Status: Actively rewriting and posting.

Walking Backwards


I had gotten bored with sitting out on the porch, and had this weird feeling of being watched so I decided that it was time for me to go inside. I did everything that I was supposed to and then took a shower again forgetting to crack the door so I was trapped in the steam. I blow dried my hair and pulled back my covers and lay down. I hate that I lied about starting to sleep on the floor… the bed is way too comfortable.

“I keep saying how I need to find a good book to read but damn with all that has happened to me, I could probably write my own book. I mean… I don’t have a case like David Pelzer, but I’m sure I could write a few interesting things…” That was one book that literally brought tears to my eyes and makes me disgusted with how some people are. I roll over in my bed and pull the soft cover close to my chest. “Nah, that would require me actually working and being serious, ew.”

For some reason I imagined Edward smiling. I don’t know why he has been haunting me lately, jerk. I’ve never just thought about one person. But the way he looked at me and how he talks to me… I don’t know I get this strange feeling, not bad strange but good strange. I have to admit that I really like it. I turn back on my back the satin bedding comforting me as I look up at the ceiling.

It’s pretty wild to think that I survived almost getting hit by a van; that will be a tale I will enjoy telling my children. Well, you know if I ever have children, not saying I’m interested or not interested I wonder how Edward’s kids would look—oh my god, brain shut up for once. I glance at my clock and sigh exasperatedly. “What teenager do you know that goes to bed around six… This is ridiculous; I have got to get out of this town for a while.” It would be different if this town was a little bigger, but there’s literally nothing to do here… Well with exception to getting flattened by cars, I seem to be good at that.

After my ever so exciting day, hopefully tomorrow will be just as good and I can pick at Edward’s brain even more. “Guess I’ll have to wait and see,” I stifle a yawn then drift off to sleep, curling up into my covers tightly.

I found myself in a dimly lit forest. I can’t really recall how I got here; it all was very strange to me… Deep in my stomach I had a fleeting feeling of fright, yet at the exact same time I was feeling completely at ease with myself. Is that even normal, to feel calm and scared at the same time? What had me scared, I really couldn’t say. Maybe it was the shadows that seemed to dance around the tall dark trees. The trees were so tall I couldn’t see the top, and they were blocking out the sky or I at least think they were. The only light I had could only belong to a moon, but I couldn’t see clearly. I was wandering further into the thicket. I thought that I heard something; leaves were rustling and twigs had snapped. Was there someone here with me? Why would they be here? Who could possibly be out here with me? Wait, I said someone but I had a feeling it was more of a some thing.

“Hello,” my voice echoes and bounces off the trees. “Hello,” I try again, this time a little louder; I needed to know if I was alone or not. I needed to know if I was in danger. But nothing came, not a single sound. I was completely surrounded by silence. A silence that was increasingly becoming uncomfortable, I wasn’t safe. I knew this, but how? I could feel my heart beat increase, it was getting so loud that I heard it in my head and it rung in my ears.

“Don’t go…” I hear faintly, snapping me from my thoughts. My heart stopped, and I held my breath. I spin around as I try locating where the voice came from. As I was doing so, the forest changed and I was in a house, a house that was so familiar but I couldn’t be bothered by that. There he was, teeth glistening from the light of the moon and a pair of liquid topaz eyes. Those eyes… something about those eyes was unsettling, yet comforting in their own way. My tongue darted out between my parted lips.

“Do I perhaps know you?” I had started walking to this strange presence; this shadow of what I thought was a person. I don’t even know why I started walking; my feet just started carrying me. What was drawing me to him? Was it my own curiosity fueling me? Or was it his eyes where so many emotions and thoughts were swimming around? Who is he and what is he? Why is he here? Again I hear the same warning from the same person, but now he was vanishing, or was he getting further? I was following him and I was so close now that I could almost make out his features; I was now feeling like nothing could harm me. “How do I know you?” The corners of his lips twitched up in a remarkable smile. A smile that was showing every single tooth, two of which stuck out. They were not normal, but I couldn’t figure out how. I was reaching towards his face, I knew if I could reach him all my questions would be answered.

Beep. Beep. Beep. The sudden intrusion on my dream frightened me and I jumped out of my bed and once again landed face first on the cold hard-wood floor. “Ouch…” I grumbled while rubbing my face as I sit up. The dream fading fast only leaving a feeling of a warm blanket of protection, I was sitting there dazed as I tried to remember what it was… All I could remember were those eyes. Not the color just the feeling that I got from looking into those eyes—those familiar eyes.

