‹ Prequel: Autumn Days.

Spring Days.

Spreading her wings, my friend took off still singing.

Spring winds blew the fresh dying grass clippings in swirls drifting them across the now short grass. It was oddly warm for an over cast day, just enough to have my hoddie sleeves pushed up to the elbows and gloves ticked under my head in some sort of a mini makeshift pillow. The trampoline mat moves under me as my best friend sits up, brushing grass blades of her clothes.

It wasn’t that big of a movement but enough to attract the attention of a male Blue Wren sitting on the fence across the other side of the yard. Its wings twitch like it wasn’t sure if it should fly away or not; if the movement was a threat or something harmless. I watch it relax and start moving its way towards the bird bath when she doesn’t move again.

A small lizard came scrambling out when the bird hopped on the bath edge and scurried in behind one of the big flower bushes full of bees that were planted against the fence, next to the bird bath. The bird looked shock for a moment but carried on with its daily cleaning.

“You think the lizard was annoyed the bird disturbed him?” My friend asked quietly glancing down at me for a second.
“I’m guessing so. I would be.”

I shrugged the best I could lying down and looked back over to the bird bath. The Blue Wren shook water around before flying over the fence.

“What do you think it flew away from? Us talking?” I asked with a small frown.

My friend made a small noise and moved to be lying next to me again. The bird bath looked rather empty without the little bird there and the lizard was still in hiding. Or all the way down the fence line.

“I hope not. Maybe its friends were calling.”

I closed my eyes to the thin layer of clouds that didn’t do much when blocking the sun. Another cool breeze slithered through my hair followed by a bunch of grass cuttings hitting my bare foot. I wiggled my toes to the fluttering feeling but didn’t bother to look if had gotten all over me again.

“If I called would you come flying to me?” I whispered.
“As long as you did the same.” She replied just as quietly.

I smiled slowly opening my eyes looking at where she was sitting. A female Blue Wren chirped happily hopping across the black mat of the trampoline until it reached the safety blue mat that hid the springs.

Spreading her wings, my friend took off still singing. Leaving only drying grass blades where she once sat.
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Hope you liked it :)