Status: in progress

Toni Stark

Chapter 1: Who's up for shawarma and the rules of Stark?

Three days after the award ceremony...

I drop my bags in middle of the room, took a step forward and plopped on the couch. I was exhausted, in the past three days I'd flown from New York back to Ohio (where I was from), went to court, packed up all of my belongings, said good-bye to all of my friends,had to get my school crap sorted out, got into a huge fight with my parents, and flew back to New York. So I was pretty damn tired. I was just laying there on this couch in some part of Stark Tower Miss Potts told me to go to wait in and dozed off. I kicked my red converse off and curled up better. I was so tired I could die.

I heard a noise that sounded like an elevator opening. But, I was in that kinda strange world between awake and completely unconscious, so I didn't react to that or the sound of footsteps on carpet and the crinkling of a paper bag.

"Hey, kid? Hey, kid, you in here? I have food. JARVIS, is she here?"
"Yes sir, on the couch, vitals suggest she is asleep."
I rolled over and buried my head into the back of the couch trying to ignore the noise. The footsteps advanced.

"Hey, kid, C'on. Get up. Sleep is for the weak." A pillow thudded against my head. I sighed, so much for sleep. I sat up and looked at Tony Stark. He stood in front of the couch holding a large paper bag. He was wearing an ACDC shirt, jeans, and of course sunglasses and sneakers. I yawned loudly and stretched.

"Mr. Stark," I began,"I am exhausted. I can understand if you don't want me sleeping on the couch, I get that. But, I NEED sleep." I rubbed my eyes and yawned again for effect. My mentor looked at me for a moment, considering something. He put the bag on the coffee table in front of me. Then, took his sunglasses off and hooked them on his shirt.

"And you've also had a rough three days and you gave me a fair point. However, I'm in charge and I veto it. Request for sleep right now; DENIED." My shoulders drooped abit in disappointment and I moved into criss-cross- applesauce position and I sighed again. "And stop calling me Mr. Stark, it's Tony. Okay? Oh, and I brought lunch. Ever had shawarma?"

"What's Shawarma?" I asked, a little confused. "It's delicious and that's all you need to know," replied the inventor. He reached into the bag and pulled out two roundish things wrapped in foil, then plopped on the couch next to me. "Here, eat it." He handed one to me. "okay."

Tony and I unwrapped our respective shawarmas, steam emitted from the food and there appeared to be some pita bread like stuff. Stark took a large bite and his cheeks ballooned out like a chipmunk. I nibbled mine a little and it was really good. I swallowed.

" Hey,um... Mr., why do you always call me 'Kid'? I've only heard you call me Toni at the ceremony, even on the phone you refered to me as 'Kid'. I kinda wanna know why." I asked fiddling with the foil on my shawarma. Stark, abruptly stopped eating and put his food on the table. He got up with out saying a word and went over to the bar/kitchenette on the opposite side of the room. "Dr. Pepper?" He asked opening a mini fridge and he pulled out two cans. He handed one to me and sat back down.

"Look, kid, I may be kinda narcissistic, however I still have an ego and a big one at that. So, there can only be one Ton(y)(i) Stark, and sweetheart, that's me."
"But, I'm not a Tony Stark. I'm Toni Haitez, we have different last names. And besides I'm not nearly as smart, awesome, cool, sexy, or anything else compared to you. I'm just some lame kid from Ohio that messed around with power tools in her dad's garage until something cool happened. I'm not even competition as far as your ego is concerned." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

Tony Stark looked at me and thought for a moment, then he rolled his eyes. "Really? Cuz contrary to your belief you are a Stark. I signed the court papers this morning, I am legally your guardian, which I feel was kinda an irresponsible court decision, don't cha think? But you, kid, are legally a Stark. And that automatically makes you smart, awesome,cool, sexy and a whole lot more. So, stop with the ~I'm not good enough,Tony, I'm too normal, Tony~ bullshit right now. Do you think you can do that?"

I sighed, as much as I didn't believe in myself, he did. "Yea, I can." He smiled. "Now the first rule to being a Stark is you must be confidant, or cocky, depends on who're talking to. Second rule, you must party. Hard. And thirdly, you be a bad ass. You think you can handle it?" This time I smiled. He winked, which was just great. "Awesome, now go get some sleep. We have a party to attend later, and when I say attend I mean crash. You're room is next door on the left." I nodded, picked up my bags, and went into my new room. I was already starting to love this guy.
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God, I love Tony Stark. Once again, please be a wonderful person and comment. The Starks fucking love comments. If you comment on mine, I WILL comment on yours. ~m