I stand up and try to shake such a weird feeling so that I could get dressed; I pulled on a pair of black jeans, a neon pink thermal, a black vest, and pair of ankle high chucks. After putting on my make-up and fixing my hair I grab my bag and head out of the house, locking it up. “I wonder why I always fall off of that blasted bed. There must be something behind it… I know! There are evil pixies trying to kill me in the morning, it’s the only plausible explanation… or maybe I roll over on said pixie and they push me off? Maybe I should start sleeping on the floor, seeing as I end up there anyway.” I talk to myself while listening to Billy Talent on my way to school. I arrive ten or fifteen minutes early so I put the car in park and just sing along.

“My body is tired my souls excited and I wish that I was gifted. My body is tired my souls excited and I wish I had some spunk, she said I wanna run, I wanna hide, and leave this place like it left me.” I sing but jump when I hear someone knocking on my window. I quickly turn off my car, switching the music off that I so loved. I get out and smile. “Sup, Mikey?”

“You listen to some weird music,” He grinned pleasantly.

“Bleh, you just have no taste in music, sweetheart.” I mumble while shoving my cold hands into the warmth of my pockets as I walk away. Hah, I don’t listen to weird music, it is damn good music. Damn good.

“Bah, whatever,” he came up and lightly smacked the middle of my back causing me to stumble forward and wince.

“Jesus freaking Christ, Mike,” I yell while turning on him. My eyes go wide for a second, “I am but a poor fragile soul, please be gentle.” I smirk while trying to cover my tracks. Hoping he didn’t notice the pain that entangled itself in my voice. He looks at the ground and scratches the back of his head.

“Freak,” he mutters but was still smiling.

“Damn right, now shut up, you’re going to make me late.” I continue smirking until I reached the school building door.

“Whatever, you woulda been late if I didn’t pound on your window.” He nodded in a self-approving manner.

“So that was you last night,” I screamed as loud as I could, grabbing many people’s attention. I pointed a thin finger at him as he stood there confused, eyes bulging.

“W-What?” he stammered.

“How dare you, you… you pervert. Looking in my window at night… I can’t believe it Mike—I simply can’t believe you would do such a thing!” I scrunch up my face as if I was disgusted, and turned on my heels, walking away briskly. I left him there. He just stood still while people were walking around him talking about Mike being a peeping tom.

As I entered the class room, I couldn’t hold it any longer; I busted out laughing as I sat in my seat. I wish I could carry around a camera so I could take pictures of people’s reactions. Nothing could compare to something like that, but I’ll apologize to him when I see him just to make sure he isn’t mad at me, which I’m sure he won’t be. Well, I hope he won’t be.

“Why are you laughing, Jewlz,” Eric asked, sitting at his desk and getting out his books.

“Oh, nothing really, just a little bitty prank,” I was smiling victorious, well more like a Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. I was mischievous like that. They are lucky though, if they would have made enemies with me rather than friends, I would have been ten times worse. Friends, just saying that in my head made me smile.

“On,” he was smiling at me. Eric was cool kid once you got to know him. We talked often during this class; the teacher didn’t seem to mind since it was Eric.

“No one important,” I waved my hand around, but I’m sure he already guessed that it was Mike, since it was either him, Mike, or Jessica that I pick on.

“Class, class,” the teacher called for everyone’s attention as class was beginning,” Today we are…”

As the teacher opened his trap I tuned him out and turned my gaze out the window. Watching paint dry would be more fun than listening to him. Not to sound snobby, but anything he had to say, I more than likely already learned it in my last school. I mean, when you have hardly any friends you really do focus mainly on your classes so you don’t get in anymore troubles than you already get in. At least, that’s how I was.

Finally class had ended and lunch began. I didn’t really have much of an appetite, so I got some water and turned on my IPod. I started listening to Blink182, their humor entertained me… all with exception to the Grandpa Song… that was creepy. It was just wrong… I mean I can’t even explain it and I listen to some messed up songs.

“Jewlzie—Jewlzie,” Jessica cooed loudly as she shook me to gain my attention.

“Geez Louise, what?” I growled as I pulled out my ear buds. She just gave me a sly smile. I guess she couldn’t tell that I was not in a mood for talking, not like I had ear buds in my ear for crying out loud, but oh well. She’s my friend.

