Status: prewritten 12 chapters and counting.

Painting Flowers

Chapter 4

“Haven’t kept you waiting too long, have we?” Alex asked when he walked back into the dressing room. I was sitting with Jeff, talking about his [once again] amazing light show from tonight.

“New York fans are insane.” Zack added, as he followed Alex through the room, shirtless, as usual. Rian and Jack came in not long after, both laughing so hard they were breathless.

“What happened?” I smile, amused.

“These girls…tried to attack…” Jack starts, pointing at Rian, not being able to speak anymore because he starts laughing all over again. He falls on the couch with me and lays his head in my lap.

“That funny, huh?” I ask.

“You have no idea.” He said, his face suddenly serious. I stick my tongue out at him and he returns the gesture before sitting up. “So what do you want to do tonight?”

“Hmm.” Honestly, I’ve had this idea since before the show, but I’m nervous about the proposal. “Well, you guys have a day off tomorrow, right?” Jack nodded. “Want a tour of the city?” I ask, looking at the four boys. They all look at each other and nod. “Do you guys have a place to stay tonight?”

“I think Matt got some hotel rooms for tomorrow. Tonight we were staying in the bus, why, what do you have in mind?” Alex asks, sitting next to Jack.

“I live in the NYU dorms, but it being Christmas break, no one’s there. I mean, it’s me and like 2 other kids but they’re a couple floors down and no one really cares.”

“Which means no noise ordinance.” Rian smirks at Alex. “We like to play music…” He adds, for an explanation, “At like 2AM.” He finishes with a grin.

“Sounds like I have the perfect place.” I flash him my pearly whites. “My dorm is an apartment style, three beds and a pullout couch, you guys game?” Everyone is nodding enthusiastically by now, making me laugh. “What are we waiting for?” I stand, pulling Jack to his feet. Alex jumps up, too. All four boys start packing small backpacks, two with clothes and two more they leave empty.

“We have to stop by the bus, then we can get a car to take us to your place.” Zack says to me as they lead me out of the room. Alex stops off by the offices of the venue and I tell Jack I’ll meet him out front, seeing Brad still at the bar. He’s smirking and I know why.

“Isn’t this taking a page or two out of my sisters book? Leaving the venue with a guy…or, ya know, four?”

“I’m going to tell her you said that.” I laugh.

“She knows how she is!” He defended, whipping me with his towel. “You sure you know what you’re doing, Ash?”

“I’m a big girl, B.”

“Hey, if I know anything, it’s that you can hold your own, but you’re leaving a venue at 1AM with four rock stars who have pretty legendary reputations. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“I’ll be fine. We’re just gonna party.”

“And how are you getting home?” He asked, sounding like he’s my own brother, instead of Drews. I bite my lip.

“They’re taking me home.” His eyebrows shot up.

“I’m letting them crash, okay? Don’t even start, B.” I warn, seeing his eyes flash. He’s cut off by whatever his next warning is by Alex walking up behind me.

“You ready?” He asked.

“Yeah, I lean over the counter and kiss Brads forehead.

“Don’t worry, bubba. I’ll call you tomorrow, promise.” He smiles and sighs as I turn to leave.