Status: activeeee(:

Abandon Ship or Abandon All Hope

Before You Get Factored Out

"Now remember. No more kissing Louis until him and Eleanor are over," Beth reminded me as she walked out the door after our sleepover.

"I know, mum," I laughed, rolling my eyes at her. No kissing Louis for a while, big deal. I can do this.

"Blake, I'm being serious!" Beth whined.

"Chill, Beth. I'm not going to do anything stupid," I promised her.

"Good girl. See you tomorrow at work!" Beth called over her shoulder before finally leaving.

I closed the door and sighed looking around my living room. It was a mess of crumbs, pillows, cups, clothes, make up, and a bunch of other stuff. Pretty epic sleepover if you ask me. Cleaning up after an epic sleepover? Not so epic. But it had to be done so I got to work. I put my ipod on shuffle for inspiration. Just as I was finishing up I heard knocking at my door. Well...more like pounding, so I had a pretty good hunch on who it could be before I even opened the door. I opened the door to reveal five boys that I've become quite good friends with standing there with grins on their faces.

"Miss me already?" I joked. I swear these boys could be so clingy.

"Every moment that we're apart, darling," Harry said with a wink.

"You cheeky little monkey," I laughed, rolling my eyes at him.

He just grinned back at me and I noticed Louis glaring at Harry. Nobody else seemed to notice though as they all just barged right on into my house. Just as I closed the door I noticed my music was still playing. I recognized the song as The Only Thing You Talk About by D.R.U.G.S. I went to go turn it off but I didn't get there before Craig Owens screamed out "I knew that as soon as I left you'd go and fuck someone else you whore". I turned around to see the boys all staring at me. I started laughing at all their facial expressions. I mean come on, D.R.U.G.S. isn't that hardcore!

"What kind of music do you listen to?!" Liam asked, looking rather frightened.

"Anything I like," I replied. " there a reason you all came here today?"

"We're hungry," Niall stated.

"And I come into this how?" I asked.

"We want you to come to lunch with us," Zayn said.

"Okie dokie," I said, walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Liam called after me.

"To get dressed duh," I called back.

"But I'm hungry now," I heard Niall whine, right before I stepped into my closet.

I got ready quickly throwing on some light wash denim shorts, a white banded dolman top with a navy vertical striped back cardigan over it and a bright green ruched sleeve blazer. I put on a thin belt and some jewelry. I did my make up in record time and just let my hair stay natural. A knock sounded on the door as I was pulling on my brown combat boots.

"Come in," I called.

Louis stepped in and my breath caught in my throat. He looked so attractive today and I just wanted to grab his face and finish where we left off while I was in the towel yesterday. But...I must control myself and my urges.

"Almost ready?" He asked as he stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. Oh god, why did he have to do that? Don't shut the door and give us privacy!

"Yes sir," I said, looking anywhere but him. As he started walking toward me I busied myself with "finding the right handbag to bring" and putting my stuff in it. I jumped slightly as large hands fell on my waist and my body was turned to face his. I felt his warm breath on my lips and my resolve not to kiss him was dwindling. As he started moving in for the kiss, I moved my head back slightly.

"Won't Niall die of hunger if we don't get out there soon," I mumbled.

"He'll live," Louis breathed out.

I looked into his eyes and it was over. Beth's nagging voice in my head disappeared and I stopped fighting it. I pulled Louis' face to mine and smashed our lips together. This wasn't a romantic kiss, it was a desperate passionate one. Our lips moved forcefully against each other. Louis' slight scruff scratched against my smooth skin, driving me crazy in a good way. All our pent up frustration was poured into it. Louis' tongue pushed into my mouth and I moaned a little at the contact. But all too soon we pulled away from each other gasping for breath. I looked up at him to find him staring back down at me with a small smirk on his face. My gaze dropped to the floor as my cheeks heated up in a blush. Louis lifted my chin and briefly placed his lips on mine.

"Don't be embarrassed, beautiful," Louis stated and walked out of the room.

Great. Beth would not be happy if she found out about this. I hadn't even lasted 10 minutes with him. Stupid band boys and their good looks. I touched up my hair and outfit making sure I didn't look like I just had a make out session. I grabbed my phone and walked out to where the boys were.

"I'm ready," I said in a sing song voice.

"Took you long enough," Niall grumbled.

"Niall, I'm a girl. It takes time to look presentable when going out with five famous boys," I lied, smoothly.

"Whatever, let's just go get food," Niall said, rushing out the door.


"All better, Niall?" Liam asked after we all finished our food.

"I love food," Niall stated, smiling.

We all laughed at Niall, except for Louis. He was still attached to his phone, like he had been all of lunch. Without any warning he got up, with his phone held to his ear and walked out of the restaurant. My eyebrows furrowed as I watched him leave.

"Errm is that normal now?" I asked.

The boys all just shrugged in response, not really caring. I huffed out my breath in annoyance, sometimes being the only girl around wasn't fun. As we all got up to leave Harry's phone beeped, signalling a text message.

"Louis' gone to meet up with Eleanor," Harry announced, nonchalantly.

I felt a pang in my heart. I knew that technically Louis isn't mine, but it still hurt to hear. He basically just ditched me for Eleanor after we just made out. I felt trashy and used. Beth was right, I really shouldn't have gotten myself into this position.

"Blake, you coming?" Niall asked.

"Where?" I asked.

"Me and Harry were going to the shops and wanted to know if you'd come," Niall repeated himself. Him and Harry gave me expectant looks.

"You really want to go shopping?" I asked, skeptically.

"Yep," They both agreed. I shrugged and followed them out. They had no idea what they were getting into.



Blake and I were sat on her couch watching xfactor. Harry had gone straight back to his flat after shopping so it was just us. Which I didn't mind at all. I watched as Blake struggled to keep her eyes open, it was adorable. All the shopping she did must have tired her out.

"Come on, time for bed," I smiled down at her.

"Noooo, I'm awake!" She whined, sounding like a four year old. I chuckled at her, could she get cuter?

"Don't you have a photoshoot tomorrow morning?" I reasoned.

"Damn you for knowing my schedule," Blake yawned.

"I'll see you soon," I promised as I got up.

"I hope so, blondie," Blake said as she got up too.

She walked me to the door and I pulled her into a tight hug. Her petite body felt so small, but right, in my arms. I forced myself to let go and gave her one last smile before walking out. A small smile stuck to my lips as I walked towards the lifts. Blake was just so...perfect. I was crushing on her, big time. But Harry is too...I was so lost in my thoughts I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm really so- wait, Louis?" I said confused, as I looked up.

"Niall," Louis said, looking surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Just heading home from Blake's. What are you doing?" I asked, suspiciously.

"I wanted to apologize to Blake for ditching earlier," Louis said, looking uncomfortable.

"Ohh, okay then. I'll see you later, mate," I said.

Louis nodded and continued towards Blake's apartment. I got on the lift. Why does Louis have to go to Blake's place to apologize? At 1 in the morning? He seemed a bit off today. It was all just a bit strange, but it's not my problem I suppose. I'm probably overanalyzing the whole thing.
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sorry this took so long! My computer decided to die...twice. :l damn pcs. Anyways hope you like it!! Comment and let me know your thoughts pleaseeee i know it's sort of a filler :/