Status: prewritten 12 chapters and counting.

Painting Flowers

Chapter 10

When we got to the corner of Waverly and Mercer, I suggested Chipotle’s to the delight of Jack. We made a quick left and walked a block. Since the holidays had just begun, it was less crowded with college students, and more packed with families. There were still girls coming up to our table asking for autographs, but that didn’t keep Jack from keeping his arm around me the entire time. They kept me entertained throughout lunch by reading off tweets, everything from raging fan girls wanting to know who the hell I was to very sweet girls telling Jack they were happy for him and requested all the details in full! Right as we were leaving, Alex received a phone call from Matt.

“Hey, Flyzik wants us to meet him at the hotel for check-in.” Alex said when he hung up the phone. There was a chorus of groans from the boys.

“Don’t be so sad. I think you’ll like where your headed.” I smirked, receiving confused looks from everyone.

“I kind of got Matt’s number from your phone last night.” I looked at Jack, “You’re staying at a different hotel.” I said, while effortlessly hailing a cab.

“Really, now? And where may I ask are we staying?” Rian asked, clearly amused.

“You’ll see.” I smiled, opening the door for them.

“Oh, what about our bags?” Zack stopped. That’s right, they were all still at my dorm.

“How about I stay with Ashtyn, and I can meet up with you guys later?” Jack suggested making me grin. All three boys cracked up.

“Smooth.” Rian whispered. Jack shrugged.

“We can go by the dorms later, I’ll have him back in time for a party.” I said, going around the cab to talk to the driver. “This should get them to the Plaza.” I said lowly. “Have fun guys.” I smiled, and before they could comment further, the cab was driving down the road.

“Did you just say ‘The Plaza?’” Jack asked incredulously.


“You got us a room at The Plaza Hotel?”

“Actually…I kind of got you the penthouse.” I said slowly, walking ahead of him slightly. I glanced back and he was stopped, his jaw practically hitting the concrete. “What? Its on my list.”

“Getting a band and crew the Plaza Hotel penthouse is on your bucket list?”

“Doing something nice for a group of people who changed my life.” I said, taking his hand in mind and dragging him back down Waverly towards the busy Broadway intersection.

“Okay, I have to ask.” He said as we turned the corner by Tisch. “How do you do it? How can you afford to give thousands a year to non-profits, throw around nights in penthouses, and go to school here?” He gestured to the big puple NYU flag waving above us. “I mean, you haven’t mentioned a job and you’ve lived here before college. Dorms are expensive, I know that from Zack. I just…where do you get the money?” He asked. I sighed.

“When I was about 10, my parents died. They were professors at this school, and already had my entire college experience paid for. In the will, it stated that I had enough money to get by till I was 25 or until I received a bachelors degree from NYU, whichever came first. After that, I was set for life if I spent it properly. I met Drew and Brad when I was 14. Their parents foster teens.” I glanced at Jacks face. “Most people considering adoption aren’t exactly picturing a teenager with a full fledged attitude. On paper, I seemed pretty lucky; two foster homes in 8 years, that is until you see the part where I’m the reason that asshole is in prison for life.” I trailed off towards the end and wasn’t entirely sure he heard me until I looked up and there were tears in his eyes. He wrapped me in his arms and I shut my eyes. He was warm and safe.

“You don’t have to finish this.” He whispered and I nodded my head. “You ok?”

“Yeah,” I smiled softly. “You’re here.” I whispered honestly.