Sequel: Smoke and Ashes

Smoke And Mirrors


I woke up the next morning, still wrapped in Andy's arms. I saw that he was asleep and I was just going to lay there until he woke up when a better thought crossed my mind. I angled my head to meet Andy's, and pressed my lips to his. I could tell that my plan had worked when I felt Andy kissing me back. He glided his tongue on my bottom lip. I refused to give though. When I heard him whine I was satisfied and opened my mouth. His tongue instantly filled my mouth, making my head spin. I couldn’t focus on anything besides the man beside me, until he became the man on top of me. Our mouths moved slowly together. When I felt Andy's hand slide down my back, I pulled away from the kiss and got out of bed.

"What did you do that for?" Andy whined.

"I wanted to see if kissing you would wake you up. I have to say the results were satisfying." I said with a smirk, knowing that that wasn't what he was talking about.

"Well that's good to know but what I mean is why did you pull away?" Andy said sitting up in bed. I bent over to hover above the bed and whisper in his ear.

"Because I'm an ass like that." I said before I pulled away once more and made my way into the guest bedroom.

I picked a pair of red skinny jeans with a black Hello Kitty tank top. As I made my way out of the room with my clothes in tow, heading for the bathroom, I ran into something. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was. Once I saw the hooves in front of my feet I knew who it was.

"W-what are you doing here, Yu- Yuske? How did you find me?" I asked scared out of my mind. I don’t know why I didn’t yell for Andy, but I didn’t.

"I need to talk to you." Yuske said, ignoring my questions. Just as he was about to say something else, Andy's bedroom door opened, and Yuske was nowhere to be seen.

"What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost." Andy said trying to hide some of his fear with a small smile. I shook my head before responding, returning Andy's smile.

“Nothin’. I thought I saw something. It's ok." I said before slipping into the bathroom.

Once I was alone with door closed completely behind me, I slid down to the floor in front of the door. I pulled my legs up to my chest and grabbed at my hair with both hands.

What was he doing here? Where did he go? Where did he come from? What did he want with me? These thought kept running through my head but the one that stuck out was, ‘Was he ever even here in the first place?’

"Ashley, are you sure you’re ok?" Andy asked from the other side of the door.

"Yea. I'm fine." I yelled back, not really believing it.

I got off the floor and walked over to shower talking my clothes off as I walked and throwing the clean clothes onto the sink. Once in the shower I just stood there for a few minutes. I finally decided to actually take a shower and wash my hair slowly. Next my body. As soon as all the soap suds slid off my body, I turned off the water and walked over to the sink. I grasped my towel that was waiting there for me. I carefully patted the 'OUTLAW' tattoo on my stomach. Then I grabbed the A+D Ointment and put it on the tattoo. I hadn't really had much of a chance to clean it since I got it, but I had time now so I figured that I would do it. When the tattoo was nice and greasy I picked up my clean clothes and put them on.

I set off to find Andy, walking slowly. It seemed like after my "encounter" with Yuske, everything slowed down. I found Andy in the kitchen standing in front of the sink with his back to me once again. The instant my eyes landed on him everything that was troubling me went away. I walked over towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Andy jumped and screamed when contact was made. It sounded like I had hurt him.

"WHAT'S WRONG?!" I asked worried.

"Nothing. You just startled me. That's all. Mama always told me that if people try to touch me then I should scream blood murder. Plus I’m not use to living with other people yet." Andy said relaxing and turning around in my arms to face me. When he spoke, he had a smile on his lips that was so beautiful it about took my breath away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.....For once." I said.

"I know, you’re just naturally quiet. I kind of like it. It keeps me on my feet." Andy said, his smile growing bigger. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss to my forehead before letting me go and walking to the fridge. He came back out with 2 bottles of blood, tossing one to me before opening his.

"So, what are the plans for today?" I asked.

"I don't know. What would you like to do?" Andy asked.

"I heard the fair’s in town. Can we go?" I asked a little embarrassed. Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to go to the fair, but I was never able to because we never had the money. Up until this point when I have no money of my own, I always thought that it would be impossible to not have enough money for the fair.

"Ok. Let me go change and we'll leave." Andy replied before walking off. It wasn't until I saw his beautifully shaped ass walking off that i noticed he was still in his pj's. I was mesmerized by the sight and didn’t snap out of it until Andy got to the stairs. I was so thankful that he hadn't caught me looking at him.

I turned around to go farther into the kitchen, but was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Yuske standing there.

"Come on!" he growled, pulling me into his arms. When a black hole appeared behind Yuske, he grabbed the bandanna, which I had been caring around, out of my hand. He blew on it then threw it to the floor. I was confused, but did care as I tried to scream and fight back, but I couldn't. My entire body was paralyzed.

Yuske started stepping back into the black hole and I watched as it closed in front of me. In seconds my world was black. The only thing I could think about was Andy. I wanted to know if he would know where I was or how to get to me. ‘Would he even know I was gone?’ Came a thought from the back of my head. I quickly pushed it away not wanting to think about that possibility. After only a short amount of time the darkness started getting lighter and lighter until I could move and see again.

I quickly looked around at my new surroundings. I saw that right beneath me was nothing but a giant pool of lava. I closed my eyes waiting for the moment that was sure to come at any time, when I would fall into the lava and die. After a few seconds of not falling I opened my eyes and looked up at Yuske. He was lying down in the air with my back pressed against his stomach. Every now and then I noticed the black wings that were flapping on his back. The wings were in bad condition. They were torn and had holes on the ends of them. The wing itself was covered in scratch marks and scars.

We flew inside of a cave that glowed red from the lava that covered the ground under us. I couldn't take it anymore I had to ask.

"Where are we?" I asked Yuske looking up at him.

"Hell." that was all he said, never once looking back at me. I wasn’t sure if he was being serious or not.

Before too much longer we came in sight of a giant rock that looked more like a bridge that was connected to either side of the cave walls. Yuske started for it. When we got closer I saw a huge black castle that was made of cooled lava. In no time we were on the ground in front of the castle. A huge red creature came walking forward. It had huge black horn and giant sharp teeth. He made Yuske, who was 3 times bigger than me, look small compared to him. It stopped walking right in front of me and Yuske. Yuske's arms were still wrapped around my shoulders. I jumped when the red creature raised a hand to Yuske and smacked him so hard across his face with so much force that it sent him flying.

"You know better than to stay with guests and not bow to me, you stupid piece of shit!" the creature yelled in the direction Yuske had landed in. Yuske didn't make a move or a sound; he just lied on the ground. "Now then." the creature said looking at me this time.

"Listen carefully bitch! I hate repeating myself so I'll only say this once. You're in this shit hole because I need you. You’re a new fucking demon and your powers are good for the fucking taking. Meaning you will be my damn soldier, but we'll talk more about that later. By the way, my name's Satan and you’re in Hell bitch!
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Omg! Ashley's in Hell! What is Satan planing? Will Andy be able to save Ashley or will he be to late? Find out in chapter 11 ^_^
