Status: prewritten 12 chapters and counting.

Painting Flowers

Chapter 12

By the time Jack and I were stepping out of the dorms, bags in tow, I still couldn't stop smiling. Despite Nathans tantrum, I was thrilled at how things were going.
"You okay? You've been quiet since we left the park."
"Yeah," I looked up at him, losing myself in his eyes for a moment.
"What?" He grinned.

"I just never thought any of this would be happening." I shrug, feeling myself blush.
"I never thought I'd meet someone like you." He responded as I effortlessly hailed a cab. I ducked my head into the backseat, hiding my face.
"Plaza Hotel, please." I tell the driver while Jack loads the trunk. When he slid in next to me, I leaned into him automatically and he wrapped me in his arms.
"So, how do you know Val?"
"They're family friends. Gemma and mom worked together. It was by the grace of God that Gemma wasn't in the towers the day they were hit. Paulo had a ceremony that day. I'm Valeries god mother." I said this all in a bit of a rush, afraid that my voice would crack. Jack noticed. He turned to face me.
"You didn't mention that before."
"I try to avoid that look." I whisper. "I hate being one of those kids." I explain further. "Other people loose loved ones all the time, I don't like the extra sympathy." Jack's only response was to kiss my temple. We stayed quiet until we reached the hotel. Jack handed the guy a wad of cash before I even had a chance to process that the cab was no longer moving.

"Did you invite Drew or anyone?"
"I didn't even think about it. Can I?"
"Asks the girl paying for the penthouse. Wow."
" Shut up!" I burst out laughing as I reach for my phone. I started adding contacts to a new text: Sam, Drew and Will, hesitating at Nathans. I decided against it and typed the message:

Party at the penthouse. get here. :)

"We get in the elevator and head up towards the Suite. I hear Alex tuning his guitar in the study and follow the hypnotizing sound. Jack motions like he's going to find somewhere out of the way to sit the bags and I nod. I sit across from Alex and just watch. He's in the zone, I can tell. It must be about 5 minutes (did Jack get lost?) before he notices me.

"Hey." I smile.
"Have fun today?"
"Yeah, you?" I ask, stealing a french fry. Of course, these guys would have a night in the fucking Royal Plaza Suite in New York City and the food of choice would be McDonalds.
"Yeah, after we got lost four times in this suite." He laughed.
"It's gonna be harder once you start drinking, beieve me." Drew said as she walked through the doors. I whipped around and just stared at her. "What? You know I'm right."
"How did you get here that fast?"
"I was hiding in the bushes outside. You walked right past me." She said with a straight face. She held it for about two seconds before we both fell to the floor in a fit of hysteria.
"What's so funny?" Jack and Rian were standing in the door way, looking amused.
"They're making fun of my misfortune." Alex smirked, throwing french fries at us. Jack sat down on the floor and pulled me into his lap.
"Where is everybody?" Drew asked.

"Danny, Matt and Evan went to search for liquer. Jeff, Zack and Vinny went to explore the hotel."
"I heard you put on two shows today at Square." Drew looked at me.
"What?! We missed it?" Alex exclaimed.
"Nate said you sounded really good." Drew said pointedly, acting as if the internationally known pop punk band wasn't even in the room.
"Yeah, he texted me." I say as Drews phone rings.
"Speak of the devil." She stood, holding her hand out to me. I take it, kissing Jack on the cheek before leaving the room.

We head to the patio and Drew answers the phone.
"Hey at the Plaza...yeah, she's right here. Hold on." She hands it to me. "Someone's in trouble." She whispers in a sing song voice. I roll my eyes at my other half as I walk to the edge of the balcony, taking in one of my favorite views of the city.
"Hey, Nate."
"Why weren't you answering my phone calls?"
"I don't have my phone on me. It must be in my purse."
"Who are you with?"
"Drew and the guys."
"The guys?"
"The band." I clarify, annoyed.
"You're partying with a bunch of band guys in a hotel room?"
"Don't start, Nate. Drew, Sam and Will are here. Other than that, it's the band and some of the crew. I would have invited you, but I didn't think you'd want to be here. You can come if you want." I shrug at Drew and make a face.
"I don't care that I wasn't invited, Ash. I just want you to be smart about this."
"Quit acting like I'm more nieve than your little sister, please. You know I can take care of myself, Nathan. Please, I'm begging you, just trust my judgement." Silence. Loud silence. "Nate?"
"Yeah," He answers, his voice raspy. "I get it. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then?"
"Yeah, we can have lunch or something?" I smile a little, thinking maybe he finally gets it. I hear a knock behind me and spin.
"Am I interrupting?" It's Jack. Cute, adorable, sweet, Jack. My Jack? Is he really mine? Maybe someday? I shake my head and turn my attention back to the phone call.
"The cafe sound good?"
"Yeah, I'll text you tomorrow. Love you." I hang up, toss the phone to Drew and lean against the railing again. "What's up?" I ask Jack, thankful of Drew making a graceful exit for once.
"Well..." He slid his arms around my waist, kissing my forehead. "I just talked to Alex, and you know this is the first holiday we've had off in a while so we're doing this huge thing at home with all our families." He paused, as if waiting for a reaction, but I'm still not sure where this is going so I stay quiet. "I talked it over with the guys and they don't think I'm crazy, so I hope you don't either..." He hesitated again. "Spend Christmas with me?"