Status: Still Forming in my Mind :D



He was standing by the railing on the twentieth floor, his hand steadily rubbing his chin. The sight stretched out in front of his was gorgeous, marred only by the huge blood stain below the balcony.
"And we're sure she jumped on her own?"
"yes, sir."
He narrowed his eyes and placed one hand on the railing.
"Who was she?"
The boy behind the man sighed and refrained from rolling his eyes. Clearing his throat, he prepared to list off the profile.
"Her name is-was, Kathrine Maple Lagoon, age 22. She-"
"Related to Charles Lagoon?"
The boy bit his lip, and shrugged.
"I'll look into that sir"
"See that you do."
The boy looked back down at his notebook.
"She has to record, not even a parking violation. No one in the apartment complex knows her. That's all we've got in two hours you gave us"
The boy bit out the words, harsher then his usual informing tone.
"Jackson, I gave you an hour and a half, the last half hour was to go on a coffee run."
"It's on the table sir."
Jackson looked up, and gasped.
The man was standing on the railing, his hands tucked into his coat pockets. Jackson worriedly dashed forward, intending on catching the man.
"Please get down!"
"I think she jumped a little to the left."
He tried to shuffle his way, but started to totter forward. Jackson leaped forward, and grunted as his employers weight landed on him.
"She had to have jumped on her own. The updrafts strong enough to push one back in."
Jackson squirmed out from beneath him and grunted. "
"You really shouldn't do that sir."
Suddenly a knock startled them off the floor. Smoothing down their clothing Jackson stepped to the door and opened it.
"Henry Theiston?"
A smart man snapped to attention. Jackson closed the door behind him, eying the man suspiciously. He was one of the undercover cops that went around the area. Henry noticed Jacksons scowl and lightly shook his head.
"You have the right man."
"Good. I have some information concerning Kathrine Lagoon?"
Henry nodded and Jackson slid his notebook out from his coat pocket.
"Continue" Henry commanded one Jackson had opened the notebook to a new page and found a stubby pencil from his pocket.
"Kathrine Maple Lagoon, daughter to the recently disappeared Charles Lagoon. She disappeared along with him, but signed into the apartments last night under a false name."
Henry nodded, and his fingers itched toward the packet in his back pocket. He glared at the 'No Smoking' Sign.
Jackson let out the man through the way he had entered.
"Do you think her father had something to do with it?"
Henry scowled and took a sip of the quickly cooling coffee.
"Yes, Jackson. Her father most likely had something to do with it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Second Chapter, I apologize if it sounds crude.
I love questions and comments!