“I know something you don’t know,” she said in her little sing-song voice. I couldn’t help but look at her like she was stupid. Not that I didn’t think she was capable of knowing something I didn’t, I just can’t stand when people beat around the bush… only I’m allowed to do that. “Someone is checking you out~.” Mike, Eric, and I looked at Jessica like she was crazy.

“Mhm, yeah okay, I see. Whatever it is you are smoking, either share or stop.” I raise my hand as if I was smoking something. I smile as her jaw drops. I then set my elbows down on the table and was about to turn away from her.

“No, I’m serious; Edward is so totally checking you out.” I couldn’t help the reaction that came over my face. My eyebrows popped.

“Oh really,” I drawled. I rolled my eyes and turned to where he should have been sitting. Notice I say should. I scanned the room and saw him sitting at a table alone, smirking at me. I winked and gave a small wave. He lifted his finger motioning me to come over. I crossed my arms over my chest and just stayed where I was.

“Jewlzie-bug, just go! He wants you badly.” Jessica was snickering. I rolled my eyes once more.

“Whatever, you pervert,” I pushed her lightly while chuckling.

“He does…” She pushed me out of my seat and I landed on my butt.

“Fine Miss I’mma-send-you-to-hell-by-making-you-sit-next-to-Edward,” I yelled at her quietly while glairing as I grabbed my things and began my walk over to Edward, who was smiling in triumph. Half-way I turned around and stuck my tongue out at my so called friends. I mean, not like I was really complaining, this gave me ample opportunity to poke at him.

“Hullu Edward dear, what can I do for my hero,” I ask sardonically as I slide into a seat across from him.

“Edward dear,” he questioned raising an eyebrow.

“Don’t ask,” I said as I bite into an apple that I swiped from Jessica’s tray. “So, you rang,” I wave my apple around while asking in an accent. Yes, you could say that I was a bit over-dramatic.

“How’s your head,” Edward asked me.

“Oi, a few bolts loose but I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I smiled as he rolled his eyes.

“You aren’t eating much.” He stated a slight frown on his face.

“I don’t eat in front of large groups.” I reply casually, I trace the bite marks on the apple with my finger, avoiding looking at Edward. I had looked over to the table with his family and they looked away quickly. “Your family doesn’t seem too happy to see you over here… with me.” I glance up at him.

“Hm…” he shrugged his shoulders, not looking away from me.

“Big talker, I hit the jack-pot.”

“So, did you ever find anything to do yesterday?” he sat his chin in his palm.

“Yep, I streaked through the town.” I placed a finger over my lips. “But shhh, I told everyone it was because dinosaur ninjas ate my clothes.” He chuckled and shook his head.

“You have some imagination.” He was grinning.

“Yes, sir I do.” I saluted. “But seriously, I just piddled around.” I sighed dramatically while rolling the apple on the table. “There’s nothing to do, so I’m planning on heading out of town.”

“Really, why,” he asked.

“Hmm to get a new book, or maybe a movie… a really gory movie.” An evil smirk appeared on my lips.

“I take it you like gore?”

“Oh baby, how did you guess?” I feigned being shocked while pressing my hand over my chest. “Yeah, I just hate how some movies you can tell that it is completely faked.”


“Wow, has anyone ever told you that you ask a lot of Q’s?” I laugh softly while smiling up at him.


“Questions, saying q’s is way more fun.”


“Well, I should beat it. I’m done with this,” I motion to my now bruised apple and got up.

“I guess I will escort you to our next class then.” He grins, standing up and walked over to my side.

“Always the gentlemen,” We smirk at each other as we walk. While passing the table with my friends, I gave them two thumbs up and a wink to which they just looked at each other. They didn’t know how to take it and eventually chopped it up to hey it’s Jewlzie.

“What was that for?” Edward asked as we entered the hall.

“What was what for?” I feigned innocence which is one of my favorite things to do.

“Winking at your friends?”

“Oh, nothing really I was just being me.” I nod at my quick wit.

“You’re weird.”

“And you aren’t?” I furrowed my eyebrows while looking at him quizzically.

“Nope,” he was smirking down at me.

“Sure you aren’t.” I ran to the class room and shut the door in his face; I then raced to my seat as if nothing happened.

“Real mature, Jewlz,” He remarked lamely as he walked in. He shook his head and then walked to his seat and turned so that he could look at me more easily.

“I know right,” I giggled as he rolled his eyes then smiled. I stretched my arms out and laid my head on the cold hard desk, still looking up at him. “So…”

“So,” he repeated after me.

