Status: Complete! Comments, please!

Young and In Love

Young and In Love

“What the hell is going on here?” The bartender stomped around from behind the island, giving me a look of death.

I didn’t know how to answer. Hold on a second. I need to get my story straight.

I looked at the drinks on the bar. My friends had left a few minutes before. I didn’t know where they were, so I went in search of them. And found them in the ladies room. All of them.

John, Mark and Jessie were sitting there with cigarettes in their hands. I inhaled and almost got a secondhand high. Definitely not cigarettes.

My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State.

“Guys, you’re gonna get effed-up and the bartender is getting suspicious.” I said, taking John’s blunt out of his hand.

“Dude!” He slurred his words.

“You guys have five minutes and I’m coming back in to get your asses!” I said with a smirk before leaving the bathroom. After all, my friends were just being their normal, fun, out-of-control selves. No harm, no foul.

I nodded to the bartender, who gave me another look, and grabbed my drink. I looked around. And there was Melanie.

My lover, she’s waiting for me, just across the bar.

I gave her a curious look, staring at the man sitting next to her. He wore dark sunglasses inside the bar. His entire demeanor screamed arrogance. He had Melanie’s hand in his own and he was talking to her quietly.

“You look upset,” he said. “Like you’ve been hurt. Tell me, what’s wrong?”

My seat’s been taken by some sunglasses, asking about a scar.

She and I got into a fight a few months ago and neither of us has quite gotten over it.

I know I gave it to you months ago. I know you’re trying to forget.

I didn’t mean to hurt her, it just happened. And now we’re over. It’s all over. I grabbed my drink and tossed it back. Then I grabbed Jessie’s and drank that down too. I gave Melanie and her new friend an understated look.

Between the drinks and subtle things…

“I’m sorry,” I mouthed to her, raising my eyebrows. “I’m so sorry,”

The holes in my apologies. I’m trying hard to take it back.

Tears flooded my eyes as Sunglasses walks away, leaving Melanie alone. I stood up and walked over to her, unsure. I sat next to her, turning toward her.

“Mel, babe, I didn’t mean it and you know that,” I said, the tears streaming now.

She put her finger to my lips shakily. “Ju-just t-take me home,” she stuttered.

She was drunk. Way drunk. I grabbed her hand in mine and she smiled, throwing her arm around my neck.

So if by the time the bar closes…

“Last call,” the bartender with the bad attitude called. He took our glasses and we stood up.

Melanie’s legs caved in and I steadied her. And you feel like falling down…

I scooped her up in my arms and carried her toward the door. I’ll carry you home.

The bartender called out to me. “What about your friends?”

I smirked. “Screw ‘em. They’ll be fine,” He looked confused.

Because tonight we are young.

“They’ll be gone in a few minutes, off to terrorize the next place that stays open late,” I replied.

So let’s set the world on fire.

“In their minds, they’re superstars.” I finalized our conversation dreamily. “And in my mind, they really are.”

We can burn brighter than the sun.

I started toward the door again, but we were interrupted once more. This time it was Sunglasses, Melanie’s new friend.

“Melanie!” he said, running up behind us. “Is everything okay?”

She smiled and put a hand on my face. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Andrew’s here,”

I found someone to carry me home.

I kissed her forehead and finally progressed through the door and toward our car.

Tonight, we are young…
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments! Suggestions! Critique!

Also please check out my other stories if you get the chance.
