Status: In Progress

The Not-Love-Letters of a Serial Killer

Chapter 4

Do you remember that summer we went to Cedar Point for the day and some roller coaster attendant jumped in front of the moving cart? Well, he didn't jump. I pushed him.

I was having such a good time from the moment we got to the park. Ben and I rode every ride we could handle. There was one in particular that I wanted to ride, though. The Dragster looked petrifying, but I was sure ready for it! When er finally got to the front of the line, the ride attendant told me that I was to short to ride it. You know me, though. I'm not one to take no for an answer, but when I climbed into the cart he grabbed me by the armpits and pulled me back out. "No can do, Kiddo!" He said. Kiddo? Really? I hated being treated like a child. I'd caused too much damage to be treated accordingly. Still, you and Ben rode off without me. Everyone on the ride screamed and I wanted deperatelyto be one of them.
Strange- the things someone so young craved. It was me, and I still find it baffling that I found roller coasters so thrilling.
That was the first time I'd wandered off by myself. I played the part of a scared, lost little girl fairly well when you finally found me- if I do say so myself.
I do apologize for making you worry so much that day. That wasn't my intention at all! I was just so... Frustrated. I was so completely baffled at the fact that this adult could address em just as any other child. So, I decided quickly that I would show him that I wasn't just another kid. I happened to hold his life in my hands.

I waited for you and Ben to get off the ride, knowing well that you wouldn't be able to see me through the small crowd. I went in the way you came out and jumped the railing so that I was inside the fence, nearer to the coaster. Although I hadn't thought of it them, I was lucky that there weren't security cameras to catch me.
It took a little while, but eventually the same attendant noticed me. He left his station at the line to retrieve me. I made him work for it, though. He didn't catch me for a good five minutes, maybe more. I kept running and crawling into small spaced, just to see him squirm.
He yanked back on my hair and I surrendered, but when we got to the gate to get out, I pushed him. Stumbling, he feel back onto the track. He blinked a couple of times, stunned, and whats when it hit him.
The roller coaster, I mean.

I was gone when they stopped the ride. I'd found my way back to you and Ben and played scared. When we walked passed on our way out there was caution tape, police, and a crowd. It tooke all of my self control to suppress a smile.
Sure enough, two days later it was on the news. 'College student working at Cedar Point jumps the tracks to kill himself'. "Luckily, no one else was killed in his act of selfishness." They said.
The kid was a third-year student at Cedarville University, so probably a christian, and was twenty years old. Ruled a suicide.

For the first time I recognized why so many murderers were caught, why so many left a signature- they wanted credit. And so did I, but only for a brief moment. It faded as quickly as it came.
I knew better and it was just to my advantage that everyone around me were such fools. The only one I needed to prove myself to was me.

Baby Girl
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