserve to be hurt. I don't want him to hurt her. She's so soft. Here you take her.

In a singsong voice He's coming! Take Angie. Keep her safe. Don't tell him, but I found a razor blade. It's sharp, oh so sharp. I tested it myself. It made me bleed, just like it did when I cut her up into little bitty pieces. She deserved it that time. She just wouldn't stop calling my name. I didn't want to, but she was being a bad girl and bad girls have to be punished.

I can't take it in here. It's so constricting. So small. Get me out. Get me out. Get me out.

I'm gonna use it. I'm going to help them. One less person. If he comes, don't let him see Angie. She's such a good girl. Such a good girl.

He screams and takes the razor blade and slits his throat. Angie is lying in front of him and gets soaked in a pool of blood.