Status: Updated every Friday night at 7pm Pacific standard time.



Beep Beep Beep I bolted awake, breathing heavily. My eyes were wide with fright as I looked around fearfully. Once I realized I was safely in the confides of my room I let out a shaky breath and slowly climbed out of my bed and turned off my alarm.
I walked into my bathroom and turned on the light. I instantly closed my eyes and let them adjust to the brightness of the room and carefully shed my clothes. Stepping into the scalding hot water; I let myself relax. The water soothed my aching bones and brought me back to reality.

Every night this month I‘ve awoken drenched in sweat and frightened half to death from the same grizzly nightmare. Night after night blood curdling screams and visions of death haunted me. I chalked it up to too much caffeine and horror movies before bed, but that was over 3 weeks ago and now I had no idea what was keeping me from my once peaceful nights.

When the water ran cold, I wrapped a towel around my body and climbed out. Looking at myself in the mirror I could see that my eyes were sunken in and purple from the lack of sleep. I drew in a deep breath and walked back into my room and over to my closet. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt quickly throwing them on before grabbing my keys and leaving my apartment.

The crisp cold air of the early morning shot through my body like a dagger. The leaves crunched under my feet as I walked down the sidewalk. I made my way to my morning haunt to grab my daily dose of caffeine.

I sighed as the bell above the door jingled to announce my arrival. A boy behind the counter looked up and smiled at me as I neared the counter.

“The usual?” he asked. I nodded silently as I waited for my order. A tiny bit later he came back with my coffee and handed the hot drink to me. I paid and mumbled a quite thank you before I left.

I sipped my coffee as I walked back to my apartment and thought about my dream. It was the same as the night before, and the night before that. It always seemed to be centered around two guys who I had never ever seen before.

They were gorgeous beyond belief, one tall with dark shaggy brown hair and soulful eyes. The other a bit shorter with light brown hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen on a man.
But they were always, always in danger. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and demons galore followed them through my dreams. Close calls and bloody noses were the number one feature that these two always seemed to find themselves in. I didn’t understand my mind, and it was starting to scare me.


I finally reached my apartment again and unlocked my door. I set my keys on the stand near the door and walked into my room so that I could get ready for school.

I washed my face and applied a small amount of makeup around my eyes and lips. I silently pulled my hair up in a messy bun and then walked back out the door; coffee in hand.
I jumped into my black Honda civic and drove the twenty-five miles to the Ohio State University where I studied to become a registered nurse. I was already into my second year and I absolutely loved it. I had moved to Columbus, Ohio a year ago from California so the change was big. But I had met the sweetest girl ever, and we made friends fast.

Jena was a lot like me; same taste in music, clothing, and even boys. It was like we were always meant to become friends, and I was thankful that we did. If it wasn’t for her I would probably lose my mind; especially now with all the nightmares.

I parked my car quickly and met Jena at the entrance of our first class. We sat down at our normal spots and quietly talked as we waited for our professor to show.

“Did you get any sleep Hun?” she asked me as she picked and prodded through her messenger bag. “Ah hah!” she exclaimed as she brought out a hot pink jelly pen.

“No,” I stated, “I haven’t slept barely 4 hours before I woke up”. Jena gave me a small smile before she wrapped me in a hug; her mousey brown hair tickling my nose.

“Awh, I’m sorry Mandie maybe you will tonight?” I looked at her skeptically and shook my head. I did not hold my hopes high at all for a good night’s rest… I hadn’t in over 3 weeks.

“Do you work tonight?” I asked as the teacher finally showed up.

“Yea, you?” she answered as she began to take notes.

“Mmhmm, the night shift,” I answered.

Her eyes practically bugged out of their sockets as she screeched at me. “WHAAAAT?! Are you insane?! You cannot work the night shift?!” She hammered on. By the time she was finished the whole class.. Including the teacher was staring.

“Ha haha… sorry,” she said her face completely red from anger and embarrassment. From then on she kept quiet and class went on, but every now and again I could see her look at me from the corner of her eye; a scowl firmly placed on her lips.

Two hours later class was over and Jena was once again lecturing me on why I shouldn’t be working the night shift, but I didn’t blame her. If she worked at ‘The Golden Goose: Bar and Grill’ like I did… I’d be worried too. And I was. Working the night shift at the Goose was bad, really bad. All the creeps in town and passerby’s shoved their asses into the small stuffy place and groped the waitresses until they were kicked out for drunk and disorderly conducts.

“There’s nothing I can do,” I sighed as we walked out to the parking lot.

“Yes there is!” she practically screamed at me, “Tell Charlie you will not work the night shift! It’s too dangerous Amanda!!”

I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face as I leaned against her car, “No, Jena there isn’t”.

“I have to get to work,” she said unlocking her car door, “Don’t think that this conversation is over. I’ll see you later”.

