It All Started With A Smile

Chapter One

My name is Julia. I come from San Francisco but I decided to move to Arizona. I'm just another 20-year-old who decided not to go to college because I wanted to start a band. I met a few friends who were all crazy fans who idolized bands such as blink-182 and The Rolling Stones. That's probably what pushed us to start a band. I got Russell to play the bass, Josh to play the guitar and Patricia to play the drums. They were my closest friends and we never got into fights alright.

2 years after the band has started, we began going on tour with other bands as the opening act. That, my friend, is just the beginning of everything.

It was our first day on tour and I barely knew anyone. I recognize the bands but I don't really know them personally. They were friendly and all and I guess were just a bit shy. We played first since we were the opening act. It was surprising because the crowd knew most of our songs. I'd have to say that's a good sign.

The band that really caught my eye was The Maine. Besides their wonderful music, they have a very attractive bassist. Come on, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, right? I'd like to think that Arizona is preferrably the home of perfect bands after seeing all the other bands perform. All throughout their set, I didn't realize I had my eyes on their bassist. I think Garrett's the name, I'm not quite sure.
"You like him, don't you?" Patricia says interrupting my perfect daydream.
"Huh? What do you mean him?" I asked slightly confused with her question.
"The bassist" she said while pointing to him.
"Oh. Why'd you ask?" I said.
"Probably because you're staring at him. If only staring could kill he'd be dead by now" she said then laughed.
"Oh. I just find him attractive!" I said defensively.
"Julia. It's just the same" she said while laughing?
"Fine fine! Just don't tell anyone, okay?" I said.
"Okay. I'll just go get a drink" she said then left.
I don't know if I do like him. He's just so attractive and I just can't handle it anymore. Patricia came back carrying a can of soda and her camera and started taking pictures of each band member of The Maine.

After their set, they approached us and introduced themselves.
"So uh, hey I'm John O'Callaghan. I do vocals" John said extending his arm to shake hands with us
"Hey! I'm Pat Kirch and yeah I play the drums" Pat said.
"I'm Kennedy. That's all I'm gonna say because it's obvious that I play the guitar and vocals" Kennedy said.
"Jared Monaco. I play the guitar" Jared said and shook hands with us.
Right when I noticed that someone was missing, Pat said, "Where's Garrett?" we all look around and then he suddenly sprouts out of no where with a drink in his right hand.
"Garrett. Garrett Nickelsen. I play the bass" Garrett said.
"Well I guess we should introduce ourselves too. Hi. I'm Julia and yeah you know what each of us in the band do already so we don't really have to say it" I said.
"Yeah that would probably take too long" Garrett says.
"Hey, I'm Patricia. But you might as well call me Pat because my name's too long" Patricia said.
"Oh hey! We have the same name! But my name is Pat not Patricia because that would be weird if my name's Patricia and I'm a gu--" Pat says
"PAT! She gets it!" Kennedy says cutting Pat off.
We all laughed.
"So hey I'm Russell" Russell says.
"And I'm Josh!" Josh says.
Everyone talked and I was just there standing like an idiot daydreaming about Garrett Nickelsen. Wait a minute, that's just crazy! I walked over to Patricia who was talking to Pat and Kennedy and I joined in their conversation.
"--thing purple." Patricia says.
"Really? The color purple? I thought you like orange because your drumsticks are color orange." Kennedy teases.
"I like orange too, okay?" she said.
Right after she said that, I barged in and joined their conversation.
"Hey guys!" I said.
"Hey, Jules! Where have you been?" Patricia asked.
"Oh no where actually. I just grabbed a drink somewhere over there" I said.
"Oh. Why don't you join us then?" Pat says.
"Sure" I said and sat with them.
Right when we were laughing at Pat's jokes, John interrupts us saying that were gonna go to some diner and eat dinner there since the concert finished quite early. It was just around 8.30pm then. "Yeah sure. That would be great. Come on then. Let's go!" Patricia says.

It was a 10-minute drive to Fatburger from the venue of the concert but it was totally worth it.
"Oh God, I'm starving!" Garrett says.
We all ate our burgers with pleasure. Yup. That's probably the word to describe it.
I think a few girls noticed us and asked if they could have a picture with us and if we could sign their shirts. The guys were very friendly. They are used to this already. Since we were just new to this, we were just smiling to them and asking them if they're fine or something.

It was definitely a long night. We decided to go home at around 2 am and I was so tired.
"Hey Patricia, we could be drummer twins!" Pat says
"Sure! That's cool" Patricia said and waved goodbye to the guys.
I did the same thing.

When I lay in bed, I realized something. This was just the beginning of all the series of events that will happen in the future.
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