Status: Back after a little hiatus! Updating as much as I can!

I'm Alright Like This

And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay.

I woke up the next morning and mentally cursed myself for not closing the shades before falling asleep. I rolled over and turned my phone on and waited to see what messages I had received. It took ten minutes to get all the messages.

Most were from Alex. Few from Sam. Good chunk of them from Jenny. One from Jenny caught my attention. 

From: Jenn Jenn

I called her as soon as I finished reading the message. I got out of bed while it rang and put some shorts on. 

"Hello?" Jenny answered.
"What the fuck happened? Where is he?!" I yelled.
"I'll text you the address. I'll tell you everything when you get here. He got in an accident. Just get here fast." 
"Jennifer! Tell me what happened!" I got in my car and pulled out of my driveway as fast as I could. 
"Luce, just get here. He's asking for you."

I drove as fast as I could. I pulled into the hospital in record timing and ran into the hospital. I asked the receptionist where I could find Alex then ran to his room. I had never ran so fast in my life. I stopped when I saw Jack, Rian, Zack, and Jenny in the hall. 

"He said no one could go in until he talked to you." Jenny mumbled as she hugged me. 
"What happened." I asked flatly.
"He was driving home from your house trying to call and text you to see if you were okay. You didn't answer and he got distracted and ran a red light and someone hit the passenger side but he still got hurt." Rian explained. I sighed and opened the door and closed it behind me and looked at him. 

I suddenly felt terrible for kissing Sam, for planning on dumping him after tour, for talking behind his back, for all of it. He was laying there because of me. 

"Hi beautiful." he said with a little smile. I lost it.
"This is all my fault." I said as I let the tears fall. "If I had just kept my phone on instead of shutting out the world, you wouldn't have gotten into the accident." I sat in the chair next to his bed and put my head in my hands. 
"Whoa whoa whoa, Luce, c'mon look at me." he begged. I looked up bawling my eyes out. "First, please stop crying. It's the saddest thing I've ever seen. Second, I would've ran that light even if I wasn't trying to call you. It's not your fault. I promise." he looked into my tear filled eyes. 

We kept talking as he laid there ad we talked about everything. I held his hand the whole time which kept a smile on his face.

"How long do you have to stay here?" I asked, watching my fingers lace with his.
"Just for tonight I think. They have to make sure my sprained ankle is just a sprain. Why do you ask?"
"I'll drive you home tomorrow. Maybe you could stay with me for a few days and I'll take care of you." I said without looking up.
"I would love that." I looked at him to see him smiling. "Can I get a kiss before the guys come in?" 

I nodded and moved to sit on the bed and pressed my lips to his. He held onto me like a was a teddy bear. Our kiss grew deeper and deeper until I realized the guys were right outside. Slowly, I pulled away.

"I'll go get the guys." I smiled as our lips disconnected and our eyes opened to the real world. 
"You tease." he smirked. I kissed his cheek then opened the door.

I stayed with him until visiting hours were over. I promised to be back first thing in the morning. When I got home, there were flowers right in front of my front door. There was a note in them that said, 

"Hey Luce. Heard about Alex. Hope everything is okay and I'm always here if you need me. Sam"

I smiled a little but then felt guilty instantly. I had to tell Alex what happened, even if it might hurt him. 

I opened his door slowly and saw Alex sound asleep in his bed. I smiled a little and sat in the chair next to his bed and watched tv for a little bit. I heard him moving around a little and looked over. I smiled when he opened his eyes.

"Hey sleepy head." I said running my fingers through his hair.
"Hi best girlfriend ever." he smiled. I put a smile on my face as the guilt rushed over me. I held his hand.
"Alex, I need to tell you something. It might make you mad and I'm really sorry if it does. I wish there was a better time to tell you this."
"Luce, please just tell me."
"Okay," I nodded a little. "I kind of made out with Sam before you came over the other night." I whispered so softly I didn't think he heard me.
"Oh." was all he said. 
"I'm so sorry that it happened. It's just..." I stopped.
"We're not breaking up right?" 

This question shocked me for some reason. It must've been the look on his face when he said it. He looked so worried, so scared. I knew right then that he really fell for me. 

"No, we're not breaking up. But I just think you should know that I had a crush in Sam before we met. He was gonna ask me out before you came along. But I met you and slowly fell for you. I know for sure right now though that my heart is yours." I said pushing some hair out of his face.

"Alex! Come in just slow down a little! You're not used to the crutches yet." I yelled at him. He was swinging himself into my house on his crutches.
"I'm fine! Trust me. I'll go on the couch." he waited for me to open the door and I stopped to look at him before I did. 
"What?" he asked. 
"Just relax with the ego. We have to make sure you're 100% healed before tour." 
"I know, Lucy. Just open the door please? I need to rest." I opened it for him and helped him to the couch.
"Jack's stopping by with your stuff soon. He's gonna help us out."
"Okay sounds good."

Jack stopped by a little later and helped move some of Alex's stuff into my place. He hung out with us a little. I made the three of us dinner then he left a little after that and promised he'd be by tomorrow. I sat with Alex on the couch and kissed him a little to distract him from his ankle. As if our little moment was too romantic and too perfect, the door bell rang. I got up and answered it.

"Hey Luce, can I come in?" Sam asked with his little smile.

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's taken me do long to update! I've been trying to figure out the new Mibba layout and such. I don't know why but I've had a total block lately. Feel free to recommend this story though! And comment and subscribe and keep reading.

Title credit: Stay by Miley Cyrus

Love & rockets childrens ;)