“Bye,” I said as I watched her get in and pull out.

“I mean it Mandie, this isn’t over… not by a long shot,” she yelled at me as she drove away. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the campus for my next class.


A few hours or so later it was time for me to head over to the Goose, and start my shift. I headed home from school and quickly jumped in the shower. Fifteen minutes later and I was walking through the front door of the bar.

The place was already jam packed with dirty bastards and their drunken friends. I sighed and walked back into the kitchen and clocked in. I grabbed my apron and walked out behind the bar and started to wipe down the counter top.

After a few drunken butt pinches from the locals, I was already starting to regret coming into work today. I knew that Jena was never going to let me live this down for the rest of my life and I knew it. Not only will she be mad because I took the job, she will also be smug that she was right. Boy do I hate it when she’s right.

“Hey! Can we get two beers over here?” I heard from across the room. I grabbed two glasses from underneath the bar counter and filled them with Heineken out of the tap. Grabbing both in one hand and menus in the other I walked over to where two men were sitting, talking animatedly to one another.

“Here, you go,” I said as I sat down the men’s alcohol and setting down the menus on the table, “Can I offer you boys something off the menu?”

“Uhhh-,” said one before he was cut off by the other.

“Hell yeah!” the other guy said, “I’ll have a burger and fries and if you got it an apple pie. Mmm pie”.

I laughed and looked up, my jaw dropping in astonishment. It was them! I just couldn’t believe my eyes; the two men who had been haunting my dreams for the past month were sitting right in front of me.

“Uh, lady,” said the shaggy headed one, “You okay?”

I blinked my eyes rapidly and closed my mouth. I nodded slowly as I turned back towards the short haired man, “Will that be all?”

He nodded enthusiastically and grinned.

“Okay, and uh you?” I said as I turned again to the shaggy headed guy.

“I’ll uh, have the same I guess,” he said as he handed me back the menu. I gave them each a small smile and walked away from the table.

“Dude she was totally into you!” I heard behind me from the two guys.

“Ha ha, very funny Dean,” the other one sarcastically replied.

Huh, I wonder which one was Dean? I sighed and when I finally reached the bar I yelled out over to the Goose’s cook, David; the guy’s orders. Ten minutes later I was walking back to the table with their food in hand.

“Here you go,” I said as I set down their food, “and here’s your pie”.

“YES!” the short haired one said, “Thank you… , “ he searched for my name tag, “Amanda”.

“No problem,” I said as I quickly left them. For the rest of my shift I let one of the other waitresses take care of them as I wrapped my head around the possibilities as to why these two men were here.

By the time my shift was over I was seriously exhausted and could barely walk out to my car. I slowly made my way out through the parking lot and to my car. When I was almost to the driver’s side door someone from behind me grabbed and roughly slammed their hand over my mouth.

I tried to scream and fight the person off, but he was just way too strong for me. I was able to get his hand somewhat off my mouth and bit down hard.

“Ow, you fucking bitch!” he screamed at me, “You’ll regret ever doing that!”

That was when I was forcibly knocked out of his grasp and onto the hard concrete. I looked up just in time to see the two guys from the bar stabbing my attacker in the chest, but what scared me even more than these two killing the guy; was the midnight black smoke rising out of his mouth.

My eyes were the size of golf balls as I tried to scramble my way from these two guys and the creepy black smoke. I ran as fast as I could to my car before I was again grabbed from behind and had a hand thrown over my mouth.

“Settle down, okay?” said the one holding me as we turned to face the other, “Were not going to hurt you”.

Yeah right, I thought. I rolled my eyes as I continued to struggle in the short haired guy’s arms.

“Uff, if you stop moving I’ll let you go,” he said as I kicked behind me, “Ugh, Sam”.

The guy dropped me into the other’s arms and cupped his prized jewels. I snickered lightly to see the big macho man cowering like a girl because of me.

“Okay, now you listen here!” said the one now holding me, “We just saved you and now this?”

I licked his hand and he dropped me to the ground like a hot potato, “EW gross, what the fuck?”

“Stay away from me!” I yelled as I scrambled backwards.

“Its okay!” the shaggy haired one said, “He’s not going to bother you anymore”.

“Well, no shit Sherlock!” I screamed, “You killed him!”

“He wasn’t human!” the other screamed, “We killed him to save you! It’s our job!”

“Human?!” I yelled, “What the hell are you freaks on? Who are you?”

“Were not on anything, my name is Sam and this is my brother Dean,” said Sam.

“And that thing,” cut in Dean, “Was a Demon”.

I couldn’t take this. First these guys showed up in my dreams and then at my work? And now there is a demon? What. the. Flying. Fuck. And so, right then and there I fainted on the two brother’s feet; the screaming in my head giving me a migraine. Boy what fun.
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