In the Shadow of Your Heart


“You’re going to keep an eye on John while you’re on tour with them, right?”

“Harper,” Avery sighed. “John isn’t going to cheat on you. You guys have the perfect relationship.”

“Believe me, it’s not perfect,” I muttered to my best friend.

“I just don’t understand why I need to keep an eye on John. Do you not trust him?”

“Of course I trust him. It’s those stupid girls who only want in his pants that I don’t trust.”

Avery rolled her eyes. “Fine I’ll keep an eye on him. I really don’t think John will appreciate having a babysitter though, especially since we barely know each other.”

“You aren’t his babysitter. You’re just making sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. Also, even though you two barely know each other you can get to know each other. I really think you guys could be good friends.”

Avery shrugged but didn’t respond which meant that she’d do what I asked her to do. She may not be happy about it but she’d do it. Even though I trusted John I was still glad my best friend was going on tour with the guys. She was pretty shy and didn’t know the guys very well but I figured she’d warm up to them quickly.

I’d come to ASU for school after graduation and that’s how I’d met John. He’d actually gone to ASU for a year but we didn’t meet until afterwards. I worked at one of the local restaurants and had put my number on the receipt for the cute guy I’d flirted with the entire time he was eating. That guy happened to be John and here we were two years later. Avery didn’t know the guys very well because she had opted to stay in our home state of Oregon for college. She had started at Oregon University but was currently taking only online classes. She was a photography and business major and when the guys said they needed a last minute substitution for Dirk Mai as there tour photographer I immediately thought of Avery. She jumped at the chance to go on the tour and take photos and that’s why she was taking only online courses at the moment.

“It’ll be fun, Ave, I promise,” I tried to reassure her because I could see she was starting to second guess whether this was a good idea or not. Going on a three month long tour with people you barely knew was probably overwhelming but I knew she’d kick herself later if she didn’t do this. I also needed her to watch John for me.

I knew Avery thought I was some sort of psychotic, jealous girlfriend for asking her to keep an eye on John for me but I really wasn’t. I just got nervous when he went on tour. Girls flocked to him every night and made suggestions that could ruin even the most stable relationship. It didn’t help that John and I had gotten into a huge argument last night. I’d expressed some of my concerns, he’d gotten angry and said that I should just trust him, and then I’d gotten mad because he wasn’t understanding my point of view.

The white van the guys drove on tours suddenly appeared in front of my house and I knew this mean they were ready to head out. I turned to Avery and said, “Ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she mumbled before picking up her bags and heading outside.

I rolled my eyes but forced a smile and followed her outside to tell the guys goodbye.

“Hey guys, this is Avery, my best friend. She’s an awesome photographer and an even better person so be nice to her or else I’ll beat you up. Also, don’t hit on her or I’ll chop your balls off,” I said to the group of guys standing outside the van.

“Wow Harper, you’re sexy when you make threats and try to be dominating. That must be why John loves you so much,” Kennedy joked as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes and slowly walked towards John who was standing on the other side of the van so we could say our goodbye.

“I’m so sorry about last night,” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him.

“I’m sorry too. I hate when we fight before tour,” John sighed.

“I hate when you go on tour without me.”

“I hate it too but you have classes. I’ll see you in a couple months though and I promise to call every day. Just promise me that you won’t get all crazy jealous, okay? I’m not going to cheat on you.”

I nodded and kissed John one last time before the boys drove off. I still hated not being able to be on tour to remind John he had a girlfriend but I was glad that Avery was at least there to look after him.