Status: in progress

Toni Stark

Chapter 14: I am trying to sleep, goddamnit!

Ungodly late....

Tony and I had spent the rest of the day in the lab working on my suit and it was coming along brilliantly, around 8 o'clock Bruce had called and the three of us went for sushi. Tony dubbed us THE SCIENCE ALLIANCE. And now I stumbled into my room, completely unaware and uncaring of what time it was and flopped dramatically onto my bed with just enough time to take my shoes off before conking out.

I had been asleep for a while before I felt something messing with my nose. Half-asleep I batted the offending annoyance away. It did not go away. In fact it became more annoying. I huffed and rolled over. This tactic did not succeed, much to my chagrin. It was a sort of tickling, for a second I thought of Mittens, Bruce's cat, but what the hell would Mittens be here ruining my sleep for. I resisted the urge to open my eyes. There was a definite presence(much larger than a cat) in my bed. I squirmed under the covers more. The disturbance continued.

This time when I flicked my hand the irritant way it made actual contact with the offender. It felt like a hand, I could tell (even in my sleeping state) that it wasn't Tony, the hand was too soft. Tony had rough hands from constant tinkering,building, and crime fighting. These hands were soft and thinner than Tony's. I liked Tony's rough hands, they were comforting. These ones were just annoying the living piss out of me.

I rolled over and squirmed again, pulling the covers well past my head and curling into a small ball. I heard a chuckle, it was deeper than Tony's and more smooth, it was sarcastic though, but in a different way. When I felt the covers start to be pulled on I clenched them with all my might down. “Nmnmnarrraaaa. Nooooooooo.” I grumbled forcefully, hoping to deter this intruder of my peaceful slumber.

This tactic also failed. The covers continued to be tugged on, the chuckling continued to be emitted in a sarcastic, “Eheheeeheeheehehe.” It was a kind of giggly chuckle, Tony's chuckle couldn't sound that cute and girly if he tried. The duvet had been dragged off my head, and this infuriated me, “FUCK OFFF!” I yelled grabbing the duvet back. Something pulled me so I was flat on my back and the soft hands were a hella lot stronger then expected, when they clenched around my hands there was no squirming out of the grip. I finally decided it would be a good idea to open my eyes.

And there he was, albeit less metal then earlier, it was him. Loki. God of mischief alright. “Hello, again, Toni.” he purred. I squirmed against him. “What's wrong with you?” I asked viciously. He considered it for a moment. “Didn't you say daddy issues earlier.” he said leaning over me. I struggled to get him off, I knew it was no use calling Tony since he was four rooms away. He started up with that laugh again,”Eheeeheheheheeehee,silly mortal, you even try to escape my grasp, it's really rather useless just to attempt it.” I glared with the intensity of the sun, “EEEHEEEHEEEHEEE” I mocked.

“You're feisty, aren't you? I like that.” Said Loki. “I like that.” He stated, brushing one of his soft hands on my cheek. Loki leaned in to the point he was almost laying on me and put his nose next my ear. He dragged his nose over my cheek in a nuzzle? I honestly had no idea what he was doing. And with my face still warm and tingly from the contact, he disappeared in a puff of smoke. I breathed out a sigh of relief that the box of cats was gone and I was free to sleep, resolved to tell Tony in the morning.
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Heylo, guys, yay for another day, another chapter. And I didn't fail my geometry exam! :) Sooo......About some comments? Comments are like Loki Laufeyson's, damn sexy. So give me one. cos I want one. Much love <3 ~m