Status: Finished


And Hope It's a Dream

The news came early one November morning. She let the water swirl around her legs, as she stood knee deep in the frigid ocean water. Her tears creating tiny ripples as they fell to the ocean. Her husband's body lay peacefully in his watery grave, leaving her alone. When she closed her eyes all she could see where their last moments together. The image of his smiling face, promising her that he'd return, tore at her heart. She could still feel his last kiss linger on her lips.

Ever since she received the news she had been a mess. In her grief she had carved into her own flesh, leaving his name permanently on her arm, Matthew. She longed for him, to be with him one last time. She dreamed of the embrace that would never come. She wanted to be near him again. She closed her eyes and walked further into the water, until she was barely able to touch the ground. She let the force of the waves crash over her, pushing her below the surface.

When she opened her eyes, she could almost see her husband lingering beneath the waves with her. She reached out her hand, trying to touch the ghost of the man she loved. Slowly she began losing her breath. Her body began to fight her to return the the surface for air. She couldn't leave him. She forced herself to stay under, eyes trained on the ghost of her husband. Her vi son began to darken, and slowly the life slipped out of her as well. Her final wish granted, she would never have to leave her husband again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my entry. It's specifically inspired by the lyrics posted in the summary.
I hope you like it!
<3 Amber