“Why me,” I ask in a tiny voice.

“What,” he looked at me, clearly confused now.

“Why me, why are you talking to me, I mean I’m like the freak.” I smile softly.

“You are not a freak.” He rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Haha… didn’t you call me a freak?”

“No, I called you weird,” he smirked, “which you clearly are.”

“Same difference, anyway why talk to me? There’s so many other ‘gals’ out there.” I am someone who loves talking in different accents, I guess because I’ve been to so many different places, I really couldn’t tell.

“You’re different.” He shrugged his shoulders indifferent to the topic.

“Well, of course I am.” I perked up a bit.

“Do you try,” he leaned on his hand.

“To be different?” He nodded. “No… I… I don’t know I am what I am, I guess. I’m sure it would be easier for me if I were normal.” I chewed on my lip as I was now leaning back in my chair, the front legs coming off the floor.

"Cliché, and what do you mean things would be easier or you?”

“Of course…” I leaned back even further. “Oh that… nothing I didn’t mean anything by it, just ramblings of crazy old me.”

“You’re going to fall,” Edward warned.

“Nah, I do this all the time.” I smiled while looking up at the ceiling.

“Mhm,” he sounded unconvinced.

“I d—“ I saw the ceiling rush past as I fell back on the floor. “Dammit Edward,” I rubbed my back and glared at him.

“What did I do?” He asked innocently, drawing circles on the table with his finger.

“Don’t think I didn’t see your spidery-leg creep over here!” I pointed to an imaginary line between our seats.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He looked the other way an air of hilarity sounding him. Oh such a comedian.

“Sure, and I’m Barney’s wife.” I picked my chair up and sat back in it, pouting.

“Oh, very interesting.” He smirked at me.

“Note the sarcasm, jerk.” I felt like flipping him the bird, but I smiled instead.


It was Saturday and I had already talked to Vincent about what I planned to do. He said it was fine as long as I was back in the house by 1 in the morning, otherwise I could sleep outside which was understandable. I mean, yes I do have my own key to the house so I could easily sleep in but I wouldn’t want to risk that. Also, since I am living on his, I guess you could say, his hospitality I should respect his rules… How do I get money? Vincent gives me an allowance weekly, amazingly. So other than his drunken tantrums he doesn’t do anything else… He’s like every other father or foster-father in my case.

I had learned something about him last week. I had walked in and found him at the kitchen table, his glasses sitting by a cup of coffee and he had a picture in his hands. I sat down across from him and asked him what was wrong. He looked up at me and wiped a stray tear from his eyes. “Eleanor,” he sighed. He told me about his wife. She died awhile back from cancer; they had been high-school sweet hearts. She was the one who had planted the flowers and had always wanted to take in a child because she could never birth one herself. But her cancer got so bad that they just wouldn’t be able to take care of anyone else.

It was thanks to her that I was here in Forks. After she passed and Vincent finally pulled himself together he sought out cases that people deemed hopeless. I now understood why he drank, I’m not saying it’s a justified reason to do what he did, but he was just a broken man, I don’t even think he’s aware of what he does. And I’m not going to bring it up to him.

After explaining things to me, he left. I was certain he went to buy more alcohol, so I didn’t want to be here when he got back and I didn’t want him to be awake by the time I returned home so I was going to spend as much time away as I possibly could.

The drive to Port Angeles wasn’t as long as I was expecting. I parked my car in front of a strip of shops and got out. I don’t really know what I’m looking for so I just walk around looking in at the many different dress shops. I don’t really think I look good in dresses, I don’t know maybe it’s just me. I spot an old looking brick building and my luck it’s a book store so I walk in and walk around. There weren’t many people in here so I just nodded politely to the clerk. I’ve always loved the smell of book shops, especially old books.

I found my way to the horror section and looked up and down at the shelves. Some of these were very old, but that may just be what I need. “Oh, cool an Anne Rice book.” I picked up The Vampire Lestat. I have read it a few times before, but hell I’ll read it again. I then pick up Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story by Christopher Moore, it seemed rather interesting. Enough with vampires, I sigh as I walk further down. “Hmm, I’m not one for spousal abuse books but… hey it’s Stephen King.” I pick up a little paper back novel called Rose Madder and head to the clerk so that I could check out.

