Status: in progress

Toni Stark

Chapter 7: Let's get confrontational.


I groggily sat up in a large and very comfy bed, I had the sheets death-rolled around me and the duvet kicked to the floor. I stretched out then fell back to the bed. I sighed, remembering the events of the previous evening. I had my first kiss, from Bruce Banner. I fell asleep snuggled with Tony Stark, twice. I rode in a Ferrari. Not bad for my first night as a Stark.

I finally managed to pull myself from the intense comfort of that bed, to look for Tony. I yawned, stretched again and walked into the living room. Tony was sitting on the couch looking at what appeared to be a book very closely. I went a grabbed some orange juice out the fridge. When, Tony noticed me he threw the book under a cushion and started whistling.

"What's up with you?" I asked sitting on the couch. "Nothing, I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't think you're awake fully yet, drink your orange juice. Do you want some coffee?" I was puzzled by his behavior. "Whatever." Tony stood up and got out two coffee mugs. While, he was up I looked under the cushion to see what Tony had been reading.

"TONY, I CAN'T FUCKIN BELIEVE YOU!" Tony almost dropped the coffee. "What?" I was going to kill him."THAT'S MY DAIRY! YOU SELF-ABSORBED BASTARD!" I threw the cushion at him. "Look, it's not my fault you hid it under your bed, I mean seriously cliche. I thought you were better than that, like hiding it under the sink or something." I glared with enough fury to set a fire.

"I just wanted to learn somethings about you,for instance,you find Ian adorable. Whoever that is. Which I'm assuming is the Ian you went out for ice-cream with on May 16, according to this. And there' s a chapter dedicated to me,you're so kind. And I quote,'if I ever met Tony Stark, that man would get hugged so hard, unf.'And there are similar things written about Bruce and Captain America and you unf a lot, which I don't get. Is that a sound or an acronym? Unf, what does it mean? But Captain America, really, have you met that guy? He's got a stick shoved so far up his," I glared more,

"TONY, SHUT UP." I yelled. He looked shocked that I was yelling at him. "Unf." he said smirking.
Tony grabbed the book and rifled through it. "Ah, here we go. Here's another one. 'was watching the news yesterday, when I saw a clip of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner hugging. I watched carefully though and saw Stark get a little grope on Banner. Omg, unf. Nerdgasm. All the love for the best scientists in the world. They are defiantly the sexiest. Just unf.' And of course there's more. Maybe we should just sleep together now to relieve all of this mind-boggling sexual tension? Oh, wait we already did." Tony continued.

"TONY STARK, GODDAMN IT, WILL YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU, THAT'S MY DAIRY, THAT'S PERSONAL, AND PRIVATE! AND YOU VIOLATED IT!" I shouted. I could feel my face heating up and tears start to blur my eyes. Tony didn't understand. Tony didn't know everything. I could tell why he wanted to read my diary, it was because Bruce said I had a crush on them and Tony wanted to see for himself.

"Miss Stark, I feel it necessary to warn you that your blood pressure is reaching a critical level. If you don't relax you will over stress the circuitry in your heart." Piped up, JARVIS. I took a breath and calmed down. Tony's face dropped to that of uber-shock."Thanks JARVIS."

"What is the computer talking about,Toni?" He asked dead serious for the first time since I'd known him. I sighed and pointed to the blue, glowing spot in the centre of Tony's chest. "Did you really think that you were so singular, so one of a kind? Do you remember getting a call, about six months ago from a team of cardio-vascular surgeons for an arc-reactor?" He nodded.

"Well, there was this girl who had this terrible thing happen, she had this weird genetic mutation that caused her blood to have really high levels of iron, like super high, like shouldn't be alive high levels of iron. Well, one day she went to the doctors and they took a test and she had cancer. And the cancer did a really weird thing to all the iron in her blood, it took it and clumped it together into little shards. Confused, the doctors called in Dr. Bruce Banner to design a specific radiation treatment for her. After awhile it started to work and soon the cancer was gone. But, all those little shards were still there and they clumped together and became bigger shards. And soon, they started ripping her heart apart. The doctors called Tony Stark and he gave them an arc-reactor, they installed it like a battery. And now she shines." I reached up my shirt and removed the fabric patch I kept over my little battery and the blue glow spread out from my shirt.

Tony stood awestruck. "I'm sorry," was all he mumbled before he pulled my into a giant bear hug and he held me like that for a long time. "See, I told you, you're Stark material." I wormed my way into a comfortable position and just sat breathing in the relaxing scent that was Tony and watching as the light from our reactors touched. I tapped his, then mine, they made the same noise, the same dull, glass thud. And something was very reassuring about that.
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I know, an emotional chapter, when I was thinking the basic story up I had thought that Tony absolutely had to read Toni's dairy and originally Toni was going to be missing an arm and have a robotic one like that of the suit. But I thought that this was more symbolic (look at me being all serious)and emotional. Don't worry this won't change Tony any. He's still a flawless bitch. Oh and remember comments are like arc-reactors, every one is precious and shines! much love. <3 ~m