Status: completed!


i love you, too

Harry Styles and Jillian Conway ended up moving together into a large apartment a couple of months later after the exchange of "I love you's". Their new place wasn't very far from where Harry used to live and the couple usually had the boys over since their place of residence was bigger than the flats they lived at.

Jasmine flew back to New York before her second year of college started up, having to get everything situated before moving to her dorm. It was weird for Jill to have her best friend gone again—she was so used to having her around 24/7 that even 2 months later she wasn't used to Jas never there—but, Jillian wouldn't admit that it was nice to be able to do things with Harry and not have Jasmine walk in. That happened to many times for both the girls' liking. 

For a couple of weeks, Harry was gone in Sweden to prepare recording their second album, leaving Jillian all to herself; the only company she had was her precious little puppy Sadie and Finley whenever she came over and visited, or stayed the night. 

And now she was expecting him home at any time. 

For his arrival she decided on making a batch of homemade cookies. You'd think that with her best friend being in culinary school she'd be good at cooking, but it was more of the complete opposite. There was flour all over her clothes and on the counters. 

As she grabbed a rag, got it wet and went to wipe away the mess she made, the door opened and the rag dropped from her hand and she ran towards the front door to see her boyfriend walking in, dressed in a plain white t-shirt, a pair of black jeans and converses on his feet. A grey beanie was holding in his curls, he had been too lazy before the flight and just put the beanie on after his hair dried from the shower he took. 

"Harold!" Jillian exclaimed as Sadie came running in from wherever she was previously lying down and jumped at her boyfriend's feet. 

"America!" Harry replied in the same tone, a smirk made its way onto his face as he took in his girlfriend's appearance. Even with flour caked onto her clothes and face, she couldn't look more adorable. "I'd hug you but I'd rather not get flour on my clothes." 

"Fine," Jillian's smile faltered into a frown as she picked up her dog and spun on her sock-clad heel and slowly began walking away from Harry. "No kiss for Mr. Styles!" She sang. 

She suddenly felt a pair of large, firm hands at her waist and her back pressed against a body. She instantly smirked; her plan working. "You should leave the singing to me," Harry chuckled from behind her, pressing a simple kiss to the spot behind her ear knowing it drove her crazy. A shiver of pleasure flooded through her body at that single kiss. 

Turning around in his arms, she stood on her tip toes and slowly inched her face towards his until their lips crashed together. It'd been almost a month since they'd seen each other in person. Sure, they called, Skyped and texted daily—or whenever it was possible of one of them wasn't busy—but it was never the same as seeing the other in person. 

When Harry pulled away, he left a quick kiss on her nose and asked, "Do I smell cookies?" 

"Yes you do! I made them. Not so sure how they'll taste because I'm no chef like Jas but I tried." 

"I'm sure they will be delicious, love," Harry said, his arm sliding around Jillian's waist as they made their way into the kitchen. "It looks like you've um… made a bit of a mess." 

"I was just about to clean it up but then you got home," she sighed. 

Harry smirked. "No need to clean it up if we're just going to dirty it up more." 

"Harry, wha—" Before she could finish her question, Harry flung flour at her face. "Did you just throw flour at me?" 

"No," he answered, a playful glint appeared in his eyes and a smirk on his face. "I flung it." 

"It is so on, Styles!" Jillian yelled, grabbing an egg from the carton and smearing it against his t-shirt, making sure to really rub it in before stepping back and admiring her work. 

Soon it turned into an all out food fight as the couple had more ingredients on them than in the original containers they came in. Harry poured a large handful of sugar onto Jillian's head and in turn, she grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be vegetable oil, and drizzled it on his head. She did take his beanie off before though, knowing it was his favorite of the ones he owned. 

"Okay, okay!" Jillian cried, hands up in defense as Harry was about to grab something else to toss at her. "I give up!" 

"Ha! I win!" He triumphantly shouted as he threw his arms in the air. 

"And now I'm all dirty," Jillian whined. "I need a shower." 

"Maybe I could join you," Harry suggested, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner which made Jillian laugh. 

"Not with that stunt you pulled!" 


Three hours later and both of them were squeaky clean, as was the kitchen. Just like the normally did when Harry got home after something with One Direction, they put in a movie, had a bowl of popcorn and cuddled on their bed. 

Just as the two were about to fall asleep, Louis, Zayn, Niall and Liam barged inside. The couple instantly regretted giving them a key. 

"What are you doing here?" Jillian asked, rubbing at her eyes in attempts to wake her up. 

"Well, we thought you'd like to join us for dinner but you seem occupied," Liam said. 

"No, no, we can come. All we have to do is get dressed an—" Jillian stopped talking when a yawn interrupted her. 

"You two are tired, we'll have dinner together another time, yeah?" Jillian nodded and nuzzled her face into Harry's neck. 

"I love you, Harold," Jillian said, her lips leaving a kiss against Harry's neck. 

"Aw, thanks, love," her boyfriend replied. She moved her head and glared at him playfully. "I'm joking! I love you, too. You know that." He laughed and leaned forward to give her a quick kiss, not caring that their friends were still in the room. 

"You two should just marry or something already, for God's sake," Louis groaned as he watched the happy couple with a smile on his face. 

Louis knew Harry and Jillian would last forever. Everyone did. 

Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly
♠ ♠ ♠
Look at that; a cute ending to a cute story! As much as I'm sad to see this go, they say all good things must come to an end. 

I truly appreciate all the comments, subscriptions and recommendations this story received. I can't express any words to say how much I love you guys. 



Now my attention will be focused on this Harry story. Chapter 2 should be posted there sometime soon! 

Oh. Quick question! Should I do an epilogue? Leave your answer in the comments!