I mean three books should hold me over or awhile. I’m one to read books over and over again anyway, if it’s a good book then no matter how many times you read it, it will never fail to entertain you lately it’s been hard to find books like that. I reach the register and sit my books down. The clerk smiles at me, “Don’t get many young readers in here.” She smiled, she had thin lips and her hair was white and pulled up into a messy bun with two pencils tucked away.

“Not surprised, not a lot of people read any more.” I shake my head disapprovingly. If it’s not a movie then more than likely the person has never heard of it, even then they are surprised that most movies are indeed based off of books. I believe that is why kids are becoming more illogical but that is a discussion for another day.

“Like the scary books, I see.” She was ringing them up, her hands a little shaky as she put them into a little plastic bag. He looked at me through thick cloudy glasses. She seemed like she would make an excellent grandmother, like… straight out of a children’s book.

“Love them, it’s my favorite genre.” I reply.

“Oh, I could never read a scary book, oh no no no.” She smiled, shaking her head. “Gives me the willies,” I couldn’t help but chuckle. This woman was so cute. I would definitely have to come back to this store. “That will be 7.05, dear.”

“Oh my god, really,” I was astounded. “These books are so cheap, are you sure that you rung those up right?”

“I’m quite sure; I only collect second hand books, besides no use over pricing books that people will enjoy.” She patted my hand. I shook my head as I handed her a ten then started walking out with my books. “Dear, you are forgetting your change.”

“It’s a tip for having one of the most wonderful book stores I have ever been to.” I waved as she smiled. The bell above the door chimed as I left. That little visit lifted my spirits even more. I found my way to a park and sat down on a bench and started to read Rose Madders. I have to admit, it’s a really good book. After a while I glance at my phone; I didn’t realize how late it had gotten. I now noticed the sun was beginning to set and street lines were coming on. I stood up, sliding my phone back into my back pocket.

I put my book back into the bag and began walking to a diner. I was hungry, no use waiting until I got home since I could eat while I was here. I looked around not many people were out so it was easy walking along the side walk.

“Well, hello,” I heard behind me but ignored it because I doubt it was directed at me anyway. I snapped around as someone grabbed my wrist. “I don’t think you heard me, I said hello.” I was now looking at man. He was tall, a huge nose, curly brown hair, green eyes, and a bit of stubble. He had a few friends with him.

“No, I ignored you; those are two different things now let me go.” I was yanking my wrist back.

“I don’t think I will.” He tightened his grip and pulled me toward him. I stumbled forward he then trapped me between him and the wall as his friends stood around, as if on look out.

“I will seriously scream rape,” I dropped my bag as I was struggling to get him to let me go. I was going to kick him but it was as if he expected that so he trapped my legs with his.

“I don’t care,” He shrugged bringing my hands up and holding them above my head. I was about to scream when he covered my mouth with his other hand. He was trailing his lips along my neck. His lips were dry and cracked and I was feeling dirty, he was making my skin crawl. I closed my eyes tightly tears were forcing their way through.

He then planted a kiss on my chest. I couldn’t help the sob that made its way to my throat. Just like that he was gone. I looked up, the rush of cold air hitting me in the face. I heard a loud clash and looked over. The man who was on me was lying sprawled out; rubbing his face and blood was trickling down his lip. I fell to my knees and was trembling slightly. Once he got up, they ran off, I guess not one for confrontations.

“Jacey are you okay,” I was confused but blinked as a hand touched my cheek. I looked up and practically jumped into their arms.

“I-I don’t even… t-thank you so much.” I was pushed back quickly, but not roughly. I looked up into the worried eyes of Edward; he kept his hands on my shoulders firmly.

“Are you okay?” Edward asked again, this time reaching up and wiping a tear away from my cheek. I nodded my head but I was still shaking a bit. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I stood up with the help of Edward.

“How… why are you here?” I was rubbing my arm as I now looked up at Edward suspiciously. “Don’t tell me you followed me here.”

“Don’t be silly, Alice and Jasper wanted to come here so I just came with them.”

“Yeah and where are they?”

“Here,” I heard someone said with a slight southern accent.

“O-Oh,” I now felt ridiculous and looked away holding myself tighter.

“Are you okay?” Alice asked walking up to me. She was concerned even though we had never officially met. I nodded my head.

“Thanks once again to Edward.” I smiled up at him. It was true he always had a way of showing up when things were turning nasty. I must say that it was very reassuring. But I’m sure it was just a coincidence.

