Status: prewritten 12 chapters and counting.

Painting Flowers

Chapter 5

“Brother?” Alex asks.

“Drews brother. We grew up together, so he’s just as protective of me.”

“Let me guess, he gave you the ‘don’t get taken advantage of by drunk rock stars’ speech?” He teased.

“There was definitely an attempt.” He laughed.

“How long have you been in the US?” I wondered how long it was going to be before anyone mentioned my accent.

“I moved here from London when I was seven, but I was born in Paris.”

“Interesting.” He smiled. “Why New York?”

“My parents met here. They graduated in ‘88 from NYU. They fell in love with the city and got jobs here as professors.”

“Really? My dad graduated in ‘88, too.” Zack commented. We had just met up with them in front of two waiting taxis. I smiled politely at Zack, responding with a nod when he held the car door open for me. “What dorms are you at?”

“TAN, 75 Third Avenue.”

“Yeah, I know where that is, we’ll meet you guys there.” He said before following Rian to the first taxi. Jack and Alex both piled in after me. I glanced at the bag at Jacks feet when I heard the sound of tinkling glass.

“We didn’t want to take all of your alcohol.” He winked and I laughed, shaking my head. Fifteen minutes later we were pulling up to my building. I couldn’t help but grin. I still was trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was here, at New York University.

“Come on.” I took one of the bags from Jack and lead them through the large glass doors. As soon as I saw Andrew working the front desk I burst out laughing. “Don’t even start with me.” I warned as his eyebrows shot upwards at my entourage.

“No way.” He shrieked in quite possibly the gayest voice I’ve ever heard. Oh my God, I love him.

“Hush your mouth.” I laugh, sighing all four of their names on the guest list. “Do you guys have ID’s or something? Policy.” I shrug. All four of them pull out wallets, still giving me questioning looks. Andrew takes them all, still trying not to make what I’m sure are many sexual comments.

“You can get them back tomorrow when you leave.” He grinned at them. “Have fun.” He added in a sing song voice as I headed towards the elevator.

“Andrew don’t make me hurt you.” I smirked back. He winked. “Ignore him.” I rolled my eyes as the elevator door shut. “Please, ignore him.” I push the small circular “14” and it lights up.

“These are nice.” I hear Zack say.

“They really are. I’m on the Theatre Arts Company floor, it’s never a dull moment around here, usually. The doors stopped unexpectedly on floor 6 and the doors slid open to reveal a small, rather confused looking, girl. She smiled at me and then I saw realization hit her as she looked at each face behind me.

“Well, I was going to complain because I was trying to go down, but apparently my guardian angel didn’t want me to miss out.” She laughed. “I was going for treats, but looks like you’ve got them all to yourselves tonight.”

“Hey Sam.” I grinned. “This is probably a beyond stupid question, but want to come with us?”

“Yay! More for the party!” Alex yelled excitedly, jumping, making the entire elevator jolt.

“Uhm, duh.” Sam smiled, hopping in beside me. “I’m sam.” She introduced.

“Where were you going to get treats at 2AM?” Rian asked.

“Dude, this town never sleeps, remember?” Jack responded. Sam and I just nodded in agreement.

“There’s this place called Insomnia Cookies like 10 blocks from here. They open at Noon and don’t close till Dawn. It’s great.” She said solemnly. I shook my head, sounds like a place these guys would love.