Jasper and Edward shared a look and Alice wrapped her arm around mine. She started leading me down the side walk. Edward picked up my bag and was walking behind us. “So, Edward has told us so much about you.” Alice smiled.

“I have not.”

“Yes you have. Don’t let him lie, he talks about you all the time. It’s so cute.” Alice was giggling and I could help but laugh.

“Oh, has he become my little love sick puppy,” I turned my head and Edward just rolled his eyes. “Awe, are you jealous that Alice is holding my hand but you aren’t?” I jutted out my lip in a pout.

“Not in the least.” He shook his head. I looked over at Jasper and he was only smiling. Edward looked away like a pouting child would. Alice and I was laughing and cutting up as we reached a small diner. She looked at me then back at Jasper.

“I would eat with you but I really want to buy some new clothes, so maybe next time.” She waved a she dragged Jasper away. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Nice meeting you too,” I smiled. She wasn’t as bad as I thought she was going to be. I mean, I don’t mean to judge people but she just seems so perfect… and you know how that type of people act sometimes. “Aren’t you going to go with them?” I turn to Edward.

“I’m not really into girl clothes.” He smirked as he followed me into an almost empty diner.

“Really, I couldn’t tell.” I smiled. A waitress came over and I asked for a sweet tea. I couldn’t help but look up at Edward while looking down at my menu.

“I don’t think they serve just apples, so order some real food.” He crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing me. I couldn’t help but scrunch up my face.

“So order some real food,” I mimicked under my breath and rolled my eyes. Edward just chuckled as I looked up at the waitress. “Uhm I’ll have a bowl of the western style chili with some mozzarella sticks.” I folded my menu and handed it back to her.

“You,” she turned to Edward.

“I’ll have water, that’s it.” He smiled.

“Hey, you just told me to get food and all you are getting is water?”

“I’m not hungry,” he smirked. My stomach then decided to growl.

“Whatever.” I for some reason was feeling very shy now that I was sitting in front of Edward and we weren’t at school. “So,” I was cut off as his phone began going off.

“What… how in the hell did you forget me. Yeah—okay… Yeah I couldn’t tell thanks. I will, don’t worry. Shut up.” With that he pressed the end button and then ran his fingers through his hair.

“Alice,” I asked while sipping my tea.

“Yeah, uh, can you give me a lift to Forks.” Edward looked out the window.

“Sure, so they left without you?” I was suppressing a laugh. Edward just nodded. I couldn’t help it so I bit on my lip. Edward however didn’t look amused. Was I wrong to have thought that he may have feelings for me? He began to tap his finger impatiently on the table which made me feel even worse. My hands were now in my lap and I couldn’t help but wring them. I was getting nervous. He looked at me and then sighed.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. I looked up at him while chewing on my lips. “I’m not mad at you if that’s what you are thinking.”

“You sure, I mean I could take you back now and eat at the house I don’t mind.” He looked at me and I couldn’t place the emotion I saw. I looked back at my tea and pushed my ice cubes around with my straw. Why was I feeling so… so cautious? My heart was pounding against my chest.

“Jewlz, I’m sure.” He smiled. “Plus I want to see if you are actually messy.”

“What do you mean messy?”

“You know, I can just see you dropping food on yourself.” He chuckled.

“Oh shut up, I am not messy, I’m not a child.” I pressed my lips together. “Hm, so you do think about me?”

“What,” he looked a little alarmed. Bingo, let’s turn the tables.

“You think about me right; Alice said you talked about me all the time, now you are talking about me dropping food on myself. Is that some kind of kinky fantasy?” I leaned on my elbow looking at him.

“Hardly, as you said, I’m not into children who can’t feed themselves correctly. Plus, you can barely even walk without falling; you are a klutz.”

“Oh, so since I’m a klutz you can’t fantasize about me?”

“No that’s not what I said.”

“So you do?”

“No, why would I?” I was shocked; I mean I did ask for it. “Wait, Jewlz that’s not—“ I waved my hand and cut him off. My food was slid in front of me and started pushing my spoon around in the bowl. I took a bite and then sighed.

“You were right,”

“About what,” he still had an apologetic look on his face.

“I freaking dropped chili on my shirt.” He looked at my chest. “Hey, I said shirt not breasts.” I smirked as he immediately looked away.

“I wasn’t… just you… tease.” I heard him grumble. I smirked as I started to dab at the stain that was appearing on my shirt. Checkmate.
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Thank you Liilly for the comment :3

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